November 11, 2020

The Daily Word is timeless. Each week in this space we invite you to enjoy a Daily Word reading from the past. 

The Daily Word
November 11, 1959

World Peace


I BEGIN THIS DAY with Jesus' words to comfort and bless me, and give me peace of mind. No matter where I am, no matter what I need to do, no matter what the conditions in the world are, I rely on the peace that God has given me to keep my heart untroubled and my mind serene. In this way I bless my world with peace and I contribute to the peace of the whole world.

God is the Father of every person, everywhere. Through His son, Jesus, He is making all His sons this promise: "My peace I give unto you." And we in turn can give this peace to others through our prayers and our blessings. Each of us who reads this lesson and accepts this promise for himself is doing something important toward the establishment of peace on earth. For peace begins in the hearts and in the minds of men.

Prayer reaches from heart to heart, across man-made boundaries, past language differences. As we pray for and accept God's peace, we are helping to establish peace and to keep peace.

My peace I give unto you . . . Let not your heart be troubled. JOHN 14:27.

Title: The Age of Aquarius

Description: We are now in the remarkable year of 2020, when The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 align in the sign of Aquarius. This is the beginning of a New Age, as Saturn and Jupiter will be aligning in an Air Sign. The New Age of Aquarius has been foretold for centuries, marking a new beginning for Humanity.

The bulletin for our Sunday celebration this week
November 15, 2020

Services are live-streamed at 10:00am. 

"See you there!" 

Please note, our Sanctuary is open to 4 or 5 congregants at this time.  
If you would like to attend in person, you will need to reserve your spot by calling or emailing the office at
610-965-3036, Option 1

Reservations, masks and 6-foot distancing required
Rick Stober is inviting you to join him on Zoom for a daily "coherence call" at 11:30am each morning. Feel free to join once a week or every day!  

Please join Rick for the Coherence Call via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 321 012 0432
Password: Rasur2020

Please join us for "greeting time" in our live-stream service!

Live-streaming will begin at 9:55 am! You can join the video and in the comments say "Good Morning" and send greetings to your fellow congregants as we countdown to our service beginning at 10:05.   
Title: The Sound of Silence

Description: Let us come together and enter more deeply the mystery of the God of our being. Begin to know God in the silence and in the joy of life as we appreciate the dance of contemplation and action.
Join your fellow congregants on November 22nd after the service for some "cyber fellowship" with a "Meet and Greet" with Rev. Sandy Butler. Rev Sandy is doing the service that day, and will be joining us! We hope you will show up for fellowship that day and get the opportunity to meet Rev. Sandy!

As our transitional consultant working closely with the Board, Rev Sandy has been a huge support to ULV and we are so very grateful for her leadership.

Rev. Sandy is really looking forward to meeting everyone!

So ... sign on with the Zoom link which will be provided next Wednesday and say "Hi!" to Rev Sandy!
Membership renewals went out in the US mail this morning.  Our bylaws require yearly renewal of membership. Please complete the renewal form and return to Unity of Lehigh Valley either by US mail, fax to 610-965-1100 or scan and email to  

Keep an eye out for your renewal shortly! If you have any questions, please contact Karen at or call 610-965-3036, option 1.

Happy 18th Birthday to Tylee Esbensen! What a milestone! Although we can't celebrate the way we would like to, lots of love going to Tylee tomorrow, November 12th!!

We come together as a congregation in mind and soul in affirming our right and perfect permanent minister will appear to us easily. 

Unity of Lehigh Valley continues to incur routine bills, even while we are not meeting in our sanctuary. Your continued gifts assure the ongoing work that we do and maintaining our building to return to.

There is a DONATE button on the top navigation of our website.
Donations include online and mailed in checks directly to ULV and encompass through 11/11/2020
Additionally, you can mail checks directly to the church at ULV, 26 N 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA 18049 or set up a weekly or monthly payment directly from your bank. Contact the church office if you have questions about how to get your tithe to the church.

What Are You Grateful For?
Thank you to Rev Sandy Butler for her incredible sermon on Sunday.

Thank you to Sandy Stober for helping to decorate the platform in the Sanctuary.
Contact Information
Unity of Lehigh Valley
26 N Third Street, Emmaus, PA 18049

Virtual Office Hours: 
Tue-Thur 8:30am--3pm
(Phone and emails answered during virtual office hours)

Office Administrator (Karen):