Merciful God, we are fully aware that not all your children are able to bask in joy or peace during this season. In this world of pandemics and wars and inequality and climate change, and also hope, we lift our hearts to you like never before.
We pray that during this season of Advent we may share the Good News of the hope that we find in our Savior with others;
Hope that people everywhere might sense their belovedness in your sight.
Hope that reverence for your holy creation might triumph over destruction.
Hope that holiness becomes a habit.
Hope that your kindom becomes the reality we need and want it to be.
You are Emmanuel, God-with-Us, you are our hope and our reassurance, a spirit of compassion never far from us.
May we be moved to compassion and action in your name.
May we know the hope that comes from practice, from experiencing your love daily.
May our movements speak to our enduring hope in a better world, a world where justice rolls down like waters, righteousness like an ever flowing stream.
May we live into this promise with strength and bravery and love.
Holy One, in your mercy, hear our prayers.