February 7th, 2022
A weekly newsletter for all University of Kentucky College of Public Health faculty, staff, and health champions in Kentucky and beyond!
Stand-Up Meeting is TODAY!
Our next CPH Stand-Up meeting is TODAY at 9am and will continue every 2 weeks throughout the academic year. Stand-Up is a great opportunity to come together to discuss important topics, to celebrate our college and successes, and stay connected to each other. See you there!
News and Stories
CPH welcomes a new faculty member, Dr. Douglas Zhang, to the department of Biostatistics, effective December of 2021. His recruitment further demonstrates public health’s commitment to promoting biostatisticians as team scientists. Dr. Zhang adds expertise in diabetes research and robotic process automation, along with extensive academic, research, service, and professional experience in industry.
UKNow recently sat down with our Dean to discuss the different fields within public health and how each of them contributes to worldwide wellness. Input was also gathered from Dr. Anna Hoover, assistant professor of preventive medicine and environmental health, and Dr. April Young, associate professor of epidemiology.
Dr. Steven Browning and Dr. Beverly May, in the Department of Epidemiology at CPH, are appearing in the upcoming KET series "Fighting To Breathe: Lung Disease In Kentucky", which premieres on February 21st. This three-part series examines the story of lung diseases in Kentucky – the causes, the impact on those afflicted, and the exciting new developments in treatment and prevention.
The University of Kentucky's Women & Philanthropy Network recently awarded grant funds to five academic initiatives on campus. One of these grants was awarded to CPH, in collaboration with the UK College of Communication & Information (CCI) and UK Libraries, towards “Documenting Kentucky’s COVID Stories” among vulnerable populations.
CPH undergraduate students, Princess Magor Agbozo (pictured left) and Meron Lemma (pictured right), were both recently selected to participate in this year’s Students Participating as Ambassadors for Research in Kentucky (SPARK) program, which trains undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in how to conduct health equity research.
CPH is seeking an Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (AD-DEI). This position plays a crucial role at the college in developing strategies to facilitate the success of (and address concerns of) individuals who have been historically underrepresented, underserved, and/or marginalized in higher education. Have questions, or know someone who is interested, contact Dr. Marc Kiviniemi, Chair of the AD-DEI Search Committee.
Center for Innovation in Population Health

The Center for Innovation in Population Health presents a free webinar: " What if homelessness was not just about housing, but also about trauma recovery?” on Tuesday, April 12th.
Featuring Dr. Natalie Pope, an Associate Professor and PhD Program Director at the University of Kentucky College of Social Work, and Dr. Sarah Ascienzo, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at North Carolina State University. This online event is free and open to all.
Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center

Three CPH students were recently able to get real-world research experience working with KIPRC faculty and staff. The students worked on various projects during the Fall 2021 semester as part of the CPH 395 Undergraduate Research Program.

Dr. Sarah Vos, who coordinates the program, said that students are chosen based on performance in previous public health classes, a writing sample, and interest in particular research topics.
Research and Publications
UKNow Stories