Give Thanks-Grateful Heart

Dear Friend,

This time of the year always draws me in to take some time out of the busy-ness of running the company; to pause, and to reflect. Certainly, a momentous time to be living, with a lot of new and different experiences, navigating our way through a pandemic, yet still finding so many things to be thankful for.

All of us at Cheat A Little are healthy, safe, and remain hopeful for a better tomorrow. For this, I am extremely thankful.

We’ve been growing our clientele for over fifteen years now. The conversations I’ve had recently with a number of our loyal clients and friends, many ask me how we’re doing, and how the business is doing; genuinely concerned for our welfare. My quick reply is always, “thanks to you, we’re still here, and we’re moving forward.”

There have been many ups and downs over the years, good times and not-so-good times, a few lows, but mostly incredibly high achievements, with countless successful and truly memorable events. Please accept my sincere “thanks to you” for sticking with us this year, and every year. And, we look forward to seeing you over the holidays!

Thankfully, yours,
