Announcement from the Communications Office
To: All the faithful
From: Canon for Communications
Re: Online retreat with Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Date: September 8, 2022
Strong winds are blowing against us: the winds of white Christian nationalism, the winds of war, the winds of climate change. Like the disciples in their small boat, we may feel “battered by the waves” (Matthew 14:24). Let’s gather to pray for the courage to meet Christ in rough seas, the serenity to trust in Christ’s presence, and the boldness to bear public witness to Christ’s love. Our time together will include silence and guided meditation, presentations and small group conversation, and free time for solitary prayer and a contemplative walk outdoors.

This online retreat will be held the day before Faiths for Climate Justice launches 5 weeks of faith-based climate events (Oct. 2- Nov. 6). Please consider planning or joining an event, so that we can pray for you during our retreat. 
The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
An Episcopal priest, author, retreat leader, and climate activist, Margaret Bullitt-Jonas serves as Missioner for Creation Care for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts and Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, and as Creation Care Advisor for the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. She seeks to inspire and support a wave of religious activism to address the climate crisis, deepen reverence for God’s creation, and create a more just and sustainable society. (To contact Margaret, email
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