The HIRN is pleased to announce the following grants have been awarded for RFA-DK-021 (CBDS) and <br> RFA-DK-17-022 (HPAC)

  • "Development of an Early Diagnostic Biomarker and Novel Treatment Strategy for T1D" (CBDS: U01 DK120379)

  • "Linking islet cell function and identity from in vitro to in situ" <br> (HPAC: U01 DK120447-01)

  • "High-resolution characterization of human ductal progenitor cells and their regeneration potential" (HPAC: U01 DK120393-01)

  • "Single cell analysis of the human pancreas in type 1 diabetes" b (HPAC: U01 DK120429)

  • "In situ analysis of functional endocrine, vascular, and immune cell interactions during early postnatal development of the human pancreas" (HPAC: U01 DK120456-01)
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Benaroya Research Institute
Logos, Presentation Templates & Consortium Schematics

The HIRN official logos, powerpoint presentation templates and scientific consortium schematics are available for download on our website. Please download these for use on your presentations or as needed.
HIRN NIH Requests for Applications (RFAs)

RFA-DK-18-015 : Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP) (U01)
  • NIDDK intends to commit $4.5 million in FY 2019 to fund 1 award.
  • Letter of Intent due: January 26, 2019
  • Application due: February 26, 2019

RFA-DK-18-016 : Human Pancreas Analysis Program for Type 2 Diabetes (HPAP-T2D) (U01)
  • NIDDK intends to commit $3 million in FY 2019 to fund 1 award.
  • Letter of Intent due: January 26, 2019
  • Application due: February 26, 2019

RFA-DK-18-011 : Human Islet Research Network: Consortium on Human Islet Biomimetics (CHIB)
  • NIDDK intends to commit $3 million in FY 2019 to fund 2-3 awards.
  • Letter of Intent due: November 11, 2018
  • Application due: December 11, 2018
NIH Requests for Applications (RFAs)

NOT-RM-17-030 : T he NIH Common Fund Regenerative Medicine Program (RMP) Announces the Opportunity to Collaborate with the Stem Cell Translation Laboratory (SCTL) at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
  • Proposal due dates: July 1, November 1 and March 1

RFA-PAR-18-886 : New Par adigms in Tissue Communication-from mediators to metabolic function (RC2 Clinical Trials Optional)
  • Letter of Intent due: Six weeks prior to application due date
  • Application due dates: Nov 1, 2019; May 30, 2019, October 31, 2019; June 2, 2020

RFA-DK-18-005 : Mechanisms Underlying the Contribution of Type 1 Diabetes Disease-associated Variants (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • NIDDK intends to commit $3.25 million in FY 2019 to fund 4-5 awards
  • Letter of Intent due: November 6, 2018
  • Application due: December 6, 2018

RFA-DK-17-031 :   The Characterization and Discovery of Novel Autoantigens and Epitopes in Type 1 Diabetes (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
  • NIDDK intends to commit up to $1.25 million to fund 2-3 awards in FY 2018 and up to $1.25 million to fund 2-3 awards in FY 2019.
  • Letter of Intent due: March 26, 2018 and November 6, 2018
  • Application due: April 26, 2018 and December 6, 2018
Visit HIRN Website to view posting details
The Department of Physiology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center invites applications from nationally and internationally renowned individuals for the position of Eldon D. & Ruth Connell Endowed Chair Professor of Diabetes Research. Qualified candidates are expected to be leaders in the field of diabetes research with an internationally-recognized research program that is supported by robust extramural funding. Applicants should submit a cover letter of interest, complete CV, summary of research accomplishments and goals, and names and contact information of five references to Dr. Jonathan H. Jaggar.
Assistant & Associate Member
The  Benaroya Research Institute  is accepting applications for Assistant and Associate Members from well-qualified PhD and/or MD investigators to develop and lead their independent research laboratory program. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and the names of three references to  Immunology Recruit .
Postdoctoral Position
The Labs of Drs.  Maike Sander  and  Kyle Gauton at   University of California, San Diego  is recruiting a  candidate with a Ph.D. in Biological Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related field, and have experience with high-throughput sequence data.  Send detailed CV, list of publications and statement of research directly to Drs.  Maike Sander  and  Kyle Gaulton
Postdoctoral Position
The  Lab of Dr. Abdelfattah El Ouaamari  at  Rutgers University/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is recruiting self-driven, creative and organized candidates with a PhD in neuroscience, biochemistry or molecular and cellular biology. The candidate must possess skills in manipulating and assessing neuronal activity. Candidates should have a strong record of productivity and publication in the fields of neuroscience/neurobiology or islet biology. Interested candidate should send CV, cover letter and 3 references directly to  Dr. El Ouaamari
Postdoctoral Position
The Lab of  Dr. Amelia Linnemann  a t the  Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases at Indiana University School of Medicine  is recruiting for a postdoc with interest in islet biology, microscopy (confocal, multiphoton, super-res), and animal models of diabetes (zebrafish, mouse) in the highly interactive NIH-funded Diabetes Center at Indiana University. Please contact  Dr. Amelia Linnemann  directly for additional information or to apply.
Postdoctoral Associate
The  University of Miami  in the Lab of Dr. Joana Almaca is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Associate to focus on the role of microvasculature in type 1 diabetes. Strong scientific background in molecular physiology and demonstrated scientific problem solving ability and creativity. Experience in confocal microscopy, calcium imaging and image quantification is highly desired. Send detailed CV, list of publications and statement of research directly to  Dr. Joana Almaca .
Postdoctoral Fellow
The lab of Dr. Joe Zhou is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position at  Weill Cornell Medicine  starting in the spring of 2019. The candidate should have a PhD or MD degree, and at least one first-author publication that demonstrates proficiency in research. He/she should have vigorous training in at least one of the following fields: stem cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, proteomics, or mouse genetics. Send CV and contact information directly to  Dr. Joe Zhou .
HIRN Meetings
2019 Annual Investigator Meeting

Save the date for the 2019 HIRN Annual Investigator meeting. It will be held on April 28-May 1, 2019 at the Capital Hilton, Washington DC.
Other Meetings
Gordon Research Conference

The 2019 Gordon Conference on Pancreatic Diseases will be
June 16-21, 2019 at the Jordan Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, ME.