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Eventos, Comunicados y Noticias

Recuerda participar en nuestra Asamblea Extraordinaria y Almuerzo Navideño este viernes!!!

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Asamblea Extraordinaria

La Asamblea tiene el propósito de presentar los resultados de las elecciones de los Directores que ocuparán las vacantes en la Junta Directiva 2021-2022.


Almuerzo Navideño

Comienza la Navidad con camaristas y empresarios. ¡Música Navideña, sorpresas, güiros, maracas y deliciosos platos típicos!


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Gobernador anuncia llegada de rotor de turbina reparado para Unidad 6 de Costa Sur

(8 de diciembre de 2021) El gobernador Pedro R. Pierluisi anunció hoy junto al director ejecutivo de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), Josué A. Colón Ortiz, la llegada a Puerto Rico del rotor de la turbina de la Unidad 6 de la Central Costa Sur, que fue reparado a un costo aproximado de $3 millones. Una vez se complete el proceso de instalación en la unidad 6, el rotor de turbina reparado aportará fortaleza al sistema de energía de la Isla con unos 410 megavatios (MW).  


Gobernador Pierluisi actualiza datos de manejo de fondos federales de reconstrucción para la Isla

(6 de diciembre de 2021) Tras sostener una reunión esta mañana con los jefes de agencia del Ejecutivo sobre el manejo de fondos federales de recuperación, el gobernador Pedro R. Pierluisi informó la actualización de datos que han ofrecido las agencias, mientras continúan laborando para gestionar el trámite y manejo apropiado de estos fondos.


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Foundation for Puerto Rico (FPR) announced the development of the Destino 191: El Yunque del Caribe project, an initiative co-designed with community leaders which seek to develop and implement an innovative plan to revitalize and promote Route 191 in Cubuy, Naguabo as a vibrant destination that provides a second entrance to El Yunque National Forest.  

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Scammers prefer gift cards, but not just any card will do

Gift cards are an easy way to give. Reports to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel show they’re also an easy way to take. About one in four people who report losing money to fraud say it happened when a scammer tricked them into giving the numbers on the back of a gift card.1 Gift cards are far more frequently reported than any other payment method for fraud,2 and the numbers have reached staggering new highs compared to past years.3 In the first nine months of 2021 alone, nearly 40,000 people reported $148 million stolen using gift cards. And because the vast majority of frauds are not reported to the government, this reflects only a fraction of the harm these scams cause.

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Beware of Vaping Products with Unproven Health Claims

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants consumers to know certain “wellness” vaping products containing vitamins and/or essential oils are being illegally sold with unproven claims and could be harmful if used. Currently, no vaping products are approved by the FDA to prevent or treat any health conditions or diseases.

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Developments That Matter

What’s the FTC Hiding?


Economic Viewpoints

What to Make of November’s Jobs Report


Top of Mind

Getting Workers Back into the Workforce


Middle Market Conditions Remain Solid

The Chamber’s and RSM’s 2021 Q4 Middle Market Business Index (MMBI) showed a slight decline in business conditions for middle market firms in Q4.

Why it matters: The data reflects the slowing economy, though the middle market is optimistic about the six months ahead.

Our take: “This quarter’s survey demonstrates the resiliency of the middle market. Despite continued inflationary pressures and supply chain difficulties, more than half of middle market leaders expect revenues and earnings to increase in the coming months.”


Small Business, Big Impact

2022 Tax Season Planning You Should Be Doing Now


Reopening Business Digital Resources Center

Access the complete Bulletin
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SBA Administrator Announces Plans to Elevate the Office of Women’s Business Ownership

“In 1972, there were a little over 400,000 women-owned businesses in the United States. Today, there are over 12 million proving that women entrepreneurs have become the fastest growing and one of the most impactful segments of the business community,” said Administrator Guzman. “While there has been historic progress in women’s entrepreneurship, significant disparities still persist, impacting women entrepreneurs’ access to resources and opportunity, especially in the face of the economic challenges posed by COVID. That is why I am proud to advance the mission of the Office of Women’s Business Ownership and reaffirm our commitment to America’s women-owned small businesses.”

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BBB Tip: 8 tricks to get the most out of your company culture

Company culture is the way in which your employees interact with each other, including how they work together and the values they share. Your company culture is essential to maximize productivity, and to get the most out of this culture, you need to ensure that employee morale is high. This way, they will be encouraged to put in their best effort.

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Tax Policy’s Bipartisan Roots

I always begin my classes in Federal Income Taxation by reminding my students that the tax law is the primary link between people and their government—they all will have to wrestle with the tax law.

In 2020 an unprecedented 159 million Americans voted in the presidential elections. The IRS that year received nearly 170 million individual income tax returns, many for two or more people—and if we add business and non-income tax returns, the number of returns swelled to 240 million. Far more people file tax returns than vote.


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Pierden su Fuerza las Empresas Digitales y se Afectan sus Valores

Desde que comenzó la pandemia, los consumidores se han visto obligados a adaptarse y adoptar nuevas formas de comer, hacer ejercicio, entretenerse, estudiar, trabajar, comunicarse y vivir la vida. En su mayor parte, estos hábitos han sido forzados; estos rápidos cambios tienen importantes implicaciones que van desde los detallistas hasta las empresas de consumo. Muchos de los cambios a largo plazo, en el comportamiento de los consumidores, no serán duraderos y otros permanecerán con nosotros como parte de nuestra nueva normalidad.

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Cómo comenzar tu negocio en Puerto Rico

Si algo podemos decir del 2020 y 2021 es que fueron dos años de muchos cambios. Desde los terremotos que impactaron el área sur a la pandemia del COVID-19 que aún continúa, nuestra comunidad empresarial se encontró en la necesidad de reinventarse para adaptarse rápidamente a estas nuevas realidades y salir adelante.

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Asamblea Extraordinaria de Socios y Socias

10 de diciembre |   11:00am-3:00pm | Marriott San Juan Resort & Stellaris Casino, Ballroom 2

Registro VIRTUAL
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Almuerzo Navideño

10 de diciembre |   11:30am-3:00pm | Marriott San Juan Resort & Stellaris Casino, Ballroom 1

Comienza las Navidades con tus compañeros camaristas y disfruta...

  • Deliciosos platos típicos
  • Música Navideña en VIVO para que calientes los motores
  • Networking
  • y muchas otras sorpresas

Accede la promoción completa para más detalles

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State of American Business 2022: Competition for the Future

December 11, 2021

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Under the theme Competition for the Future, join business leaders from across the country and around the world for this high-level dialogue to equip, inform, and inspire you to take on the challenges and opportunities ahead.

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Spotlight on Central America: The Call to Action and Partnership for Central America

December 13, 2021

1:45 - 3:45 p.m.

Join the U.S. Chamber, Vice President Kamala Harris, and State Department as we address private capital investment in Central America.


Path Forward with Dr. Anthony Fauci

December 16, 2021

1:00 - 1:45 p.m.

Dr. Fauci will share his thoughts on the current state of the pandemic.

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U.S. Goverment Contracting Opportunities & Surety Bonds Program

December 15, 2021

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Join the PR Army National Guard (PRANG) and SBA at this event hosted by the PR SBTDC, and learn about construction project opportunities with the PRANG, SBA Surety Bond guaranty programs, and other SBA Government Contracting programs for small business.

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¡Salgamos a trabajar! El Programa de Desarrollo Laboral tiene las herramientas para ayudarte a reincorporarte en la fuerza laboral de Puerto Rico. Descubre las plazas disponibles en:


Omicron vs Delta: Battle of coronavirus mutants is critical

December 7, 2021


6 Questions About the Impact of Noncompete Agreements on Businesses and Employees

December 6, 2021


Here’s What You Need to Know About the CFPB’S Small Business Data Collection

December 7, 2021


Vermont's Christmas tree farmers scramble to meet high demand

December 3, 2021

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Copper’s Essential Role in Protecting Public Health

December 7, 2021

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We all want the Omicron variant to be milder. Here's why it's too soon to know

December 8, 2021

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Agencias estatales y federales unen fuerzas contra la corrupción pública

8 de diciembre de 2021

Los comercios se enfrentan a clientes exigentes

8 de diciembre de 2021

Evalúan la venta de hoteles de lujo en la Isla

8 de diciembre de 2021

Sigue en alza el turismo en la Isla

8 de diciembre de 2021

El apoyo que necesitan nuestras PyMEs

8 de diciembre de 2021

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Puerto Rico’s Challenges and Options for Long-term Growth

December 8, 2021

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Pfizer anuncia que una tercera dosis de su vacuna neutraliza los efectos de la variante ómicron

8 de diciembre de 2021

Cámara baja aprueba una asignación de más de $100 millones para nuevas construcciones militares en Puerto Rico

7 de diciembre de 2021

Artistas y marcas locales se adentran al mundo de los NFT: “Vinieron para quedarse”

7 de diciembre de 2021

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Anuncian millonaria inversión en infraestructura para La Católica

xx de diciembre de 2021

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Variante ómicron ya ha entrado en 57 países

8 de diciembre de 2021

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Study: 88%+ Puerto Rican consumers will shop this holiday season

December 8, 2021

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Global Market Square

7 de diciembre de 2021

Gobernador actualiza datos de manejo de fondos federales de reconstrucción para Puerto Rico

7 de diciembre de 2021

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¿Qué son los “deepfakes”? Estos videos te harán creer cualquier cosa en internet?

8 de diciembre de 2021

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US futures rise after S&P 500 notches its biggest one-day rally since March as traders reconsider Omicron threat

December 8, 2021

Wall Street hopes young people will drive a metaverse boom - but only 38% of Gen Zs think it's the next big thing

December 8, 2021

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