Coalition Connection
Your Weekly Source of News, Trainings, and Events
Through a collective voice,
the WCADVSA is committed to provide leadership, education, and systems advocacy to advance social change and end violence.



May 14, 2021
Welcome to your weekly edition of the Coalition Connection!

Not sure of the purpose of this newsletter?  Click here to learn more.  Are you having difficulty viewing this e-mail or do you feel like you are missing some of the information in the Connection?  If so, click here for a few helpful hints.

We will highlight important information in this section each week that requires your action or attention.  This week's highlights include:  
WCADVSA Staff Attorney PositionsAttorneys

The WCADVSA Legal Project is funded through a grant received from the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program. The Legal Project has been funded by OVW since 1998 in competitive grant cycles. Two Staff Attorney positions and a Legal Assistant position are funded to complete the grant goals which include providing direct civil legal services on behalf of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking statewide. 

Two positions are open - click below for complete position description, responsibilities, compensation and application process.

1) located within the WCADVSA's Legal Project office in Ft. Washakie, WY

2) located within the WCADVSA's Legal Project office Cody, WY

  • Licensed to practice law in Wyoming.
  • Knowledge of Wyoming courts, laws and procedures.
  • Thorough understanding of family law, civil procedure, evidence, ethics and familiarity with criminal law.
  • Understanding of issues and willingness to continue to learn about issues related to
    domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault and a strong commitment to ending
    violence against women.
  • Ability to provide professional, high quality and sensitive legal services to victims of
    domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
  • Ability to counsel and advise clients and provide referrals for people who are in crisis.
  • Willingness and ability to work with people from varied backgrounds, cultures,
    ethnicities and abilities.
  • Proficiency with computer and Internet technologies and software programs,
    including Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • Ability to work with law office management databases, including ABACUS.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage time, keep detailed statistics, evaluate progress and
    adjust activities to complete work within established time frames.
  • Ability to handle multiple projects and work independently as well as collaboratively.
  • Demonstrated team building, limit setting, problem solving, creative/analytical
    thinking and organizational skills, including report writing and grant writing.
  • Demonstrated project management skills, including staff supervision.
  • Commitment to collaboration, team-building and professional development of staff.
Racial Disparity/Gap Analysis StudyHomeless_Survey

The Wyoming Homeless Collaborative is conducting an analysis of any service access disparities amongst persons of racial and/or ethnic minorities. 

They are wanting consumer perspective on these gaps in homeless services and disparities.

Our WorkOur_Work
Spring Membership Meeting - May 19 thru 21 Membership

The Spring Membership Meeting will be a virtual gathering beginning at 1:00 pm on May 19, continuing May 20 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and concluding May 21 from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm.
Registration is now open.  Click here to register. Please make sure each person who will be attending from your program completes a registration by May 17, 2021. 

Save The Date! 16th Annual DV Counts Day - September 9Cunsus_DAY

NNEDV is pleased to announce the date for this year's Domestic Violence Counts Day. This year the count will begin at 8:00 AM Eastern on Thursday, September 9th. An informational packet will be sent out in the next month or so detailing the specifics of the DV Counts Day, including what time you will begin counting in your time zone, reporting your data, important definitions, and frequently asked questions.
This year, NNEDV will be moving away from SurveyMonkey to a new platform for data collection. As with years past, NNEDV will host an information webinar before the day of the count to walk programs through the survey structure and questions being asked. Because we will be using a new reporting platform, it may be helpful to have your staff member that will be reporting the data for your organization join the webinar or watch the recording.
If you would like to have another staff member added to the listserv to ensure they receive the information regarding the day of the count, please email their information to to be added. 

Silent Witness InitiativeSilent_Witness

Planning for the 2021 Silent Witness Ceremony is  underway, and we are so excited to be working with Taneesa Congdon of the Sweetwater County  YWCA The Center for Families and Children who will be hosting the 24th-year ceremony October 9 in Rock Springs..   
A couple of notes and requests to help us in organizing the initiative:   
1.  The WCADVSA is responsible for the addition of new silhouettes to the exhibit.  If you are aware of a DV homicide victim in your community that meets the criteria below, please share this information with Pam by June 18 We will connect with each program that submits information to discuss the process to connect with the family about inclusion into the exhibit. 

Criteria for inclusion in the Wyoming Silent Witness Initiative:   
  • GENDER: Initiative focus is on women who have been murdered as a result of domestic violence.
  • RELATIONSHIP:  Spouse, ex-spouse, boyfriend or ex-boyfriend (established relationship), share a child or is pregnant by perpetrator.  Other extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • ASSOCIATED VICTIMS: Males who are murdered during a domestic violence homicide may be included on the Male silhouette with a small shield that includes their name and age at time of death.
  • TIME FRAME: Crime occurred/or was prosecuted since 1985.  (If crime or prosecution does not fall within the last ten years, the Silhouette may be added for 2 years then retired.)  Silhouette cannot be added until there has been an adjudication of the case.
  • CAUSE OF DEATH: Must have been a domestic violence homicide.
  • OTHER: Women who have been murdered as a result of domestic violence in another state, territory or country who may or may not be a native of Wyoming but have family living in Wyoming requesting their loved one be included in the exhibit.
2.  If you have updated contact information  for Silent Witness family members, please share that with Pam.
3.  We would love to have more involvement on the committee from program members, advocates, law enforcement, victim witness associates, etc. If interested in participating, please connect with  Kristen. The role of the State Silent Witness Committee is to provide a state level voice and perspective for the Wyoming Silent Witness Initiative. The duties of the committee are to:
  • Be involved!
  • Annually review and approve the Guidelines
  • Select the annual host community
  • Annually review the mission statement
  • Attend the Silent Witness Ceremony each year to support programs and provide assistance the day of.
  • The Division of Victim Services may be able to help with per-diem expenses for committee members.
  • Host a call with the prior community, the committee, and the current community to open the dialogue, allow for initial questions to be answered.
  • Host a call after the Silent Witness Ceremony for the committee to debrief and make a plan to stay committed to and increase involvement around the call to action.
Funds to Reduce Education, Employment, and Job Training Barriers for SurvivorsBarrier_Funds

With support from The Allstate Foundation, the WCADVSA has funds to support education, employment, and job training barriers for survivors. These funds can be used to help support survivors in obtaining G.E.D.s, job skills training, certifications, licenses, continuing education, education/job-related supplies such as uniforms, tools, and/or other equipment, transportation-related support, etc.  
If your program is offering training on the Allstate Moving Ahead Curriculum or other economic empowerment training, you may request funds to support and encourage survivor participation such as offering food and/or childcare during economic empowerment events and training or gas gift cards for survivors to get to the training).  
Member programs may also inquire about offering scholarships to help support survivor participation in job training programs.
We have approximately $3,601 remaining. Remaining funds will be pledged on a first come first serve basis. To request funds, please submit an  Allstate Barrier Reduction Request Form. Once your request has been approved, your program will pay expenses upfront and then you can request reimbursement by submitting an  Allstate Barrier Reduction Reimbursement Form.
If you have any questions, please connect with Trish Worley
Policy UpdatesPolicy_Updates
National Policy Updates
NNEDV Virtual Advocacy Days 2021NNEDV_Advocacy_Days

Great Opportunity to be Trained & Participate in National Lobbying Efforts for VAWA!  Be Heard, Take Action, End Violence

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) will host their annual Advocacy Days Conference June 15-16, 2021. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to advance the collective agenda of domestic violence leadership from across the United States through this virtual event. 

Please reach out to Tara Muir  to let her know ASAP you are interested in attending all or part
of NNEDV's Virtual Advocacy Days 2021.  
There are two short training webinars to get you up to speed on June 8 & 10, and training on June 15
with a strategy session for a Hill visit via Zoom on June 16.   

NNEDV and we welcome the participation of as many state and territory coalition members as possible. We encourage coalitions to invite survivors who want to speak from their lived experience, culturally specific service providers, and first-time participants, as well those of you who join NNEDV each year in DC. Registration is free for those speaking from lived experience and for culturally specific service provider staff.
Get ready to talk with our Congressional representatives! Great learning opportunity for new or long time program directors and any staff, volunteers or Board of Directors. 
Preconference Webinars:
Tuesday, June 8 @ 1:00 - 2:30 pm - Pre-Conference Webinar I 
o   Lobbying 101: Impact at a Distance
§  This session is required for first time participants, optional for anyone who wants a refresher.
§  Recording will be available for participants unable to attend the live session.
Thursday, June 10 @ 1:00 - 2:30 pm - Pre-Conference Webinar II
o   Federal Updates and Legislative Asks
§  Required for all participants, as this material will not be covered during the conference.
§  Recording will be shared if you are unable to attend the live session

Advocacy Days:
Tuesday, June 15
9:30 am - 12:30 pm - Advocacy Days Policy Forum
3:00 pm - Individual Strategy Sessions with NNEDV Staff

Wednesday, June 16
9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Virtual Hill Visits (actual schedule based on the meetings Tara secures - TBD)
3:00 - 4:00 pm - Happy Hour/Debrief (optional but fun!)
Accessing Trainings
All training sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Zoom information will be provided in your registration confirmation and subsequent emails. Each session will be closed captioned in English. ASL and Spanish interpretation are available upon request.
Strategy Sessions
After the main policy forum ends on Tuesday, June 15, NNEDV policy staff will be available for state/territory group strategy sessions. These sessions will help participants develop individualized plans for each Congressional meeting. 
State Policy Updates
Monthly Policy Calls for Program Staff/Board/Volunteers OnlyLast_Call

Tara Muir, our public policy director, will connect with all of you on federal and state policy issues! Usually 4th Fridays at lunch. All questions welcome.
Training and EventsTrainings
Wyoming Webinars, Training, and Events
Healthy Moms, Happy Babies (HMHB) Community-Based Webinar
Coming to Your Community in Summer 2021!HMHB

Many staff of home visitation, early childhood and similar programs struggle with how best to address issues of domestic violence (DV) among their clients. The impact of DV on parents' and children's physical and mental health and risk for substance use and persistent perinatal depression is well documented. To support communities' capacity in DV prevention, response, and healing, we are providing Healthy Moms, Happy Babies (HMHB) webinars. We aspire to reach each county in Wyoming, and invite you to lead in identifying community partners to invite to the webinars.

This summer and early fall, a team of people from Wyoming Departments of Family Services, Health, and Corrections, along with Wyoming Children's Trust Fund and WCADVSA, will provide training. The 3-hour webinar provides healing approaches to DV prevention and response for staff of home visitation, early childhood, and other community programs, with attuned approaches to DV for survivors.

HMHB is an interactive curriculum that addresses the barriers and difficulties staff experience in addressing DV. The training will address how personal and or vicarious trauma or abuse may impact our ability to do this work. Specific strategies and tools, personal and organizational, will be presented to address the needs of front-line staff and managers so that they feel adequately situated to hear a positive disclosure of abuse.

We hope sharing in this interactive learning space with your fellow community members and organizations will be another capacity building opportunity for all. If you're interested, please click here to choose some weeks that look good for a potential webinar for your community, and Susie will reach out to you to talk about this in more detail.

For more information email Susie Markus or call her at 307-222-3352 or 307-274-6292.

My name is Kimmy Moon,  and I'm reaching out from the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, a project funded by the Administration for Community Living.
In honor of Older Americans Month (May) and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15th, the NCEA is hosting our very first virtual awareness walk, Walk for WEAAD from May 1st to June 15th. Walk for WEAAD is hosted on the Walker Tracker platform which converts a number of activities (e.g., wheel-chair exercises, yoga, gardening, etc.) into step counts so people of all ages and abilities can participate. Walker Tracker also has a leaderboard function where states and territories are organized as  "teams."
We noticed that Wyoming was not represented in Walk for WEAAD, so we wanted to personally reach out to share this campaign as well as promotional materials to help spread the word.
Please visit the Walk for WEAAD page for more information and reach out  to me if you have any questions.
National Webinars, Training, and EventsNational_Trainings
DV-Focused Webinars from JWI JWI_Webinars

Expand your understanding of domestic violence and ways to support survivors with these webinars from JWI.
Upcoming Conference and Webinars from the Battered Women's Justice ProjectBattered_Womens_Webinars
Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with AnimalsAnimal_Webinar

Who Should Attend These Webinars? 
Domestic violence professionals, including; dv advocates, child advocates and shelter staff, child and family trauma therapists, counselors, child welfare professionals, early childhood professionals, and educators.  

Series Learning Objectives: 
1) Understand how human-animal interactions can support resilience and healing for adult and child survivors of domestic violence.  
2) Understand how programs serving families who experience domestic violence can  increase their capacity to meet the diverse needs of survivors by becoming animal-friendly spaces  
Wednesday, June 2 1:00 pmSupporting Children with Therapy Animals: Human-Animal Interactions for Children Survivors of Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment

Hosted by Promising Futures, a project of Futures Without Violence in partnership with Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T)A®
SUNNY Spectrum - June 28- July 2    Registration Now OpenSpectrum

SPECTRUM is the nation's largest education conference devoted to preventing and responding to sexual and interpersonal violence against members of the LGBTQI+ community. It provides cutting-edge training to enhance the knowledge and skills of attendees. Faculty, staff, law enforcement, medical professionals, and community service providers are trained on turning the dial on sexual and interpersonal violence against sexual and gender minorities, while also providing the trauma-informed and culturally-competent care when incidents do occur.

33rd Annual Crimes Against Children Conference - Virtual EditionCCAC

Internationally recognized, the Crimes Against Children Conference is the premier conference of its kind, providing practical and interactive instruction to those fighting crimes against children and helping children heal. There were more than 6,900 professionals from around the world in 2020!

The conference is presented annually by the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. The conference is conducted to provide training to those employed by government or nonprofit agencies in the fields of law enforcement, child protective services, social work, children's advocacy, therapy, and medicine who work directly with child victims of crime.  

Content will be available August 9 - December 17, 2021  Click here for more information and to register.

Click here to view a variety of upcoming webinars, national training, and conferences.
Resource CenterResource
Effective Youth Advocacy Institute: Creating Meaningful Access for Underserved Youth in Rural Communities Youth_Institute
This 2-day institute is an interactive deep dive into understanding the complexities of the data and underlying reasons why youth from underserved rural communities experience teen dating violence at disproportionate rates. Participants will learn to create environments for youth impacted by teen dating violence, incorporate harm reduction approaches in services, community collaboration, and experiential learning. 
May 24th-25th, 10 11:00 am   Limited spots available-reserve yours today! 
Monday, May 24th, Day 1: 3 Hours 
· Our Story on the Effective Youth Advocacy in the Prevention and Response to Teen Dating Violence
· Creating Meaningful Access for Underserved Youth in Rural Communities
· Practices for Youth Wholeness and Inclusive Environments
Tuesday, May 25th, Day 2: 3 Hours 
·  Practice Intergenerational Approaches
·  Practice for Spaciousness and Experiential Learning
·  Practice Community Collaboration and Consistent Support 
·  Planning for Increasing Access for Underserved Youth in Rural Communities 
We aim to make all spaces accessible to everyone. Please include accommodation requests such as interpretive services, closed captioning, large text, etc. in your registration. 
Trainers & Facilitators: 
·  Tracy Wright, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault 
·  Jessica Moreno, LCSW, Collective Capacity Consulting LLC 
·  Kelly Miller, JD, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence 
·  Dalton Dagondon Tiegs, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence 
How Well Does Your State Support Survivors' Financial Security?FreeFrom   Representation_Project
We are so thrilled to announce the launch of our National Survivor Financial Security Policy Map and Scorecard.

Over the past year, we researched the policies of all 50 states and DC and identified 13 different policy categories that are most directly linked to a survivor's ability to build and maintain financial security.

We evaluated and scored each state based on whether and to what extent its policies are supportive of survivors' financial security. Each state was given an overall score based on how well (or poorly) they did across each policy category.

This map and scorecard is both a resource and a roadmap for action. For each state, the scorecard outlines the existing policies impacting a survivor's ability to build and maintain financial security and provides state-specific policy recommendations that will ensure that all survivors have access to the financial resources and support their need to thrive.   Learn more here.

Upcoming webinars:
ERAP Help & Tips Rental_Assistance             

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program directly pays landlords for unpaid rent, utilities and internet for qualified renters in Wyoming. This program provides more flexible eligibility than the 2020 program.
ONLINE: Learn more about ERAP online at
IN PERSON: If needing assistance with an application, there are community based organizations set up in counties to provide help.
VIA PHONE: The call center is open 9 am - 6 pm, Monday through Friday.
The toll-free number is 1-877-WYO-ERAP.

ERAP Payment Timeline
Once renters have submitted their application, please allow up to four weeks for applications to be processed and payments to be issued. To prevent any delays, make sure to supply any missing/incomplete documentation. 

How do I find out my application status?
  1) Please check your application status on the online portal or call the call center 1-877-WYO-ERAP.
  2) All correspondence will come from Please add this email to your contact list to avoid missing important emails.

Troubleshooting Tip - Passwords
When an applicant receives an error message that "an account has already been created," that means that they already registered for an account, and should have received an email from to 'change your password.'
Ways to fix this or reset your password
  • Check your email, including spam, to locate the emails from
  • If you cannot locate the email, go to the login page (of the application portal), and click "forgot your password" and enter the username (which is your  email address). 
  • For security reasons, the system will generate only one password reset link every 24 hours. Applicants may need to wait for 24 hours to request a new password reset link.
  • If an applicant doesn't have access to the email account they are trying to use, then they can create a new account using an alternative email address.   
  • If you are still having trouble, call the call center at 1-877-WYO-ERAP. 
The Representation Project Weekly Action  Representation_ProjectRepresentation_Project
This month we kicked off our Power Hour series: a monthly segment where The Rep Project's Dr. Caroline Heldman and Cidnee Corry interview inspiring gender activists. For the first ever Power Hour, The Representation Project was joined by author Anna Malaika Tubbs. Anna shared the wisdom uncovered in her debut book,  The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation and illuminated the power of motherhood, the experiences of mothers of color, and why we should know the names of these extraordinary women. 

Media We Like - If you missed our incredible panel featuring inspiring male allies last week - don't fret!  You can watch The Rep Project's talk with Ted Bunch (A Call to Men), Ludo Gabrielle (Catalyst), and Nicholas Ferroni (Union High School) in its entirety on our YouTube channel.
     In this special you'll also hear from  John M., a 13-year-old boy from New York who explains how Miss Representation helped him become a feminist.  though John affirmed that feminism is for everyone, Online trolls went out of their way to try to hamper John's important message by spamming is inspiring video with "dislikes" on YouTube.  Let's show this teen that his courage and gender activism did not go unnoticed!  Take Action - watch our panel here.  Feel free to share words of encouragement with John.

In Case You Missed It:
My Living Is Not in Vain: How a Rape Survivor Found Hope & Empowerment After Trauma, & How She Persevered to Create Change Through Advocacy & Legislation Crimes_Podcast

Episode fourteen of the second season of the Podcast on Crimes Against Women welcomes advocate, author, life coach, and motivational speaker, Lavinia Masters. In this standalone episode, Lavinia shares her emotional journey dealing with childhood sexual abuse and rape, eventually discovering and implementing seven steps to her true empowerment after sexual trauma through prayer and supplication. Lavinia then discusses the important piece of legislation that bears her name, House Bill 8, the Lavinia Masters Act, and the process of moving this Act through legislature and getting it all the way to the Governor's desk. Finally, Lavinia expounds on her continuing work within the anti-sexual assault movement as a survivor, her expectations for rape kit processing and rape investigation pursuance in the future, and what compelled her to publish her book, A Twist of Hope, which shares her personal story with the world.

COVID-19 Parent & Caregiver Guide   Parent_Guide              

Coping with long term challenges that were supposed to be short term is not always easy.... Not for parents, grandparents, teens and children who miss "normal".

People are full of advice like, exercise more, cook together, make and send cards to those who are in nursing homes or house bound, make snow sculptures, go sledding, meditate, learn a new language, learn a new craft, read a book out-loud together, make popcorn and watch a movie or sports event, go for long walks or hike as a family, ice skating anyone? Getting outside as much as possible is highly recommended.

True, there is no end to the list and they are all positive fun healthy ways to ensure we are still participating in life and actually having fun and connecting with others.

New Financial Empowerment Resources for SurvivorsOnline_Allstate             

Our partners at The Allstate Foundation launched the Moving Ahead Curriculum - Online, a platform providing domestic violence survivors access to free, on-demand education to help achieve financial independence and rebuild their lives. The new online curriculum is available in English and Spanish and covers a variety of important financial topics, including budgeting and setting financial goals, managing debt and improving credit. 

Access the new online curriculum at or download a PDF with the same educational information here.
NNEDV 15th Annual Domestic Violence Counts Report ReleasedFreeFrom   Representation_Project
The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) released the findings from our  15th annual Domestic Violence Counts Report via a virtual Congressional Briefing (watch the briefing here ). Not only is the Domestic Violence Counts Report a trusted source of data on the services domestic violence advocates provide to survivors each day, but it brings to light survivors' stories about safety and security, unmet needs and unfunded services, and healing and rebuilding.
In just one day, over 1,600 domestic violence organizations and thousands of advocates provided lifesaving services to 76,525 survivors of domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Counts Report provides a snapshot of powerful stories about the work of advocates and the challenging circumstances survivors face.

Unfortunately, in the same day, 11,047 requests for services went unmet and left many victims of domestic violence in danger.

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Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

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