Volume 12, Issue 116 | May 2020 View as Webpage
Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you, your family and your team well and safe.

We Are in the Same Storm, But Not in the Same Boat... is an article I shared with clients and on LinkedIn recently. It is a POWERFUL reminder that we have DIFFERENT life situations and DIFFERENT risk tolerances, especially right now. It reminds us to demonstrate that we care by tuning in and thoughtfully listening to employees, especially as plans are crafted and shared around coming back to the office.

The reminders in this article as been well-received by our clients
and one of them a senior executive of a global organization commented,
" Thank you Suzie for sharing the Same Storm, Different Boat article. I
have been talking with folks about being really sensitive to others’ needs
at this point and not assuming we are all feeling one way or another.
Your article says it so much more eloquently than I did. I’ll be sharing it ! "

Here are the closing lines from the article: “So, friends, we are not in the same boat . We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different. Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing. We are all on different ships during this storm experiencing a very different journey.”  Feel free to copy and share this article with others.

Also, you may have noticed that we've updated the look and feel of this newsletter and our social media. We like how it better represents who we are today and where we're going!

Thank you for being a PRICELESS Wake Up Eager Newsletter Subscriber!

Take Care. Stay Safe. Be Well.

"Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone."
Suzie Price, PPD

Suzie has a spirited discussion with Brand Strategist and Creative Director Catherine Blakemore about the impact Greg McKeown's book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less has had on their lives. Catherine's become at expert at this. She shares real world tips for living a purposeful life.

In Episode 66 of the WUE podcast, we cover:
  • What is Essentialism?
  • How Catherine and Suzie are using Essentialism in their personal and professional lives and why they're excited and energized about it.
  • The benefits and challenges to becoming an "Essentialist"

★ Listen Now:

Suzie talks for the second time with Best Selling Author and Therapist John Lee at 6 weeks into the Covid-19 stay-at-home mandates. They discuss stress, fear change and anxiety. John shares ways to handle, process and move through these feelings.

In Episode 70 of the WUE podcast, we cover:
  • The difference between anxiety and fear.
  • How to use grief to move through anxiety and find more energy and relief.
  • The reasons we avoid feelings and the surprising truth.