February 21st, 2022
A weekly newsletter for all University of Kentucky College of Public Health faculty, staff, and health champions in Kentucky and beyond!
CPH Stand-Up is Today!
All CPH Faculty and Staff are invited to today's 9am STAND-UP Meeting, which is an opportunity for all of us to come together to discuss important updates for the college and celebrate each other's successes. See you there!
News, Events, and Stories
Dr. Erin Haynes is a co-chair of this year's 17th Annual CCTS Spring Conference: Climate and Health event on Tuesday, April 5th, 8am-5pm at the Gatton Student Center. CPH is an event co-sponsor and held in conjunction with our College of Public Health Research Day. Registration deadline is March 25th, 2022.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)-funded researcher and health economist, Dr. Teresa Waters, has been instrumental in building the evidence of whether rewards and penalties for hospital readmissions are based on sound measures. Dr. Waters also has a new AHRQ grantee profile which showcases her work.

Meet MPH alumna, Chioma Okafor (‘13), a Country Program Manager at Pact, which is an international non-profit in nearly 40 countries. Chioma’s project at PACT supports HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment initiatives in eight countries with the goal of achieving and sustaining epidemic control in targeted populations.

MHA is hosting the Black History Month Professional Development "How to Accelerate your Career: Mentor and Sponsorship for Black Healthcare Professionals" virtual event on March 2nd at 5 p.m. via Zoom. Students will get direct access to successful black healthcare leaders and the opportunity to learn from their experiences.

CPH undergraduate students Amanda Crowley, George “Clay” Bryant, and Callihan “Calli” Moraska are the new fellows of the Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, which is awarded to those pursuing compelling and notable research.

We are seeking nominations for the CPH Student Awards, which is open to all undergraduate and graduate students across several categories. Winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony on Tuesday, April 5th which is part of National Public Health Week, along with a monetary stipend and plaque. Deadline to nominate is March 25th, 2022.

Center for Innovation in Population Health (IPH)
Expanding the conversation around the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) approach beyond assessment, IPH has launched a new podcast called "Shift, Shift,... Bloom! How People Change", which examines how people change, why they change, and how they sustain the changes that are most important to them in their everyday lives.

Research and Publications
UKNow Stories