Quarterly NewsletterWinter 2014
Arnold Hanson, BRAED Chair


I am sitting here writing this message to all of you, reflecting on my first year as the Chair of BRAED.  We have seen an abundance of changes and progress in this past year, and I am grateful to each of you for your continued support of our organization.  It is solely from your support that we are able to continue our regional economic development work in East-Central Alberta.  To date, I have been a part of numerous projects and initiatives that have been BRAED-driven.  Two notable initiatives, and ones that I am particularly proud to be a part of are the
BRAED Economic Development Summer Internship Program
and the Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor.


The Economic Development Summer Internship Program has been a BRAED staple for the past four years, and will continue to play a role in our organization.  The program was designed to fill the gap we often see in small rural communities in regards to a lack of human and financial resources to complete economic development work.  BRAED offers an opportunity for all of its member communities to submit applications to host a summer student who would work primarily on economic development project and initiatives.  BRAED subsidizes the interns' wages, and has the interns become involved with BRAED by attending meetings and providing input to our initiatives and projects.  The ultimate goal of this program is to provide youth with meaningful work, get them engaged in municipal government and economic development, and in turn, this provides the host municipality with a needed resource, providing great benefit to advancing their economic development goals and priorities.


The Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor (EATC) is a joint-initiative between BRAED, AlbertaHUB, and Palliser Economic Partnership.  Aimed at working together as 80 communities to market Eastern Alberta nationally and internationally, the EATC has made great strides in the right direction.  This year has been one of EATC's finest, with the addition of an Executive Director.  The Government of Alberta - Innovation and Advanced Education has provided us with a two-year secondment in the form of Elvira Smid.  We are happy to have her and her expertise on board with the EATC.    In addition, we formalized a partnership with the Ports to Plains Alliance, a Texas-based not-for-profit advocacy group that spans from Northern Alberta, through ten states, and into Mexico.  This group is truly an international organization, and is helping us to set the stage for our Eastern-Alberta communities.


I look forward to seeing us continue to evolve into the New Year and into the next fiscal year, and am confident that you, our supporters, will continue to see benefit to what we are trying to accomplish. 

Have a wonderful holiday season! 



Chair Bud James

Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor Chair's Update


On behalf of the EATC Steering Committee, I am happy to provide you with this update:


Benefits of EATC membership with Ports to Plains

Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor (EATC) is starting to reap the benefits of membership in the Ports to Plains Alliance

  • Because your community is a member of BRAED it automatically becomes a member of Ports to Plains. Find your community's link on the Ports to Plains Website > Members Partners>Member Roster>Alliance Investors > find your community or

  • Ports to Plains is working specifically with us on identifying traffic and commodities flow.  This information will help us identify opportunities for local industry and investment attraction.
  • EATC's seat on the PTP board gives us a voice on the future of the organization and helps PTP stand with EATC on issues that affect us.
  • Visits from PTP to Government of Alberta Ministers included EATC representation.

Marketing the Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor

The EATC initiative allows us to have a much bigger presence when we participate in marketing events:

Ports to Plains 17th Annual General meeting and Conference, Del Rio Texas and Acuna Mexico

  • The 210 delegates from United States, Mexico and Canada heard about the advantages of Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor through:
  • Presentation by Chair, where BRAED region and its businesses were highlighted
  • Trade Show booth and Hospitality Suite that allowed us to speak one on one with delegates
  • Sponsorship of the conference that resulted in an ad in the program book and the ongoing advertising of EATC on the Ports to Plains website home page.

Canadian Energy Supply Chain Forum

  • Oct. 28-30, 2014 over 900 delegates representing nearly 500 companies were in Calgary to look for new opportunities in the oil and gas supply chain.
  • Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor was there: participating in a trade show booth, speaking with companies interested in investing and connecting companies with economic development contacts in eastern Alberta.

Canada-Mexico Partnership, Sept 8

  • Met with business people and elected officials at the Canada-Mexico Partnership networking event held on Sept 8 in Calgary.

Advocacy and Liaison

50 year Transportation Strategy - Meeting the Assistant Deputy Ministers, September 16

  • Economic developers from eastern and southern Alberta met twice to develop a position on the 50-year strategy that the Ministry of Transportation is currently producing.
  • Assistant Deputy Ministers from Transportation, Innovation and Advanced Education, Tourism and a representative from International and Intergovernmental Affairs were invited to hear this position in a presentation on September 16 in Camrose.
  • Follow -up is currently underway.

Wild Horse Border Committee Meeting, September 19

  • A second border crossing with enhanced hours and service would encourage the use of the highways in Eastern Alberta and provide a much needed security option to the one and only 24 hour border crossing currently in existence. The latest meeting was held in Havre, Montana, hosted by the Mayor of Havre.

VMHA meeting, Fort McMurray, September 29

  • A new closer working relationship between Veteran's Memorial Highway Association and EATC was proposed and affirmed at the VMHA meeting in Fort McMurray.

Meet and Greet, Killam, November 13

  • EATC Executive Director participated in the annual BRAED Meet and Greet event held in Forestburg.



Bud James 

Chair, EATC Steering Committee


With the release of the Small Business Strategy, you have access to new resources.  Receive answers to your small business questions within one business day by contacting a Business Advisor at The Business Link, online at or toll-free at 1.844.422.7705.

BRAED  is excited to announce second webinar in the "Webinars for Thought" joint initiative between BRAED and the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities


Recognizing Our Industry 6th Edition



League Pipeline Services Ltd. ("League") provides complete pipeline and facility services through the use of current technology, equipment and techniques available in today's market. Their mission is to meet or exceed customer expectations with excellence in the oil and gas industry while building long standing relationships with each and every client.

League Pipeline Services Ltd. is an oilfield contractor providing pipeline & facilities construction or maintenance services to Western Canada's energy sector.


When it comes to pipelines, integrity is critical. For pipeline operators and construction management companies like yours, the cost of a single failure to a pipeline can be catastrophic. The integrity of your pipeline protects the environment and ensures the growth, positive image and long-term profitability of your company.


League Pipeline Services have been building integrity - into pipelines, facilities and projects as well as into their organization and world-class services. They deliver integrity on every level of every project because success in this industry demands it.


To learn more about League Pipeline:

11025 - Highway 12   Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0

Phone: 403.578.2648



 Pro-Strata Enterprises


Located in Wainwright, Alberta, Canada, Pro-Strata Enterpises Inc. has been a proud and supporting member of the thriving construction industry of Wainwright and surrounding area for over 20 years!


What started out as a small company that converted busses into RV's, Canadian Coach was the beginning of Pro-Strata.  Once Canadian Couch dissolved, a few of the employees decided that collectively they were a deadlier team then they would be individually.  This amazing team included Dave Plouffe, a gifted carpenter; Dave Cawthorpe, a skilled cabinet maker and Norman Hunka, an artist of finishing. These talented craftsmen united and formed Strata Contracting. The successful start of their business brought the need for them to incorporate, thus the formation of Pro-Strata.  As time progressed the three craftsmen hired an apprentice, Cory Challenger, who is now a proud partner in the business as well as a very talented and valuable asset to the company.


Pro Strata has served many communities in the BRAED Region and beyond.  Wainwright, Irma, Edgerton, Chauvin, Provost, Vermilion, Lloydminster, Forestburg, Coronation, St. Paul, Elk Point and Edmonton as well as many others in between.  


To learn more about Pro-Strata:

819 - 3rd Avenue  Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1C5

Phone: 780.842.5388


Featured Events


January 8 2015 

Executive Committee Meeting, 

10AM Consort


January 8   

Investment, Attraction, and Retention Task Team Meeting

1PM  Consort


January 8 

Marketing and Communications Task Team Meeting
1PM Consort


January 16

 Entrepreneur Exchange "Commerce ConNEXTion": Connecting the Next Generation of Rural Entrepreneurs

11:30AM - 3PM Consort Community Connection Centre (5231 - 50th Street).  Find out more here..


February 21

Newcomers Canada Employee Recruitment Fair

Calgary. Find out more here


March 4 - 5 

Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor Forum



April 2 

BRAED Board of Directors Meeting 

10AM, Holden

A big thank you to Holden and our member representative from Holden, Carl Marsh for agreeing to host our Spring Board Meeting!


Find out more about Holden here: or find them on Twitter: @VillageofHolden.


April 8 - 10 
EDA Annual Conference


Meet Your New BRAED Executive!


At our last Board of Directors meeting we welcomed some new faces to the Executive Committee.  Our Executive Committee is made up of seven representatives from around the Region.


We are happy to announce the Arnold Hanson, Councilor for Beaver County remains as our Chair.  Arnold is a great asset to BRAED and we are happy to have him leading our organization.


Carl Marsh, Councilor for the Village of Holden joined us earlier this year, and will be the new Vice-Chair for BRAED.  We look forward to working with Carl in his new position on Executive.


Carley Herbert, EDO for the Town of Wainwrightis a veteran on our Executive Committee, and we are happy to have re-elected her again this year.  Carley is our Secretary, and we are very glad to have her expertise.


Our new Treasurer is Brian Ducherer, Mayor for the Village of Ryley.  Brian previously served as our Vice-Chair but willingly took on the role of Treasurer as he has a good understanding of finances.


Joan Green, Councilor for the Village of Irma has been on our Executive Committee for the past year, and we are so happy to have her insight and ideas again this year.


Special Areas #4 EDO, Wanda Diakow has been on the BRAED Executive Committee for several years.  Wanda's creativity and willingness to assist are very welcomed by BRAED.


Our newest Executive Committee member was elected on December 4 at our Board Meeting, and we are very excited to welcome him.  A huge thank you to Ray Telford, EDO for the City of Camrose for being a part of this team! 


Santa for Seniors banner Christmas Seniors Initiative


Andrukow Group Solutions
has launched a Christmas charity initiative that will support senior citizens in need.  The initiative entitled "Santa for Seniors" looks to collect and distribute gifts and life-essentials to senior citizens in need, or on fixed incomes.  In its first year, "Santa for Seniors" will focus on the communities of
Camrose, Viking, Ryley,
and surrounding areas.



You can participate by visiting and clicking on the Santa for Seniors banner for a list of gift ideas.  You can also visit participating retail partners (Peavey Mart (Camrose), Crossroads IDA (Viking), Andrukow Group Solutions, or 790 CFCW) where you will find a Christmas tree housing ornaments.  Remove an ornament and purchase the gift idea labelled on the front, give the gift item to a store employee, or drop off at your local ADSI location.



The intiative began on November 19th and will wrap up on December 17th, with gifts being delivered to seniors in need on December 22nd and 23rd.


For more information, contact Keynon Ternovoy, Marketing Director at AGSI at 780.390.0262.


