Cartoon used by permission of the artist Benjamin Slyngstad.
The Florida Department of Education recently approved a rule that teachers “may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence.”

A truthful curriculum, on the other hand, engages children in a much broader investigation of the past, emphasizing how racism and other forms of inequality were built into the foundation of the United States, how these inequalities have persisted and changed over time, and how individuals and groups have resisted and organized for justice.
We offer more than a dozen lessons for constructing a #TeachTruthSyllabus. Although you will not find the phrase “critical race theory” anywhere in the linked materials, you will find that these resources, like CRT, provide a framework for students to understand how racial disparities developed historically and endure today.
Make Your Pledge to Teach Truth Public at an Historic Site
To raise public awareness about the danger of the growing number of anti-history education bills — and similar local initiatives — we invite educators to make their #TeachTruth pledge public in gatherings at historic sites nationwide August 27 to 29. This helps the media focus on teacher voices and the history that will be off limits where these censorship measures pass.
Teach Truth Campaign Organizers Join ZEP Team
We are pleased to welcome Tamara Anderson and Debbie Wei, two skilled organizers, to our Zinn Education Project team to support teachers as they plan for the Pledge to Teach Truth Days of Action in late August and beyond.

When you sign up to lead a Day of Action event, one of them will reach out to you to offer resources and support.
Help the Zinn Education Project defend
teachers' right to teach people's history.
PO BOX 73038, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20056 
202-588-7205 | zinnedproject.org