Bakery Innovations!
Powered by the trending fungi-based ingredient

If it is so easy to add the much needed proteins and fibers to the most important meal of the day, why not include it in everything we eat? Learn more about fungi-based ingredients’ benefits and features, from production to consumption; find out what drives consumers to the better for-you space and discover how surprisingly easy it is to “Power Up” your recipes. The Protein Brewery introduces Fermotein®: a neutral fermented fungi-based food ingredient, powering the nutritional value of bakery products without compromising on taste or performance. 

Join us February 23, 2023 at 1:00pm CDT (Chicago)
Sue Garfitt
The Protein Brewery

Extensive leadership experience in the food sector and an impressive track record in pioneering the plant based field. Before joining TPB, Sue was CEO of Alpro and established Alpro as the plant based pioneer and leader across Europe. Sue started her career at PepsiCo and further developed her commercial skills at New York Bakery. Sue is a native of the UK and a graduate of the University of Portsmouth.
Donna Berry
Food Scientist and Industry Trends Tracker
Dairy & Food Communications, Inc.
Donna has been tracking consumer behaviors and food trends since 1993. She writes for numerous trade publications, including Food Business News and Baking & Snack. She has a bachelor’s degree in Food Science from the University of Illinois and product development industry experience with Kraft Foods.

Zal Taleyarkhan
Corporate Research Chef
Charlie Baggs Culinary Innovations (CBCI)
Growing up in various countries and cultures sparked Zal's passion for food. After his bachelor's degree in Tourism and an associate degree in Culinary Arts, he gained experience in butchery, bakery, pastry and specialized in chocolates. At CBCI Zal pioneered using Fermotein® in vegan recipe development in the baking category.
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Hosted by Global Food Forums Network
Global Food Forums, a boutique media company, provides product development information on three global movements impacting the packaged foods industry. 1) Growth of cleaner label products. 2) Expanding protein ingredient sources and range of protein-enhanced products. 3) Increased interest in reduced sugar and/or alternative sweetener products. Each of these trends has its own website that can be accessed by clicking on the logos below.
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Clean Label Website
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