The Lake Current - September 2022
Welcome to the September 2022 edition of our Council newsletter!
As usual, here are a few quick but important items up-front before we get into the news.
Our next regular business meeting will be Wednesday, September 14th, starting at 7:30 p.m. All members are welcome. We'll be serving dinner for members at 6:30.
Our Lounge is now open on Sundays during football season, in addition to our regular hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. Follow our Facebook page to see who's tending bar each week and for other news on happenings at the Council.
This is your last chance to make your donation to the American Wheelchair Foundation in honor of PGK Ralph Fleischman. Please bring your check to our meeting on Wednesday 9/14, or mail it to Dennis O'Connor (11 Baldwin Rd., Carmel NY 10512) today. Please make checks payable to "American Wheelchair Mission." Each wheelchair costs $150, but donations of any amount will be combined.
Bring your C&B raffle ticket stubs and payments to our meeting on Wednesday. This is the last chance to turn them in to be entered in the Early Bird drawing. Additional tickets will be available at the meeting, or you can get them from any bartender. Proceeds benefit many important charities in our state as well as our Council directly. There are multiple chances to win for both ticket buyers and sellers, with a top prize of $25,000.
At our business meeting on Wednesday, you will have an opportunity to prepay for our Oktoberfest celebration. This year, it will be a Council event for members and our guests, on Saturday, October 8th. More info is in the news item below, but come to the meeting, pay for your spot, and learn more about volunteer opportunities!
Putnam 9/11 Memorial Ceremony This Sunday
Putnam County’s observation of the 21st anniversary of the September 11th attacks will be held on Sunday, September 11th, 2021, at the Putnam Heroes Memorial located at Cornerstone Park, 1 Fair Street, in Carmel.
The Candlelight Vigil will start at 7:00 p.m.
Sadly, another name will be added to the September 11th Putnam Heroes Memorial.
Cornerstone Park is across the street from our Council Hall, which will be open to receive guests with refreshments after the ceremony.
Please Note:
Fair Street will be closed from Vink Drive to Route 52 at 6:15 p.m.
Route 52 will be closed from Route 301 to Fowler Ave at 6:30 p.m.
The Candlelight Vigil will be live-streamed on the Putnam County website ( The website also contains photos from past ceremonies and September 11th memorials throughout Putnam County.
Companion Dog Presentation to 9/11 First Responder
We are pleased to announce that we will be presenting a companion dog to a worthy first-responder in a brief ceremony at our Council on Sunday, September 11th, at 5:30 p.m.
The recipient is a Hudson Valley firefighter who served on 9/11 and in its aftermath. He will be joined by his family as we present the dog to him.
All are welcome to join us as we make this presentation. We will later proceed across to Cornerstone Park for the annual Putnam County 9/11 memorial Candle Light Vigil.
Oktoberfest 2022 is on October 8th!
Join us on Saturday, October 8th for authentic German cuisine, German beer, and live German music from the famous Austrian Boys Band!
Since Carmel High School's Homecoming is earlier that same day, we're going back to doing Oktoberfest as a Council event in the evening for our members and their guests. But we'll still have all of the same great food, great music, and great fun that you've come to expect from this annual event.
For your $35 donation (prepaid) you will receive admission, appetizers, a hearty buffet dinner, dessert, live music, and one draft German beer. Additional beer and other beverages will be available for purchase. Walk-ins pay $40; children 12 and under pay $20.
We'll be serving appetizers starting at 5:30 p.m, and then at 6:30, a full buffet dinner featuring authentic wiener schnitzel and grilled bratwurst, with all of your favorite homemade sides including red cabbage, mashed potatoes, green beans amandine, home-style sauerkraut, German potato salad, and garden salad.
Fresh-baked apple strudel with ice cream will be served along with coffee and tea for dessert.
Our popular Stein-Lifting Contest -- an authentic Oktoberfest tradition -- for ladies and gents will be back! We'll also have some great raffles along with door prizes.
Our Lounge will be opening at noon that day for the enjoyment of our members and guests.
Seating will be limited, so save your spot by prepaying by October 2nd. Walk-ins will pay $40 and seating is not guaranteed.
Click here for a copy of the flyer below that you can print or share to help spread the word to your friends and family:
Welcome our Nine Newest Members!
On July 29th, our in-house Degree Team conducted the Degree of Charity, Unity and Fraternity to initiate new members of our Order.
We welcomed these nine Catholic gentleman into our Council as Third Degree members of our Order:
Paul Bucello
Franklin Bukovich
Daniel Byrne
George Downes
Joseph Long
Ryan McDonald
Henry Monaco
Jim Rathschmidt
Nicholas Tenbrink
Please congratulate them, welcome them, and encourage them to participate in the many charitable and fraternal activities offered by our Council.
We have tentatively scheduled another Degree of Charity, Unity and Fraternity to admit new members to our Order for noon on Sunday, October 30th. Any member wishing to sponsor a Catholic gentleman for membership should speak with Chancellor Rick Kreps or WGK Tim McDonald so that we can get an application completed and perform an interview.
We remind all of our current First and Second Degree members that they can advance to the Third Degree of our Order by participating in this new ceremony. Speak to Rick or our WGK if you're interested.
Fourth Degree News
The next meeting of Mother Cabrini Assembly will be Thursday, September 15th at our Council.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. All Fourth Degree Sir Knights are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting.
Annual Dinner Dance - Sat. 11/5: OUR EVENT OF THE YEAR! SAVE THE DATE! We are finalizing our arrangements, but it looks like we will be holding The Annual at the Ethan Allen Hotel in Danbury. We had expressed concerns with the quality of the food served last year, and we have been assured there is a new and improved catering staff with better food (which we will confirm!). We expect to once again receive a block of discounted hotel rooms, and plan to offer the private hospitality suite with refreshments for our enjoyment both before and after the dinner in the catering hall, which was such a hit last year. Watch for the formal announcement shortly. And don't forget to take (and help sell) ads to the souvenir journal. Our journal is a fantastic keepsake and greatly reduces the cost of the ticket price.
The Traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is coming to Putnam. Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park will be open from September 22 to 25, 24 hours per day, for public viewing of the Wall. The event has many volunteer opportunities available, and many volunteers are still needed. To sign up for the reading of names at specific times, click here. To choose one of the many other volunteer opportunities, click here.
Mass for Deceased Members - On Saturday, Sept. 17th, the intention at the 4 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Lake/Mt. Carmel Church will be for all deceased members of our Council.
Remember, a full calendar of events can always be found on our website: under the Upcoming Events tab. And don't forget to "like" our Facebook page for up-to-the minute announcements, photos, event listings, and items of interest.
See what's happening on our social sites