@TheGuild May e-news
Happy Spring from The Guild! Whether it's gardening, biking, or cookouts, we are happy to see our students and residents enjoying the outdoors. Our students and residents continue to return to their school/work/day programs and we are excited for them to return to their regular pre-COVID daily routines. Below are some updates from The Guild.
New House Update!
Last summer, The Guild announced that it would open new group homes for youth being displaced by the pending closure of the Crotched Mountain School. Now, The Guild is readying those homes for occupancy, not only for students transferring from Crotched Mountain, but for existing Guild students also.

The work is well under way and we anticipate finalizing the construction and regulatory approval of our two group homes in Bedford by the summer! Take a look at some of the work in progress.
Suitcase Stories: Voices of The Guild
In April, we collaborated with the International Institute of New England to present Suitcase Stories. Four Guild staff shared their experiences as an immigrant, their challenges navigating unfamiliar places and learning the cultural lessons and norms of this country, all while trying not to lose the culture they grew up with as they persist to achieve their dreams and goals. Watch the stories of three of our storytellers: Muyani, Estella and Linda. Check out the video.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
This week, we celebrate our amazing group of teachers and staff who have supported and worked tirelessly during the pandemic to provide our students with an in-person learning experience. Feel free to share a message of appreciation or support here and we will share it with them. 
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at
The Guild
The Guild is always working to advance equality, diversity and inclusion. It is a goal without a finish line and a constant work in progress. Listen to staff talk about our community and culture of inclusion.
Adapted Biking Success
Last month, we rented four adaptive bikes for two weeks and the students LOVED our daily outings to Tower Park in Lexington! Adaptive bikes are more than a form of recreation, they provide important physical, emotional, mental and quality of life benefits. A huge THANK YOU to our entire staff for making these outings safe, fun, and life-changing! See more pictures here.
New Adult Trikes Too!
A generous donor recently helped fund the purchase of adult tricycles for several of our adult residences. And they are enjoying them. Thank you so much!
Parent Testimonial
"Brittany has been at The Guild for 6 years now and will graduate in July. As the years have passed, we have watched Brittany's confidence and maturity soar. I have never met so many individuals with such loving, patient and kind hearts. Between her residential staff and teachers, these individuals collectively have loved and cared for Brittany and pushed her gently to navigate her strengths and weaknesses to realize her potential.

We will always be forever grateful that Brittany has the opportunity to meet all of these wonderful teachers and administrators at The Guild. Their presence in our lives has been life changing."

With sincere gratitude,
The Daigle Family
You can make a difference with a gift to The Guild
Private support funds recreational and community-based activities and provides for necessary improvements not covered by tuition or state reimbursement.
The Guild for Human Services
521 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
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