Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve
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2018 National Blue Ribbon School
2021 and 2022 School of Distinguished Instruction
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The Crusader Times for January, 2023 | |
Dec 22-Jan 3: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Holidays
Jan 4: Classes resume. Please note resume classes date was originally Jan 3.
Jan 5: 8th Grade Graduation Parent Meeting @ 7 pm
Jan 6: First Friday Mass. All parents are welcome!
Jan 7: Confirmation Retreat
Jan 9: Instrumental Band Concert @ 7 pm
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Jan 16: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
Jan 29-Feb 3: Catholic Schools Week
Feb 1: 7th and 8th Grade Science Fair (Time TBA)
Feb 3: First Friday Mass. All parents are welcome!
Feb 4: FHC Communion Retreat
Feb 10: 76ers Game presented by HSA
Feb 20: NO SCHOOL - President's Day
Feb 22: Ash Wednesday
Feb 27: Confirmation @ 4 pm
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Please see the school calendar for all important dates and information.
The Crusader Times will now be published monthly, on the third Thursday of the month. Please contact the Advancement office for any news that you would like to schedule.
Need a back issue of The Crusader Times? Visit the school website at https://school.sspeterandpaulrc.org/crusader-times
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Open Enrollment for 2023-24 Begins November 15th | |
Re-enrollment and Priority Enrollment for current families begins on November 1.
Open enrollment for all new families begins on November 15. Space is extremely limited in our Pre-K Early Learning Center and Kindergarten programs. We invite you to schedule a tour of the school and discover what all the excitement is about!
If you are considering transferring your child from a public school to Saints Peter and Paul, you may be eligible for a $1000 tuition transfer grant. Contact the Advancement office to schedule a tour or find out more.
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Thank you for supporting our Annual Fund! | |
The Annual Fund is a vital source of funding that directly impacts Saints Peter and Paul School's annual operating expenses. Gifts can be made by check or online or by scanning the QR code on the left.
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The 23rd Annual Gettysburg Address Contest was held on Saturday, December 3, as part of the West Chester Christmas celebration, and in participation with the Borough of West Chester Historical and Architectural Review Board (HARB). Dylan did a great job in delivering the speech to family and friends gathered inside the historic Lincoln Building. As a result Dylan was a top 7 finisher! He received Best Costume, along with a certificate from State Senator Carolyn Comitta. Additionally, Bob Gross (retired founder of the event) sent large Lincoln coins with the Gettysburg Address engraved on the reverse side which were distributed to each of the contestants. Thank you to 8th Grade Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Cassalia for her guidance and preparation of all our 8th grade students in reciting this historic speech. | |
Congratulations to our Neumann Scholars! | |
The Connelly Foundation recently announced its 2022-23 Neumann Scholars, awarding 50 academically talented eighth-grade students from 33 regional parochial schools with four-year, full scholarships to attend any Philadelphia Archdiocesan high school of their choosing. Each student will receive a grant for the full high school tuition (tuition varies by school) currently averaging $8,700 a year, which over four years will amount to approximately $35,000 individual value. Please read the article in CatholicPhilly.com that contains additional information and includes Saints Peter and Paul as having the most Neumann Scholars in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. | |
Our 8th grade students retold the story of Jesus' birth this past
Friday, December 16th, 2022 at Saints Peter and Paul Church. The class of 2023 were musically supported by the 3rd to 7th grade homerooms as well. A huge thank you to all who contributed in making this a successful presentation. Please click below for the rebroadcast of this memorable event.
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Spreading Christmas Cheer at SSPP! | |
Mrs. Claus was kind enough to take time from her work at the North Pole to visit with the students, staff, and our HSA members this past Monday, December 19th. See pictures to the left.
Our student council, consisting of 5th to 8th graders, conducted a service project to support the Good St. Anne Project. In doing so, they created countless bags of basic items for at risk youths in the Philadelphia region. A huge thank you to Mrs. Nancy Thompson, and Ms. Lynn Dickson for directing this years student council.
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Class of 2022 Spotlight on Anna Weichelt | |
If you are alumni, or a parent of alumni and have exciting news to share, please let the Advancement office know! We want to celebrate with you!
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Please extend a warm welcome to our NEW Children’s Choir director, Mrs. Mary Beth Kilpatrick. Mrs. Kilpatrick teaches at Bishop Shanahan High School and has experience directing choirs in grades K-12. In fact, she has been involved in church and school music all her life and enjoyed roles in musical theater as well. Mrs. Kilpatrick is an alumna of Immaculata University and holds a master’s degree from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
Children’s Choir rehearsals will take place in the church on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm (time to be adjusted if necessary). The first rehearsal will be on September 28th - parents will fill out a participation consent form at that time and are welcome to stay for the first rehearsal. All children in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join. The Children’s Choir will sing once a month at the 9:30 am Sunday Mass.
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Martin Luther King Day - Works of Mercy - Monday, January 16th, 2023 | |
Please join us for our annual MLK Day, Monday, January 16th 2023, where we come together to do Works of Mercy for people in need in our community. We will start in prayer at the 8:30 AM Mass. Following Mass, students and parents/guardians will go to the Church Hall to make casseroles/meals for the homeless, cards for the Parish homebound, and collect Personal Care products for the St. Agnes Day Room. Please sign up so we know who is attending as well as what you will be bringing.
If you are unable to bring anything, your attendance and help is still greatly appreciated. If you would like to participate but are unable to attend, please feel free to drop off a cooked casserole to the church. At this time, our freezers are in need of some more meals. Aluminum pans are available to pick up. Please let us know if you have any questions.
If parents are not able to stay, that is fine, just please remember that pick-up is 10:30 AM.
RSVP is requested but please feel free to come last minute if you can!
God Bless!
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Donut Sunday Volunteers Needed | |
Please consider signing up to help with Donut Sunday! Donut Sundays occur on the first Sunday of each month immediately following all Sunday Masses in the Church Basement.
It is a wonderful way to connect with our fellow parishioners and showcase service to our youngest members! Instructions to be provided.
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Support the SSPP Community by shopping with Amazon Smile !
Access the website: smile.amazon.com and select "SS. Peter and Paul Church and School" as your charity of choice. Products and prices are the same as regular Amazon, but using Smile.Amazon means a portion of your shopping dollars will be donated to Saints Peter and Paul School.
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"Talk to Us"
Visit these social media platforms to stay connected with your school and other SSPP Parents!
Follow your school on Instagram:
@ssppschoolwc and @ssppschoolart
Our facebook page is:
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Our school governing body is called the SSPP Board of Limited Jurisdiction.
Members are Dan McKinney (Chair), Gary Davis (Finance Chair), Mark Drinker (Governance Chair), Mary Cunningham (Development Co-Chair), Erin Heinerichs (Development Co-Chair), Allison Hall, Andrew Parsons, Michael Parsons, Cynthia Wein, Frank Burrell (Marketing & Enrollment Co-Chair), Joshua Benson (Marketing & Enrollment Co-Chair), Martin Roddy, Richard Fonash, Brian Meilinger, Terry Gillin, TR Lavin, Nancy Bucceri, Kyle Richter, Jim Reid, Veronica Chandler, and Monsignor Angelo Citino.
Read more about the Board on our website.
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Saints Peter & Paul School
1327 Boot Road
West Chester, PA 19380
p. (610) 696-1000
f. (484) 631-0181
Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal
Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman
Diana Poole, Advancement Director
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