“The most important political office is that of the private citizen.”
-Louis D. Brandeis
As our nation prepares to consider the nomination of a Supreme Court justice, I spent some time reviewing some of the views of one of the League’s founders, Justice Louis Brandeis. Brandeis, who served on the Supreme Court from 1916-39, was a champion of the average “citizen” and a critic of government corruption. Read more.
President, National Civic League
Assessing Atlanta’s Neighborhood-Based Planning System
Call for Action: From ‘Racial Zero-Sum’ to the ‘Solidarity Dividend’
The Pforzheimer Family and Fellowship Program: A Legacy of Service
Empowering neighborhood groups and de-centralized planning structures is one strategy that cities use to promote equitable civic engagement. But how effective are these structures? The the Center for Civic Innovation (CCI) sought to answer this question by conducting a comprehensive, community-based assessment of Atlanta’s 24 Neighborhood Planning Units. CCI identified the system’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Read more.
On January 18 the W.K. Kellogg Foundation hosted the 6th annual National Day of Racial Healing, an event organized to uplift personal & communal narratives, celebrate community, and promote racial healing through calls for collective and sustainable change. The event featured panels, discussions, and performances designed to explore racial healing as a necessary component of racial equity. The final panel focused on the “racial zero-sum” and the “solidarity dividend.” Read more.
Seldom has one family been as strong a force for democracy across three generations as the Pforzheimer family of New York. A long-time supporter of the League, the Pforzheimer family continues to support our work through a Fellows program for college students. The Pforzheimer Fellows Program is operated by the National Civic League to provide mini-grants to students conducting research or developing solutions to civic challenges.
NextFifty Initiative Funds the League's Equity-in-Aging Program
ASPA Annual Conference Focuses on the Importance of Democracy
All-America Leader: Accepting Nominations of Community Leaders
The League’s program, “Enhancing the Equity and Inclusiveness of Age-friendly Initiatives”, focuses on infusing racial equity into the work of cities and counties to be age-friendly. The program has received continued funding from the Colorado-based foundation, NextFifty Initiative to support five Colorado counties in engaging all older adults from populations that are often underrepresented.
The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) is hosting its 2022 Annual Conference in Jacksonville, Florida this March, thematically focused on “Democracy under Threat: The Future of Equality in a Post-COVID World.” Six plenaries, 12 high-level panels and 150 concurrent sessions will look at today’s most important governing challenges through the lens of global democratic stability.
The National Civic League’s All-America Leader Award seeks to recognize individuals, or teams of individuals, who have successfully spearheaded civic engagement efforts in their community. Nomination letters must be submitted by February 28, 2022. All individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, political affiliation, employment status or any other factor are eligible to be nominated. Learn more and nominate a leader in your community.
Additional Information and Upcoming Events
All-America City Award: Application Deadline
March 1, 2022
National League of Cities:
Congressional City Conference
March 14-16, 2022
American Society for Public Administration:
2022 Annual Conference
March 18-22, 2022
National Forum for Black Public Administrators:
Forum 2022
March 30-April 3, 2022
NCDD Event Calendar
The calendar lists upcoming events related to dialogue, deliberation, and civic engagement.
Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review
We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles.
The deadline for the fall issue is March 15th.
Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member Communities:
Algoma, WI
Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Danville, VA
Decatur, GA
Delray Beach, FL
Denver, CO
Dublin, CA
El Paso, TX
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Las Vegas, NV
Miami Gardens, FL
Oakridge Neighborhood, IA
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa Housing Authority
Tupelo, MS
Wichita, KS
Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:
American Society for Public Administration
Bridge Alliance
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
Government Finance Officers Association
International City / County Management Association
Kettering Foundation
MissionSquare Retirement
Murray and Agnes Seasongood Foundation
National Academy of Public Administration
National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
National Collaborative for Health Equity
National League of Cities
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Next Fifty Initiative
Rawson Family Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Southwest Airlines
United States Census Bureau
United Way Worldwide
Well Being Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation