#98 - Week ending March 24th, 2023

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop us an email or create a support ticket.

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Just a quick update this week to make you aware of the latest patches that have been released since last weeks T5 and also to introduce our newest member of the support team 'Luke'.

Latest Patches: v1.5.7.29 /30

HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically

MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers

REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***

  • #053 - Scheme Export (APT): APT export now supports AUDDIS as well as minor corrections to APT BACS export routine. MTS

  • #054 - Patient Account: Payments into the patient account are no longer shown on the VAT reports - they are included in the cashing up reports. MTS

  • #055 - PD Splitting: PD's are now split on Right Eye only and when no Left Eye PD has been entered. (applies to Sight Exam and Dispense). MTS

  • #056 - SAGE export: Updated so that total lines with a value of zero are no longer exported. MTS

  • #058 - OPS: Adds the ability to download additional payment plans and their prefixes.

  • #059 - System: Update to external service to support updated downloading of SF6 lens catalogues.

  • #060 - Dispense: Adds a configuration option to allow Rx to be pulled from the latest sight exam record instead of last dispense when copying a dispense. MTS

  • #061 - System: Update to deployment of HPP's.

  • #062 - Data Mining: Discovery now uses the correct colour banding for patient total spend if the setup is set to use % or £.


This week we introduce our new support analyst, Luke...

"After working as an English teacher in Barcelona for two years, I moved back to England just before lockdown hit. I used my time in lockdown to start studying Computer Science so that I could pursue a career in IT. In my free time, I enjoy going to the football (I'm a big Aston Villa fan!), playing football myself, learning languages, and also do some DJ-ing!"


Interesting fact - "I've technically been to North Korea before. I only took one step in the Joint Security Rooms but it still counts!"


Don't forget, if you want to book any type of FLEX training for your staff (remote / on-site or in our training room in Malvern) then drop an email to our dedicated training inbox -

  • Remote training is provided as part of your monthly fee
  • On-site training is charged at £400+VAT per day (6 hours)
  • Spaces in our training room are only £50+VAT per person (lunch included).

A reminder to get in touch, for anyone that has eGOS claims stuck with a 'Submitted' status - likely due to the PCSE service disruption at the end of last year

If you think this may be the case then please get in touch with the helpdesk team who can quickly free them up and make them available for re-submission.

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Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training for install questions to book a FLEX demonstration


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