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From Pastor Jon

It was great to welcome new members Sunday and baptize/bless children! Pastors Mark Putman and Jonathan Kollmann brought the message about living a life without favoritism. You can find those messages by clicking on the "Watch on Demand" tab above.

This week we are looking at James answer to the question: Can faith without works save you? Your faith in the Lord is demonstrated by how you live, pray, and love othersThe Bible Reading Plan is below. I will be speaking at 8:30 in the Sanctuary and 9:30 & 11 in the Worship Center. Pastor Jonathan will preach the 11 Traditional and Pastor SueLee will bring the message at the Salem Campus.

 Bible Reading Plan

Our disaffiliation vote is this Sunday, October 23, at 5 pm. I encourage you to join us in a weeklong time of prayer and fasting. There is more information on that below. If you have not been to an informational meeting yet, we will have two open meetings: this Sunday October 23, 9:30 and 11 am in Room 17.

The afternoon of October 23, Please check-in at 4:30 pm in the Connections Center. Then make you way to the Sanctuary for the vote. (There will be assistance for those with mobility issues).Only members in attendance can vote per UMC rules. We are providing free childcare for the meeting. Email Becky Frazier with your child names and ages.

One of the great things about the small group meetings is that they give us a chance to receive feedback from you and make improvements where needed. After we shared about the voting process in the video last week, one of the groups suggested that we delay the approval of the bylaws until later this year, since we do not need them immediately.

Our Council discussed that last week and made two decisions. First, we will delay the approval of the bylaws until our regular Church Conference that will take place before the end of 2022. Until that time, the UMC Book of Discipline will continue to serve as our bylaws.

Second, we have assembled a team to create the draft of the bylaws. None of these team members are part of the Council or pastoral staff, which is important since these bylaws govern the Council and pastors. The team includes: Becky Costello (leader), Stuart Dornette, Bill Smith, and Mark Rowland. Mike Hirschfeld and Brandon Woodard have also provided input already, based on their experience as attorneys. I'm really thankful for the expertise and work of this excellent team!

The bylaws will be approved by the Church Conference (the membership of Anderson Hills) later this year, and we will share drafts as they are produced so that you can review them, ask questions, and offer feedback.

In Friday's video, I talk with Shane Bishop, Lead Pastor of Christ Church in the St. Louis area. Shane is one of the Foundry Network's founding pastors, and I am so excited about the possibility of joining this network of large, former United Methodist churches. Also, here's a link to some more info about the Foundry:

Check out our conversation below!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jon

A Call For Fasting and Prayer

In preparation for the Denominational Disaffiliation Vote, our pastors and Church Council are calling for a time of fasting and prayer, now through this Sunday, October 23.

Faithful believers throughout the Bible sacrificially fasted from physical food for a period of

time and replaced it with spiritual nourishment, finding wisdom, clarity, and guidance.

Today, Christians remove worldly distractions from our lives to be able to concentrate on prayer that seeks God’s presence through the Holy Spirit to guide us in decisions with God’s wisdom and discernment. While fasting from food is biblical (to remind us that God is sovereign and our dependence on Him for everything), we have other options. The link below explains fasting and will help you to decide how and what you might fast from anytime (total or partial elimination) during this week. After the vote, we will break the fast together with food and fellowship in the Atrium.

How to Fast by Pete Grieg

Please be in prayer for Gene Ledbetter and their family. Gene's wife, Joyce, went on to life triumphant Saturday. Joyce was active in UMW, campus gardening and other ministries. Visitation is Monday, October 24 10-11:30 am, Service at 11:30 with a reception to follow.

Coming Up

Celebrate Recovery this week

Every Thursday, we serve dinner to the community at our Salem Campus starting at 5:45 pm. Starting at 6:45 pm we host Celebrate Recovery a Christ-centered 12-step recovery program. You can join CR anytime. This week, hear how Amy and Daniel have experienced redemption in their marriage and family through their relationship with Christ and active, continual work on themselves through the twelve steps.

Celebrate Recovery Info

Decorate your vehicle for our Fall Festival!

We already have several great entries for our Fall Festival Trunk or Treat but we need more! Prizes will be awarded for the top three trunks! This is a great way to share the love of Jesus with our community! Besides the Trunk or Treat there will be laser tag, inflatables, pie the pastor and other activities at the Anderson Campus, Saturday, October 29, 5-7 pm. The township is also having a Fall Fest across the street, so families can do both!

Children & Family Ministry is asking that the trunks be decorated in a Bible theme. Sign up here to decorate your vehicle! If you want to volunteer at an activity station contact Children & Family Ministry Director Lauren Arana.

Sunday, October 23

Our Mission team is headed to Monterrey next week to serve Back 2 Back Ministries at an orphanage.We will be commissioning them in the 11am Service this Sunday in the Worship Center. The team will be collecting spare change outside worship services. The money will be used to buy needed items for the orphanage.

Sunday, October 30

On the months with a 5th Sunday, we have our kids worship with their families and we give our Children's Ministry volunteers a day off. Kids who are two and older go to Worship with their families. There is nursery care for children birth to two years old. Kids will also be participating in worship as singers, hosts, etc.

Break Free Workshop Moved to Oct 30

It's not too late to sign up for the next Break Free Workshop. We moved it from October 16 to October 30. The class is 6 weeks on Sunday mornings, 9:30-11 am. In Break Free, you will learn that God truly wants you to live an abundant and fruitful life, no longer believing the lies the enemy tells you and dealing with the consequences. Lies that keep you feeling rejected, unloved, unworthy. Lies that keep you covered in shame and guilt, and holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness. It's time to let that all go and walk in God's love, peace and joy! Register here.

Wednesday November 9

6:30 pm

Gather with the Women of Anderson Hills for some sweet and salty bites, fellowship and message by Vicki Hart, The Power of Letting Go, to Grow. Vicki and her husband, George, are members of Anderson Hills. The venue is Anderson Center Government Building, 7850 Five Mile Road. (Behind the Towne Center shopping area) $10/person. Register here.

Thursday, November 10,

6 pm

Anderson Pub & Grill

Guys join us for our 4th Quarter Rally! Meet friends, get some great food and hear a message by Pastor Jonathan Kollmann. Cost is $10/bring a guest for free. Register here.

Saturday, November 12

9 am- 3 pm.

Local and international vendors will be selling handmade items. There will be a bake sale, silent auction, jewelry, quilts and gifts for the holidays. The Café will serve lunch from 11 am-2 pm. Come for a day of shopping and support charities and missions. Questions? Call Jean Dillon 513-235-9833.


Sunday, November 13

We will be recognizing our veterans in all worship services. Please check the list in the West Hallway and add your name/service. Thank you!

We are searching for a new Preschool Director. This is a part-time position, five days a week, 25 hours. Full job description here. Please send resume and job application to Executive Pastor Mark Putman

We are a praying church

Pray for our church as we vote on our denominational future Sunday. Prayers for wisdom, discernment and unity!

For our upcoming elections.

For voters to lean on God for his wisdom and discernment.

Ukraine and leadership. For strength and perserverance to continue to defend their country.

Get In Touch


Anderson Hills Campus

7515 Forest Rd

Cincinnati, OH 45255


Salem Campus

6137 Salem Rd

Cincinnati, OH 45230


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