Hello Again!
I hope you are all staying warm this cold January. This is a follow up from from my prior email which now includes our January menu along with a newly added Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, 1/22 as well as a schedule of Computer Study Hall topics which will be presented throughout the year on the 4th Friday of each month.
Please note on the January menu we will be having a special MLK Jr lunch on Thursday, 1/23. Please call to rsvp if you are interested. Orders will be placed on 1/14.
I would also like to note that our social worker Jane will be here on 1/22 not 1/15 as the current Activity Calendar states.
Finally, Great News! The Fitness contract with Symbria was renewed. Michele's zoom classes resume on Friday. For those interested, here is her video link that you can do any time.
Video link: https://otff.box.com/s/eak5eb8l8egzuxpxmgsnlldcnd15hgew .
As always we are here for you, Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Call or stop by. 5801 N Natoma, 773-775-6071.
Take care & be safe.
Director, NPSC