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#76 - Week ending May 20th, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

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Updated: Online Booking Guide

The quick start PDF Guide for online booking has been updated this week - view using the link below

View Online Booking PDF Guide
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Granting Report Access

Did you know that FLEX allows managers to choose which reports should be made available to each staff role?

When new reports are added to FLEX they are not automatically added to existing staff roles - doing so could give staff members access to information they don't need or shouldn't see!

Check out our knowledgebase guide for more information.

How to: Grant access to reports
Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training to book a FLEX demonstration

Improve Loading Times - Set Defaults

Here are three quick defaults that you should set, if you haven't already, that will reduce screen loading time - choosing groups with fewer entries will load more quickly!

The default clinical billing filter sets which group of sales item are displayed by default on the billing tab in a clinical record.

Navigate to: Menu->Setup->Examinations->Clinical->Billing

The default extras filter sets which group of sales item are displayed by default in dispense screen, when you select 'Add->Extras'

Navigate to: Menu->Setup->Orders->Dispense

The default lens supplier filter sets which group of lenses are displayed by default in the lens selection window in dispense.

Navigate to: Menu->Setup->Orders->Dispense

DEV NEWS: Looking ahead to 1.5.7

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TILL: Paying Multiple Receipts

We are currently working on allowing multiple receipts to be paid off with a single payment. A new window has been added that allows receipts to be selected for patients in a family or at the same address (in case you haven't created families!). Select the receipts you would like to pay off and FLEX will do the rest - if paying less than the total balance the payment amount is split equally amongst the selected receipts.

Note: This will also allow one card payment to be taken to cover all receipts using the Windcave payment integration

Multi pay til

Latest Patches

  • HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically
  •  MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers
  • REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***


  • #052 - Online Booking
  • Existing patients who book online will now have their recall preferences updated when adding the appointment to the diary i.e. if they include a mobile number then SMS is added as a preference.

How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

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