December 2020 Newsletter

New Work: Diversity

This is my quilt, Diverstiy. It was made for a regional SAQA exhibit called "Imagination: 1 x 4." As you might guess, the requirements were that it had to measure 1' wide by 4' tall.

I made it with improvisational piecing (i.e. no pattern.) See a detail shot.

I'm happy to say that it was accepted into the exhibit. It will be virtual so I'll tell you more about that in a future newsletter.

BTW, did you notice the resemblance of this quilt to the one I showed you last month? I made them more or less at the same time.
Take an Online Class at Road@Home
Have you tried a Zoom class yet? I hope your guild has been scheduling some. If not, you can investigate the many options at online shows, such as Road@Home. (The virtual version of the Road to California show.)

I'll be teaching three classes for the event. Click on the links below for full details.
"The quilt gets better looking every day."

This is what a very satisfied buyer said after installing Vine Ripened in her home. She knew it would look perfect in her remodeled kitchen, and doesn't it though?

Studio Redo

The boredom finally got to my husband and he started painting the interior of our house. My studio is the most recent project and I'm loving the new soft grey color!

I did a LOT of reorganizing while I had things in disarray. And I culled out a bunch of stuff I wasn't using. I think it's going to function much better now. (I even have some empty drawers! Go figure.)

Not long ago I made a video about my studio. You can see it on my video page.
What's New
2020 is certainly a year we won't soon forget! In the midst of social distancing and stress I hope you've also found some silver linings. Maybe it's been more time to work on quilts, or time to learn a new skill. For me, it's been the opportunity to teach via Zoom. I've actually taught quite a bit more than in a typical year. What a fun way to meet my high social need!

With relief almost in sight, I hope you'll each have a WONDERFUL holiday season and a healthy new year! And, I also hope you'll find silver linings every day.
Ellen Lindner
Looking for blessings (and finding them)T