October 24, 2023 | Volume 15 No. 42
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Conference Ministers Clergy Conversation
Israel-Hamas War
| On Thursday, November 2nd at 2 pm, your Conference Ministers will be convening a Zoom Clergy Conversation. The focus of the conversation will be the Israel-Hamas War, the stresses it is creating regionally and globally, and how we as faith community can be support iveof our Jewish and Muslim siblings in faith. If you would like to participate in this Zoom Clergy Conversation, please register here and a Zoom link will be sent to you. | | |
Special Offering Supporting Food Security in Zimbabwe |
Following a request from the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe, New Hampshire Conference’s Ukama Mission Group is launching an appeal to support the UCCZ in addressing people’s need for food. Our Ukama relationship has been issuing conference-wide appeals for some years to address needs which UCCZ leaders think are the most urgent. Once again, as in 2020, they have asked that we designate our gifts to improve food security. The funds we raise will be used both for food as well as for maize (corn) seeds to the many families who grow their own food.
The offering coincides with Ukama Sunday, which was observed this year on October 22. You can give anytime through the end of 2023. The NH Conference will receive all donations from individuals and congregations, and forward them to Common Global Ministries. Global Ministries securely transmits our gifts to the head office of the UCCZ, which distributes the funds to the three conference ministers. They pass the gifts along to local churches, who distribute the gifts to the households which are experiencing the greatest need.
Rev. John Matiza, president of the UCCZ, writes: “We cannot talk about three meals a day, most families survive on two meals a day. A number of organizations who used to support people in the rural areas are leaving the country because of the disputed elections.”
Checks can be made to NHCUCC with the notation: “Zimbabwe Appeal” on the memo line.
Mail contributions to: NHCUCC 140 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke, NH 03275-3711
(churches can collect the funds and send a single check, or you may encourage your constituents to send their donations directly to the NH Conference, UCC.)
Learn About Ukama Sunday
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Peace with Justice Advocates 2023 Focus
Advocating for Nonviolence and Hospitality in Our Churches
The Peace with Justice Advocates of the New Hampshire Conference of the UCC includes a 2023 focus that “We commit to nonviolence and collaborative peacemaking….” Acting on that focus, we urge the posting of the attached “Gun-Free Zone” sign at the entrances to our churches.
We are guided by the prophets and by Jesus Christ. In Leviticus we read, “Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Isaiah called upon the people “to turn their swords into plowshares.” Jesus rebuked his disciple who cut off a soldier’s ear to defend Jesus. “Put away your sword,” he said. Then Jesus healed the soldier. Jesus also declared that when forced to carry a Roman soldier’s pack for a mile, one should render that force powerless by volunteering to carry the pack an extra mile. No weapons are needed to enforce love of neighbor and hospitality. Attached is the complete letter explaining the Gun-Free Zone from the Advocates.
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The Horton Center Annual Appeal
Support our Outdoor Ministry!
The Horton Center Annual Appeal is happening NOW! Click HERE to read the Appeal Letter.
Thank you for your generous support of Horton Center, all donations are greatly appreciated.
Contribute to the Horton Center Annual Appeal HERE!
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The Immigrant & Refugee Support Group Offers Opportunities to Learn About and Assist Asylum-Seekers |
At our 222nd Annual Meeting, the Conference's Immigrant & Refugee Support Group (IRSG) briefly described this unique and consequential ministry of the NHCUCC, especially our multi-pronged support for asylum-seekers who become ensnared in ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention in NH. As we all endeavor to live into our biblical call to love our neighbor and welcome the stranger, the IRSG hopes every NH UCC congregation and association will feel a sense of partnership with our asylum-seeker support activities and the work of the Conference's Immigrant Bond & Support Fund. There is a role, large or small, for everyone! To learn more, register for our 75 minute Zoom presentation - Dignity and Freedom for Asylum Seekers in an Inhumane Immigration System: The Role of the NHCUCC - on Tuesday evening November 14, 7-8:15 p.m.
Register here. Download a program flyer here. Learn more about supporting asylum seekers incarcerated by ICE here.
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Holy Heat Pumps!
UCC Webinar
| How we cool and heat our buildings is a significant part of how we address the climate crisis. When it comes to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, heat pumps are a crucially important technology in the transition away from fossil fuels. This webinar will explain how heat pumps work and how government funds can be accessed by congregations for their purchase. We will hear a success story from a local faith community that installed both air-source and ground-source heat pumps. Finally, we will address frequently asked questions, such as, “What do you do with a building that has had radiator heating?” Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on October 25th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now! | | |
From Greenwashing to Environmental Justice at UN Climate Conference
UCC Webinar
| The President of the upcoming UN Climate Conference is the CEO of the one of the world's largest oil producers and is currently working to aggressively expand his company’s production. In this webinar, panelists will not only provide a critical assessment of the greenwashing and corporate capture of this conference, but they will also cast an alternative vision and pathway forward. The world deserves and desperately needs a UN process dedicated to the advancement of all peoples, a core principle of the UN Charter. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on November 8th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now! | | |
Fall Boundary Training Opportunities
Advanced and Basic
By request, the national setting has added another BAT for those considering retirement or who are already in retirement. Join us for a focused conversation on boundary topics faced in retirement – identity, leaving well, exempt status, as well as a refresher on the Ministerial Code, power, and accountability. Led by Revs. Tara Barber, Melanie Oommen, and Anissa Glaser-Bacon.
Monday, November 6, 5:30-8:30pm ET – Boundary Training for Retired Clergy
Ending a Ministry Well:
(An Advanced Boundary Training Session)
Facilitated by: the Rev. Peter Ilgenfritz
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Format: via Zoom
Fee: $25.00
Register Here
The Foundations of Understanding Boundaries:
(A Basic Boundary Training Session)
Facilitated by: the Rev. Gordon Rankin
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Format: via Zoom
Fee: $25.00
Register Here
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Register now for UCC Polity Class |
A course in UCC History, Polity, and Theology will be taught at Maine School of Ministry, January Term 2024, led by Rev. David Gaewski, a retired conference minister. This course is ideal for Members in Discernment or those considering Privilege of Call representing the United Church of Christ. Four Saturdays in a row, from 9:00-3:30, using Zoom. Distance learners welcome.
UCC Polity, History, and Theology
Online (Zoom), 24 contact hours
Instructor: David Gaewski
Saturdays Jan 6, Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27
Fee: $350
Registration: Link found at
Questions? Contact Dean Malcolm Himschoot:
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The Foundations of Understanding Boundaries
Zoom | Learn More
Dec 5 | | |
God of Love, help us to cry out against extremism of all sorts, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and secular, and to call instead for faith-filled tolerance, understanding, compassion, peace. Through our daily lives, through our words and through our actions large and small, help us to live out the message of Jesus which teaches us to love, to heal, to mend, to connect. Help us to cry out for those who are not heard, for the oppressed, for the poor, for the outcast and for our neighbors of other faith traditions. Help us to stand in solidarity with our siblings of all races and all faiths here and around the globe. For we know in the midst of each people, each community, and each great religion, your love, which passes understanding, shines through and connects us one to another. Let this holy love be the message which fills our airwaves. Let our cry for justice, kindness and humility be the impulse behind our actions. This is our sincere prayer, Holy One, a prayer for peace, for Shalom, for Salaam, for peace.
Holy One, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
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The United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe celebrated two important anniversaries this week. 130 years since the creation of their denomination, and 50 years since independence from foreign control. Congratulations to our partners in Zimbabwe!
Rev. Carolyn "Lindy" Black passed away on October 8, 2023. A memorial service was held on Friday, October 13 at the Fairmount Community Church, United Church of Christ in Syracuse, NY. She served as pastor at the Nelson Congregational Church, Nelson NH from 1983-1991.
The Rev. Paige Besse-Rankin has resigned as Pastor of the First Parish Church Congregational in Dover. Her last Sunday will be January 7, 2024.
The Revs. Susan and John Gregory Davis have announced their resignation as Co-Pastors and Teachers of the Meriden Congregational Church, UCC, and their retirement from active ministry. Their last Sunday in Meriden will be June 2, 2024.
On October 29 the Hillsborough Association will hold a Special Meeting via Zoom at 3:00pm.
On November 5 the Caroll-Strafford Association will hold their Fall Meeting at First Parish Church, Dover at 3:30pm.
On November 5 the Southwest Association will hold their Fall Meeting at Nelson Congregational Church at 3:00pm.
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Sunday Schedule: October 29, 2023 | |
The Conference Minister will be preaching at the Newmarket Community Church where the Rev. Patty Marsden serves as Pastor and Teacher. | |
In the morning the Associate Conference Minister will be preaching at the Meriden Congregational Church, UCC, where the Revs. John and Susan Gregory-Davis serve as Pastors and Teachers.
In the afternoon she will be representing the NHCUCC at the Hillsborough Association Special Meeting
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Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm | |
The Weekly News is published to promote the mission and ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.
These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church using the link below and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.
Send your items to The deadline for submitting items for the next issue is Thursday at 12:00 PM.
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