Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve

2018 National Blue Ribbon School

2021 and 2022 School of Distinguished Instruction

The Crusader Times for May, 2023

Please see the school calendar for all important dates and information.

The Crusader Times will now be published monthly, on the third Thursday of the month. Please contact the Advancement office for any news that you would like to schedule.

Need a back issue of The Crusader Times? Visit the school website at https://school.sspeterandpaulrc.org/crusader-times

School News

Click here for the entire newsletter

Middle School Scholarship recipients


Pictured to the left, and reading left to right are: Tommy Cassalia, Maura Kenny, Annie Stefanski, and Spencer Schwab.

Text Link

News from the Nurse's office.

Parents of Kindergarten to 8th - Please read below:

  1. PA State mandated immunization, physical and dental requirements for 23-24 school year:
  2. All students are required to be up to date with PA state mandated immunizations within the first 5 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school.  Only medical exemptions are accepted for missing immunizations, or if a student is on a delayed immunization schedule. In these cases, a note from a licensed doctor is required that reflects the medical diagnosis as to why the student is medically exempt or on a delayed schedule for immunizations. A parents choice to delay immunizations for their child(ren) is not accepted.

**Kindergarten through 8th grade students must have received and provided documentation of:

4 dtap (diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis) with the last dose given after the child’s 4th birthday

4 IPV (polio) with the last dose given after the child’s 4th birthday

3 Hepatitis B

2 Varicella (chicken pox)

2 MMR (measles/mumps/rubella)

  1. All kindergarten students and any student enrolling at Saints Peter and Paul for the first time must submit an updated physical and dental examination report to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports must be dated on/after August 2022.
  2. All 6th grade students must submit an updated physical examination report to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports must be dated on/ after August 2022.
  3. All 3rd  and 7th grade students must submit an updated dental examination to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports must be dated on/after August 2022.
  4. All 7th grade students must have documented receipt of their Tdap and meningitis vaccines to the Nurse within the first 5 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school.
  5. If you have questions about these requirements, please contact Mrs. Hopton at lhopton@wcasd.net or Mrs. Dugan at cdugan@wcasd.net.  

Thank you for supporting our Annual Fund!

The Annual Fund is a vital source of funding that directly impacts Saints Peter and Paul School's annual operating expenses. Gifts can be made by check or online or by scanning the QR code on the left.

Click Here to Make a Donation Online

HSA News

Alumni News

If you are alumni, or a parent of alumni and have exciting news to share, please let the Advancement office know! We want to celebrate with you!


Parish News

Children's Choir Is Back

Please extend a warm welcome to our NEW Children’s Choir director, Mrs. Mary Beth Kilpatrick. Mrs. Kilpatrick teaches at Bishop Shanahan High School and has experience directing choirs in grades K-12. In fact, she has been involved in church and school music all her life and enjoyed roles in musical theater as well. Mrs. Kilpatrick is an alumna of Immaculata University and holds a master’s degree from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. 

Children’s Choir rehearsals will take place in the church on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm (time to be adjusted if necessary). The first rehearsal will be on September 28th - parents will fill out a participation consent form at that time and are welcome to stay for the first rehearsal.  All children in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join.  The Children’s Choir will sing once a month at the 9:30 am Sunday Mass.

Final Children's Mass for this school year

Click to Register for 2023-24

Vacation Bible School 2023

Sign Up for Altar Server Training

There will be one additional training on April 25th from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm

Donut Sunday Volunteers Needed

Please consider signing up to help with Donut Sunday! Donut Sundays occur on the first Sunday of each month immediately following all Sunday Masses in the Church Basement.  

It is a wonderful way to connect with our fellow parishioners and showcase service to our youngest members! Instructions to be provided.

Donut Sunday Sign Up

News to Know

"Talk to Us"

Visit these social media platforms to stay connected with your school and other SSPP Parents!

Follow your school on Instagram:

@ssppschoolwc and @ssppschoolart





Our facebook page is:


Our school governing body is called the SSPP Board of Limited Jurisdiction.

Members are Dan McKinney (Chair), Gary Davis (Finance Chair), Mark Drinker (Governance Chair), Mary Cunningham (Development Co-Chair), Erin Heinerichs (Development Co-Chair), Allison Hall, Andrew Parsons, Michael Parsons, Cynthia Wein, Frank Burrell (Marketing & Enrollment Co-Chair), Joshua Benson (Marketing & Enrollment Co-Chair), Martin Roddy, Richard Fonash, Brian Meilinger, Terry Gillin, TR Lavin, Nancy Bucceri, Kyle Richter, Jim Reid, Veronica Chandler, and Monsignor Angelo Citino.

Read more about the Board on our website.

View Our Calendar

   Saints Peter & Paul School

        1327 Boot Road

   West Chester, PA 19380

       p. (610) 696-1000

   f. (484) 631-0181

Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal     

Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman

Mrs. Barbara McCarron, Advancement Director