If Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma indeed devised the “panic for profit” scheme to make big money from Covid vaccines, this may be considered one of the greatest crimes of the century. A criminal act encompassing fraud, international infliction of damage, and crimes against humanity.
The conservative print and digital magazine The New American headlined last Thursday, April 15, an article with the striking title “Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of American Deaths”; Calls Mount for Accountability for Fauci and FDA’s Woodcock.4
That same day former Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote, “We are now in a crisis of American civilization fully as dangerous and real as the crisis of the US Civil War or World War II. During both those crises, if America had lost, it would have ceased to be America - and the cause of freedom around the world would have been dramatically weakened. Today, we face combined internal and external threats that are as great or greater. The threat to American civilization goes far beyond violence in the streets.”5
We would add to Speaker Gingrich’s slate of “internal threats” the woke American CEOs funding Marxist organizations Black Lives Matter and Antifa that burned and looted American businesses and cities last summer. These companies include UGG, Amazon, Pepsi’s Gatorade, Microsoft, Warner Records, Intel, Xbox, Microsoft Games, and Nabisco. They must be held accountable and Americans should be given the opportunity to express their outrage.
In funding revolution Fortune 500 companies behave as categorically hostile to America.
On a side note, The Daily Caller reported that Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a self-identified “trained Marxist” who traipses around the world claiming to practice the doctrines of socialism, has since 2016 deceivingly procured four homes across the U.S. for a total of $3.2 million.6,7
“Wisdom is better than strength,” Solomon declared in Ecclesiastes 9:16, to let it follow in 9:18 by “Wisdom is better than weapons of war.” Having forfeited the Judeo-Christian education system and culture bequeathed by America’s Founders in the 17th and 18th centuries, a model that produced men and women of character, equipping them to rule and “decree justice” [Proverbs 8:15], pagan America has now fallen on hard times as folly has replaced wisdom in the public square.
Contemporary American Christendom with its emphasis on buildings, butts, and budgets as the yardstick of success, instead of Jesus’ criterion of “making disciples,” has generated a Church unresolved to fight that is consequently easily overthrown. “Resolution in a weak man,” wrote Puritan clergyman and theologian Stephen Charnock [1628-1680], “will perform more than strength in a coward. The diligence of our spiritual enemies requires strong resolutions.”
Biblical wisdom, shrewdness, discretion, counsel, resourcefulness, and heroic strength enable “kings to reign and rulers to decree [Heb. ‘to fix, to determine’] justice.”8
Having abandoned Jesus’ Kingdom ekklesia assignment from Matthew 16:18, few in modern American Christendom have an understanding of how first to acquire and then to use the denominations of political currency in the public square, namely: 1) how many votes can you bring to the table or 2) how much money can you bring that brings votes to the table.
Political know-how - like spiritual wisdom - has to be acquired, gained, developed. It is neither inherent nor inherited.
If current Christian leadership, with its focus on securing a subculture, lacks the propensity or capacity for the accruement and expenditure of political currency and resources in the public square, then Evangelicals and Pro-Life Catholic Christians won’t be able to “decree justice” or to evoke action in the culture. Today’s seminaries appear unable to impact the culture according to Judeo-Christian principles, since they presently seem to hold Marxist-style social justice sacred.
Present-day America is in a deplorable state, brought about by religious secularism’s demolition of the once Judeo-Christian spiritual, intellectual, educational, economic, and vocational virtues and values that made America the envy of the world for centuries.
America urgently needs any Gideons and Rahabs willing to stand.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
1. www.aeginagreece.com/aegina-island/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Transcript-testimony-Reiner-Fuellmich-.pdf
2. worlddoctorsalliance.com/blog/crimes-against-humanity-the-german-corona-investigation/
3. www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2020/08/04/fauci-kaepernick-to-receive-rfk-award-for-commitment-to-social-change/
4. thenewamerican.com/responsible-for-hundreds-of-thousands-of-american-deaths-calls-mount-for-accountability-from-fauci-fdas-woodcock/?ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_12_2_2019_15_37_COPY_01)&mc_cid=490a03a73b&mc_eid=cf369f090b
5. thevirginiastar.com/2021/04/15/newt-gingrich-commentary-the-crisis-of-american-civilization/
6. dailycaller.com/2021/04/14/blm-cease-desist-letters-hawk-newsome/
7. www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4zRnO_jcC0
8. Bruce K. Waltke, Proverbs Commentary.