New Life Church Weekly Update

March 1, 2024

This Sunday: March 3, 2024

8:00 am Praise in the Park, Gilchrist Park

9:15 am Traditional Worship, Sanctuary

10:45 am Contemporary Worship, Life Center

Message: "The Gift of Hunger"

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-4, 11 

Pastor Mike Loomis

New This Week

  • Room 9, Temporarily Closed
  • Larry Keller Bible Study, March 6
  • Cancer Support Group, March 6
  • The Engagement Project, March 11
  • Sanctuary Clean-up, March 15
  • Men's Breakfast, March 16
  • Today Matters, March 16
  • Town Hall Meeting, March 17

Easter is quickly approaching!

This year we have amazing things planned for children and families in our community, such as crafts, games, food trucks, a petting zoo and a bounce house. These community events are only made possible through the love and dedication of those willing to serve. If you would be interested in assisting in some capacity, please email Becca at

Room 9, Temporarily Closed

Room 9 is temporarily closed due to renovations. If your group currently meets in Room 9 the office will be contacting you to relocate your group temporarily. Thank you!

Larry Keller's Bible Study

Wednesdays 6:30 - 8 pm, Room 13

We will begin a new study on March 6, "Thirty Amazing People in the Bible" by Dr. David Jeremiah. This study will cover both the Old and New Testaments.

If anyone is interested in attending on Wednesday evenings in Room 13 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, contact me and I will send you the link for the materials.  

I have already looked at the first two lessons, Jesus and Enoch and I can hardly wait.

Each lesson is followed by a "Life Lesson."

Larry Keller


Cancer Support Group

The Cancer Support Group will be holding our regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30 pm in Lenox Hall. (Please note location change) The Cancer Support Group is open to all patients, survivors, and caregivers. We are open to the community, if you have friends on a Cancer Journey, please invite them to come. Our goal is to bring “Hope for Your Journey: Coping with Cancer Through Faith.”

Engagement Project

Mondays, 2-4 pm in Lenox Hall for 10 weeks Begins March 11, 2024

Together we will grow to know Him more deeply and then to understand who we truly are, why we are still here, and what God has asked us to do.

Sign up by contacting Dave Prins, 941-639-3057,

Learn more about the Engagement Project: HERE

Young Life Gala, March 11

So far 120 members of our church have registered to come to the Young Life Gala on Monday, March 11, at the Kings Gate Golf Club, 24000 Rampart Blvd, Port Charlotte. The evening begins at 6pm with a silent auction followed by a good dinner. We will meet some of the new Christian teens during diner sitting around the table with church friends. Then a short program by the teens from our high and middle schools. Many expressed an interest in going but had to check their calendar or their spouse. This Sunday we will have the Gala Signup table available for you to get registered after the worship services. If you can not be there this Sunday, contact Tom Little, 941-769-0002. Registration closes Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday Lenten Services

Please join us on Wednesdays at noon in the Sanctuary!

March 6, Brian Smith

March 13, Earl Smith

March 20, Pastor Angela Hinchman

Help Us Shine the Sanctuary!

Volunteers are needed to "shine up" the Sanctuary in preparation for Holy Week and Easter. All are invited to join us Friday morning, March 15 at 9am in the Sanctuary.

All cleaning supplies will be provided. Please let Rosie know if you are able to attend,

Thank you in advance!!

Greetings from the Music Ministry

Hello New Life Church!

It has been a wonderful start to the Lenten season here at New Life Church. Our Choral anthems serve as a source of encouragement and strength as we work together to prepare each week. I count it all joy to have the opportunity to spend time proclaiming God’s Word through song for this wonderful body of believers. Won’t you consider joining us?

If you are interested in being in the Chancel Choir or the Chancel Ringers (handbells), please reach out to me. The Chancel Choir is meeting on Thursday evenings from 6-8 PM. We sing most every Sunday morning during the 9:15 traditional service. Chancel Ringers will shortly begin preparations for Easter if we have enough interest. I would love to hear from you.

Instrumentalists Wanted! If you play an instrument, I would love to hear from you. If you haven’t played in a while, don’t let that hold you back. I am interested in working with church members who could occasionally join in during a service. I can help you prepare if you need that. All musicians and vocalists in choir or serving through playing, are considered worship leaders. We strive to be faithful in that calling. Our aim is to...

Magnify the Greatness of God in Jesus' name,

Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Skillfully combining God’s Word with music,

Thereby motivating the gathered church to...

Proclaim the Gospel

Cherish God’s presence and

Live for God’s Glory

Our Anthem for this Sunday will be Love Will Rise, by Karen Crane & JB Taylor. It is a beautiful recount of the story of Christ dying on the Cross, with the joyful message and reminder that Love WILL Rise. It proclaims that Jesus rose from the grave and defeated darkness, sin, and death. Here are the words to the piece.


A lonely hill embraces loss

The Savior dying on a cross

His body broken, but not in vain

For Love will rise up from the pain

His mother’s tears caress the earth

This day the reason for His birth

Her baby wearing a crown of thorns

But love will rise up from the scorn

Love will rise! Love will rise!

Like the morning sun fills the skies

By the darkness, never bound

Nothing keeps Love in the ground

Love will rise, Love will rise!

A borrowed tomb awaits the dead

A place to lay the Savior’s head

His body buried and now will save

For Love, will rise up from the grave!

Love will rise! Love will rise!

Like the morning sun fills the skies

By the darkness, never bound

Nothing keeps Love in the ground

Love will rise, Love will rise!

Hymns this Sunday, March 3, 2024

#230 - To Mock Your Reign, O Dearest Lord

#499 - Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

#221 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

See you Sunday!


MaryBeth Khamis

Interim Director of Music

513-543-6994 (text before calling so I know to pick up)

Men's Breakfast

March 16 at 8 am, Lenox Hall

Please join us for our next Men's Breakfast on Saturday, March 16th in Lenox Hall at 8 am. All men are welcome! Angel Romero from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be our speaker. He is on staff working with Charlotte High and PG Middle School. We have also invited Cody Workman from Young Life since he regularly speaks at the FCA donut breakfasts with Angel and FCA spins off teens to Young Life.

A Continental Breakfast will be provided. There is no charge for this event, but please make

reservations by Thursday, March 14th by contacting Wayne Sharp,

Today Matters

March 16 at 4 pm, Life Center

John Galanti rose from a background that wasn’t easy, like so many others. While he enjoyed the love of his family, John always had this feeling that something was missing.

Once finding God, surrendering himself, and making a commitment to a daily spiritual journey, John began to understand what it was to have true contentment in all situations.

John is a Navy veteran, serving on the USS Missouri. Once getting out of the service John entered the beer industry which he has been in for the last 30+ years. John has learned how to incorporate God in every aspect of his life and is dedicated to spreading the word everywhere life takes him.

Please join us at 4 pm in the Life Center on March 16!

Town Hall Meeting

We will have a church-wide Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, March 17 at 2pm in the Life Center. Please join us!

To sign up for a time to pray March 24-31, scan the QR or schedule your time HERE.

A Word from Worship

Greetings New Life Church family and friends,


Here we are in the second week of Lent already.  As I may have mentioned, this time of year has become an important one for me from a faith standpoint. As I re-read the history of this time, I have a great heaviness about it. I can't explain why it's like this, other than as a Christian, to realize what Christ went through to save each one of us, is overwhelming. I've read that Easter Sunday has been known as the "Super Bowl" of Church attendance. I'll admit that growing up, it seemed that Easter was about new clothes, and shiny new shoes to wear to church. I am so grateful that with the help of my church family, especially my pastors and leaders, I now experience the 40-day journey through Lent in prayer so I can fully imagine how it must have felt to see the stone rolled away from the tomb. Can you imagine that moment? My prayer life changed and grew a few years ago when Pastor Mike shared with me in much excitement about a book he had stayed up much of the night to read. That book was Red Moon Rising and his enthusiasm was so contagious that I ordered it that same day. It led to the development of our dedicated Prayer Room and resulted in our first 24/7 prayer vigil. God has worked so many wonderful things in my life but after the prayer room, I learned to pray differently. I was always very quiet and reserved, but in the past few years I've learned to listen for God's guidance. I understand now why it's important for us to share our experiences with others.  God has consistently and wonderfully shown me how to step outside my comfort space in a way that I hope can help others. Honestly, I continue to have a myriad of health problems. But I have been blessed to share my faith with others. He has led me on the most amazing path of prayer. My prayer is always " Lord how can I serve you?" Can you imagine - He tells someone shy and quiet - "Start a prayer group!" So RPM -(Rosie's Prayer Moments) was born and continues to meet each Thursday at noon in the sanctuary. It's a great way to pray together and learn from each other. Please join us sometime.  

During Lent each year we try to do something special with prayer ‐ thus our effort to set our phone alarm for noon and say The Lord's Prayer wherever we are - which Pastor Mike mentioned in his message on Sunday. Please accept his challenge and join us in this prayer revival in our church. It takes only a moment of our time and the result could be huge. 


God has also led me to write these articles each week... I am always grateful and encouraged if something I share touches your heart. I love when we as a church family share special times such as the 40 days of Lent together, preparing our hearts to accept the wonderful gift of grace and love on Easter morning. In addition to these group prayer times, we encourage you to spend quiet time with God during this Lenten season. Let Him guide you.  It's not only about giving things up but maybe you'll be led to have a conversation you've put off for a while. Maybe it's spending 15 minutes each morning in the Word. Whatever your path may be ask God to guide you every step of the way. Please watch the Bridge for upcoming ways you can help during this season - especially on Easter Sunday. Please consider joining one of the prayer groups whether it's the online request list for prayers or attending the Thursday prayer group in the sanctuary.


I will be praying for you!

Rosie Young

Worship Coordinator


God is good and I feel he is always there for me.  

I know I needed to find purpose and I found that with Thursday's Prayer Group with Rosie.

Our prayers touch many people with Gods' healing hands.

I believe that I am divinely guided, and God has led me in the right path.

Praise be to God!

Shirley Ray

Dates to Remember - Mark your Calendars!

Men's Breakfast - March 16, 8 am

Today Matters - March 16, 4 pm

Town Hall Meeting - March 17, 2 pm

Prayer Vigil, March 24-31

View our entire Lenten Schedule HERE

Hospital Visitation, Prayer Available

We want to know when you are having surgery or are in the hospital! We are available to pray with you before surgery and visit you in the hospital, rehab, etc.

Contact us through email: or call/text Pastor Bob, Minister of Pastoral Care (941) 585-9576.

Church Name Tags

When you come to the church campus, please wear your New Life Church name tag. If you do not have a church name tag, you can order one HERE.

Give Now | Find a Place to Serve | Prayer Room Reservations | Calendar

Offering New Life in Jesus Christ, by Seeking, Shaping, and Sending Disciples

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm

Bargain Boutique Hours: M, W, F, 10 am - 2 pm


Download our app HERE

Sign up to receive text messages & daily devotions by calling the church office.

All past issues of The Bridge are available on our website HERE.

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