MVUU Newsletter

January 17, 2025

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Our newsletter is growing! Make sure to fully scroll down or click on "Read Entire Message" in your email so you see all that is happening at MVUU!

MVUU's Current Airborne Communicable Disease status is

LOW Risk in Arizona

Our building is open. Sunday services are in-person and/or online.

Masking is now optional.

Weekly Calendar

Saturday, January 18th

MVUU Women and Connections

10:00 am til Noon in the Oasis Room

Sunday, January 19th

Sunday Book Group Online

8:15 am Email John Clark

Sunday, January 19th Service & Fellowship Hour

"The Story of Love"

10:30am  Join Zoom

Sunday, January 19th

Social Hour via Zoom

After Service Join Zoom

Sunday, January 19th


5:30pm-6:30pm (Sundown)

Tuesday, January 21st

Dance Meditations

Sanctuary @ 10:30-11:45am

Tuesday, January 21st

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

7 pm Join Zoom

Friday, January 24th


2pm in the Oasis

Sunday Services

The Story of MVUU

We begin 2025 amid the dust and heat of many narratives. Like being caught in a dust devil crossing the Sonora, there is a confusing swirl of wind, grit, and detritus in the air turning us around and confusing us with reports, stories, and even some tall tales about what is about to happen here in our country.

The reality is: we choose the story we tellBased on MVUU's mission and purpose, Engage ~ Love ~ Transform, we choose who we are and how we will act no matter what comes. We engage a reality that so many have known for so long: our country is not what we thought it was. We love in response, because our faith tells us that this is the most sacred form of relationship. And through our engagement of what is real and growing loving relationships, we transform ourselves and our world.

At MVUU this is the beginning, middle, and end of our story, and all this month we will be telling our story in various ways.

January 19, "The Story of Love"

George Murphy & Lee Hickey

Full Joys & Sorrows Ritual

This contemplative service offers a still point in the midst of the swirling, whirling stories and events of 2025.

January 19, "Don't Fear the Future" Vigil


On the cusp of the Inauguration of our US executive administration, we will gather out front of our church house for a candle lit vigil, to openly affirm we will engage, love, and transform the future.

January 26, "The Story of UUs"

Rev. Matthew & Maria Menconi

New Member Sunday

We tell the story of Unitarian Universalists, our story, as we prepare the story of MVUU.

Reflections on General Assembly

As we start thinking about General Assembly (GA) and selecting delegates to represent MVUU, I wanted to share my own experiences attending GA and serving as a delegate.

I’ve been fortunate to attend GA four or five times, and each experience has been amazing. To

help with registration costs, I often volunteered, which turned out to be a fantastic way to dive right into the community. Volunteering connected me with fellow attendees and gave me a behind-the-scenes perspective. My roles included sitting at information tables, ushering during large sessions, and offering local dining suggestions. These opportunities not only immersed me in the GA activities but also gave me a chance to assist and engage with other UUs.

Initially, I wasn’t drawn to the business side of GA. However, as a delegate, I was surprised by how compelling the conversations and debates were. During my first time serving, I witnessed William Sinkford being elected President of the UUA—a memorable and inspiring moment. When I attended GA in Pittsburgh in 2023, I happened to run into William Sinkford as he was walking to the convention center. I took the opportunity to thank him for his years of service to our faith, which was a meaningful encounter for me. In Pittsburgh I also danced with the outgoing President Susan Fredrick-Gray and witnessed Sofia Betancourt being elected President.

One of the best parts of GA is the sense of connection. Surrounded by thousands of UUs who share similar values while honoring diverse perspectives, it’s easy to form friendships. At every GA, I’ve met wonderful people and built lasting relationships. Then there are the VENDORS—offering everything from books to chalices to UU-themed

jewelry. Many of my favorite UU treasures come from GA. I’ve even had the chance to meet authors while exploring their books!

If you’re curious about becoming an MVUU GA Delegate, feel free to reach out—I’m happy to share more. You’ll also find additional details in the GA announcement in this newsletter.

Erin Eichelberger

Board President

For nearly a year, MVUU women have been meeting every third Saturday in the Oasis Room at 10:00 a.m. Please gather with us each month for a morning of friendship, conversation and community in a comfortable setting. For more information please contact Claudia Silverman at

The January meeting of MVUU Women and Connections is this Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 am til Noon in the Oasis Room.

Starting the Vigil...

Sunday, January 19, 2025 

5:30-6:30pm (sundown)

Join Rev. Matthew and MVUU out in front of our church house for a candle lighting start to the vigil we will keep through the coming US administration. 

Bundle up and bring a candle to light as we prepare ourselves to live the truth, "It doesn't have to be the way it is" for as long as we must.

The Sunday Book Group on Zoom

On Sunday January 19 we will complete discussion of “Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know” by Adam Grant. On Sunday January 26 we will begin discussing our new book: “On Freedom” by Timothy Snyder.  “Freedom is the great American commitment, but as Snyder argues, we have lost sight of what it means—and this is leading us into crisis. Too many of us look at freedom as the absence of state power: We think we're free if we can do and say as we please, and protect ourselves from government overreach. But true freedom isn’t so much freedom from as freedom to—the freedom to thrive, to take risks for futures we choose by working together. Freedom is the value that makes all other values possible. ‘On Freedom’ takes us on a thrilling intellectual journey. Drawing on the work of philosophers and political dissidents, conversations with contemporary thinkers, and his own experiences coming of age in a time of American exceptionalism, Snyder identifies the practices and attitudes—the habits of mind—that will allow us to design a government in which we and future generations can flourish. We come to appreciate the importance of traditions (championed by the right) but also the role of institutions (the purview of the left). Intimate yet ambitious, this book helps forge a new consensus rooted in a politics of abundance, generosity, and grace.”

We will probably be reading and discussing this book into March 2025.  For more information contact John Clark at

We will be hiking the 4-mile Dripping Spring Trail in Catalina State Park. We turn right off the Sutherland Trail onto the Dripping Spring Trail to Dripping Springs. The terrain is basically flat hard-packed dirt with some stairs and small rocks to traverse. At the end of the trail, we are greeted by a beautiful sheer cliff above which contains a waterfall. Unfortunately unless we have rain, there won’t be a waterfall. We will meet across the street from Catalina State Park at the former Chase Bank parking lot in the Oro Valley Market Place at 8:00 a.m. Then we will carpool to the park for those who do not have a State Park Pass. Please bring your state pass if you do have one. Sunscreen, a hat, and water are recommended. Please RSVP to me by February3 so I know how many hikers will be hiking. 

Susan Calder

General Assembly delegate volunteering 

It's that time of year to think about the General Assembly (GA) which is the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), where participants gather to worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy decisions for the Association through a democratic process. Each congregation has delegates to represent them at GA. MVUU has 3 delegates (determined by size of the congregation). Last year a process was created to choose these delegates. If you are interested, the process is described below. 

- Send a letter of interest to President of the Board, Erin Eichelberger by Friday Feb 7th to be considered at the Feb 20th Board meeting

- letter should include 

- your name

- your email and phone number

- years at MVUU

- years as a UU

- Number of GA attendance (if applicable, not requirement) 

- why do you want to be one of the 3 MVUU delegates

- any committees or involvement at MVUU or other UU congregations 

- Dates of GA: June 18-22, 2025 Baltimore, MD or virtually

- may request from the Board up to registration cost

- more details about General Assembly

Bookaholics Unanimous


We are a group of enthusiastic readers who meet the last Tuesday of the month at 2 pm by zoom. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 28 20025. The novel is: I was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon. (Did one daughter of the last Russian Tzar survive the assassination of his family? Fact: NO. If you are interested in learning more about the group contact Anne Leonard:  or 520-307-8045.



Tuesdays, January 14-February 11,

10:30-11:45 AM

6 Week course may be repeated

Join us for a transformative experience where you can discover insight and open your intuition through the wisdom of your body. In this movement meditation class, we will access living

archetypes of movement, shape, energy, and stillness, allowing you to move to your own creative voice. No experience is necessary and there are no steps to master. Bring your sense of humor and leave your ego at the door! Dive into the profound practice of movement meditation lead by Shari Aslaksen. Shari is the program coordinator at Saint Francis in the foothills United Methodist Church in Tucson Az and the sister of our former minister, Ron Phares.

Questions? Debbie Roberts-

Science and Spirituality 

“An afternoon to discuss and share experiences of these two important topics with John Clark author of “From Science to Spirituality: An Unexpected Journey”.  

John is a Friend of MVUU. He is the current

leader of the Sunday Morning Non-Fiction Book Group. He has also given sermons, has sung in the choir and has served as a pastoral associate.

Friends at the book group and the Church want to celebrate John and his accomplishments on Saturday, February 15, 12:30 p.m. Please mark the date and come to the Mesquite Room for this important celebration. Snacks and beverages will be available.”

Sunny Aslam for friends of John Clark 

Please RSVP Sunny Aslam:

text me 207-837-3231

P.A. (Sunny) Aslam


8119 N Night Pony Drive

Tucson. AZ 85743

Office: Fax: 866-624-8332

Art Group

No experience or talent is necessary to participate in this group!

Please contact Ginny Stack at (630) 841-8705 or

for more information.

Some MVUUers who attend Sunday services by Zoom would like to increase the sense of fellowship by remaining online after the service for our Social Hour. Bill Killian has agreed to facilitate a few times a month. Other host facilitators are being sought. Interested? Just stay online Sunday and we'll see what happens. On Zoom you will be able to mingle with others through chat, and we’ll get to wave to the sanctuary congregation. Hope to see you soon.



Fridays at 2pm

Weekly Mahjong game sessions in the Oasis Room at MVUU! All are welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun! If you have any questions, please Email Barb Seyfried.

Calling all Women

For nearly a year, MVUU women have been meeting every third Saturday in the Oasis Room at 10:00 a.m. Please gather with us each month for a morning of friendship, conversation and community in a comfortable setting. For more information please contact Claudia Silverman at

The Sunday Book Group on Zoom

On Sunday January 26 we will begin discussing our new book: “On Freedom” by Timothy Snyder.  “Freedom is the great American commitment, but as Snyder argues, we have lost sight of what it means—and this is leading us into crisis. Too many of us look at freedom as the absence of state power: We think we're free if we can do and say as we please, and protect ourselves from government overreach. But true freedom isn’t so much freedom from as freedom to—the freedom to thrive, to take risks for futures we choose by working together. Freedom is the value that makes all other values possible. ‘On Freedom’ takes us on a thrilling intellectual journey. Drawing on the work of philosophers and political dissidents, conversations with contemporary thinkers, and his own experiences coming of age in a time of American exceptionalism, Snyder identifies the practices and attitudes—the habits of mind—that will allow us to design a government in which we and future generations can flourish. We come to appreciate the importance of traditions (championed by the right) but also the role of institutions (the purview of the left). Intimate yet ambitious, this book helps forge a new consensus rooted in a politics of abundance, generosity, and grace.”

We will probably be reading and discussing this book into March 2025.  For more information contact John Clark at

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

Tuesdays at 7 pm

Join us for Men's Night Out, every Tuesday evening via Zoom. Click to Join Zoom For more information Email Tom Sawyer


Recycling for D,C,AA,AAA and Button batteries ONLY is now available. Place them the labeled bucket next to the Library. 


Fair trade coffee sales continue! On the first and third Sunday of each month, Elizabeth or Melody will be offering coffee for sale before and after services. Supporting fair trade coffee growers is one way we show our dedication to social justice. Please stop by and give your name and email to add to our customer list. 

Caring Circles

Join a Caring Circle to connect, strengthen, and expand ties within our congregation. Circles meet weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom and/or in person. Got Questions? Email Pi Irwin


We are a Welcoming Congregation, inviting all LGBTQs in all areas of our community. If you want to speak to someone from the church about LGBTQ+ issues, email or text MVUU's affiliated minister, Rev. Christiane Heyde (520) 393-9960.

MVUU Membership Invitation

If you are interested in joining our community and would like to become a member at MVUU, please email


Woven Basket Partner

Contigo También

Give your pledge or
Donate to MVUU online
Send your check to MVUU, P.O. Box 91080, Tucson, AZ 85752, indicating which fund you'd like it to go to (i.e. Pledge, Operating Fund, Capital Campaign, Woven Basket, etc.).

Find your Friends in MVUU's Photo Directory

For login directions Email

Newsletter Deadlines: The next newsletter will be published Friday, January 24th. Submit articles to by 12 pm, Monday January 20th. No Exceptions. Articles may not exceed 250 words. Thank you.