Dear Founders,
Last Sunday, I sensed that we NEEDED to be together. With all the "shock and awe" promised to our country by the new government administration, it was so good to be IN WORSHIP together. Yes, the world could be falling apart all around us, but when we unite ourselves in worship, and the Spirit shows up, hope and peace are sure to follow!
I, along with the Board of Directors and the Creative Worship Team, want to assure you that we will do all in our power to keep you safe, to keep FMCC/ICMF a safe place, for all of us. Please familiarize yourself with your Constitutional Rights if you are an immigrant or may even be considered an immigrant. If you are a transgender or gender-fluid person, please know that we are doing all we can to protect your Constitutional Rights, as well. This week, I've been attending meetings to learn as much as possible about protecting our congregation and community. I will pass on more information as I get it.
Don't forget to support our Trans*Unity Ministry this Saturday at their next Yard Sale to raise money for the Christian Daniels Scholarship. I love that we can support our own community! Also, don't forget that our own Steve Harper has a show this weekend. If you can't get to San Francisco to see it in person, stream it! Info is in the e-news and bulletin.
This Sunday, my message is entitled, Waiting For The Glory. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Luke 2:25-35 (Voice Version). I look forward to worshipping with you again this week. We are in this TOGETHER.
Pastor Keith
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Reading is taken from
Luke, Chapter 2, Verses 25 through 35
(The Voice Version)
While fulfilling sacred obligations at the temple, Mary and Joseph encountered a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was a just and pious man, anticipating the liberation of Israel from her troubles. He was a man in touch with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Anointed One. The Spirit had led him to the temple that day, and there he saw the child Jesus in the arms of His parents, who were fulfilling their sacred obligations. Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God:
"Now, Lord and Sovereign, You can let me, Your humble servant, die in peace. You promised me that I would see with my own eyes what I’m seeing now: Your freedom, raised up in the presence of all peoples. He is the light who reveals Your message to the other nations, and He is the shining glory of Your covenant people, Israel."
His father and mother were stunned to hear Simeon say these things. Simeon went on to bless them both, and to Mary in particular he gave predictions:
"Listen, this child will make many in Israel rise and fall. He will be a significant person whom many will oppose. In the end, He will lay bare the secret thoughts of many hearts. And a sword will pierce even your own soul, Mary.”
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Mike Cativo shares about L.A. CADA (recovery and sober living homes for primarily the LGBTQ community): one of their homes was completely destroyed; another had major damage from a tree falling through it, making it uninhabitable.
These items can be dropped off at 305 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90013:
Personal hygiene items, towels, beddings for twin and full mattresses, snacks, drinks, creamer, and COFFEE!
They also have a "Wish List" on Amazon at this link:
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Commissioner Iliana Baltazar from The City of Huntington Park's Health and Education Commission has invited FMCC/ICMF to participate in the 2nd Annual LGBTQ+ Family Resource Fair, Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Salt Lake Park Recreation Center. We will have a Pride exhibit there, and Rev. Keith and Student Clergy Bam will participate in a panel discussion during the gathering. Everyone is invited! | |
"Subjects @ 7"
Join us Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m., in-person (Ryland Room) or online for a message from Elder Hattie Alexander-Key and discussion. This gathering is an extension of our Black History Month recognition, and it will be co-led by Pastor Lucia Chappelle and Student Clergy Bam Noriega!
link: Topic: Chat Session with Bam
Time: Feb 5, 2025 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 0327 2270
Passcode: 088527
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Join us for our annual Blessing of Relationships during our Feb. 9th service. There will be TWO blessings: One for those in romantic relationships, and another for those in other types of relationships. Love is in the air! | |
This Valentine's Day LGBTQIA+ Couples are Going to the Chapel!
Friday, February 14, 2025, Noon: Mass Renewal of Vows
1PM – 3 PM
Weddings @ Hollywood Methodist Church 6817 Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028
Contact Rev. Dr. Pat Langlois ( or Rev. Hannah Adair Bonner ( ) for details (you will need to pre-register for your wedding.)
Sponsored by LAQUiCC (Los Angeles Queer Interfaith Clergy Council) (Beth Chayim Chadashim - Christ Chapel - La Conexion - Episcopal Diocese - Disciples of Christ - Metropolitan Community Church - United Church of Christ - United Methodist Church - and more)
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With God All Things Are Possible (Matthew 19:26)
GIVEN AS OF Jan. 29th. $100,535
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Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.
Grand Total For Week Ending: 01-26-2025: $3,727.00
Facility Rental: $291.00
Tithing: $3,371.00
Roofing Challenge: $110.00
Building Fund $55.00
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Hoodies now available for the LOW price of $40. Proceeds will go towards the LatinX Ministry. Sign-up sheets are available. Hoodies can be purchased by cash or PushPay, using "Special Offering / Other Designated Funds" | |
Interested in Church Membership? Or, maybe, you just want to know more about our church's core beliefs and history. Set up an online meeting with Rev. Steve Swafford at for an individualized study!
This Sunday, Jan 26th, we will be accepting new members into our congregation. If you have gone through a membership class with Rev. Steve Swafford, or are transferring your membership from another MCC church, and would like to become a member of FMCC, please let Pastor Keith know.
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Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome! | |
Change In Covid-19 Protocols | |
As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:
1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.
3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.
As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.
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Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
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Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator) | |
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
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Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
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Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance. | |
MCC Kinship Groups
Kinship Groups offer a safe space of connecting with other people of similar struggles and challenges. We have groups for Trans, PAD, API, God-Talk, and Latinx.
If you have any questions, are interested in a particular Kinship group, or interested in forming another Kinship group, you may email Rev. Hector Gutierrez.
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MCC General Conference 2025 registration discount. Our denomination's General Conference is fast approaching. The Creating Oasis Transformational Weekend will transpire July 3-6, 2025 in Scottsdale AZ in a beautiful resort that the denomination has reserved for us
(More information from the denomination is included further below).
Pastor Keith would love to see a large contingent represent Founders MCC, the Mother church of our denomination.
If enough of us go, maybe we can go via a large passenger van, or even a coach that we can maybe also offer to our sister church in North Hollywood.
General Conference will be transpiring in early July. Now is a good time to make your reservations and book your hotel.
If you have any questions about registration, please contact us at
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Come . . . and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Reunion | Refreshment | Revival
3-6 JULY 2025
Scottsdale, AZ. USA
Don't miss the Early Bird Registration rates!
Early Bird Rate available until 31 December 2024.
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Registration for the Transformational Weekend
03-06 July, 2025
"Early Bird" rates are available until
31 December 2024.
After that deadline, registration will increase.
Regular Onsite Rate: $400 USD
Regular Online Rate: $225 USD*
Onsite Individual Day Attendance Rate: $200 USD per day
*Online experience will include General Sessions, pre-identified Programming Events, Workshops, and Worship Services. Additional connections to both those onsite and online will be made using the Whova app. We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like in 2022.
Use the link below to register for the Transformational Weekend.
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Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston's invitation to all of us to join her in Scottsdale, AZ, USA for 2025 General Conference. | |
Our host hotel is an amazing, accessible resort. It is beautiful with incredible views of Camelback Mountain, two refreshing outdoor pools, large suite style sleeping rooms, tennis and pickle ball courts, large conference center, onsite restaurant and bar, and beautiful landscaping.
We searched to find not only an accessible hotel for physical accommodations, but also a financially accessible hotel. The Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort is offering us an amazing rate of $119USD/night (plus taxes and fees) and includes free made to order breakfast, daily cocktail hour, and a complimentary shuttle to hundreds of local shops, restaurants, and activities.
Every suite has a living room (with a pull-out couch), and kitchenette which easily accommodates multiple parties to maximize savings.
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Come early or stay a few days after the Transformational Weekend and take in the history and culture of Scottsdale, AZ.
A few top places to visit:
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Want to help support someone attending conference? When registering there will be an option to give to the Go Global Fund. You may also donate directly by clicking the button below. A donation to the Go Global Fund will help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference, to provide online access to those outside the USA or to support Watch Parties in locations other than in the USA.
Donate Directly to the Go Global Fund
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Transformational Weekend Schedule
We are excited to announce an overview schedule for the Transformational Weekend!
Thursday, July 3, 2025
- Afternoon: Check-in and Welcome Reception
- Evening: Opening Worship & Social Time
Friday, July 4, 2025
- Morning: Morning Worship Celebration
- Afternoon: Plenary, Small Groups, and Free Time
- Evening: Reception & Social Time
Saturday, July 5, 2025
- Morning: Worship and Plenary
- Afternoon: Small Groups and Free Time
- Evening: Dinner Church Style Worship (included in your registration)
Sunday, July 6, 2025
- Morning: Closing Worship with Installation of the Moderator, blessing over the incoming Governing Board, current and outgoing Council of Elders.
- Afternoon: Optional Excursions
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General Conference Business Meeting
Registration for the Business Meeting will open in January 2025!
The Business Forum will be held on 31st May 2025 and the Business Meeting will be held online on 7th June 2025.
Watch for more information about the Discussion Circles being hosted prior to the Business Meeting.
There will be no cost to register for the Business Meeting.
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Engaging Programming
We are excited that a main feature of our Transformational Weekend will be opening ourselves and each other into the possibilities of what it means to be community today -- what it means to be church in 2025. To help us steer the conversation, we are inviting the Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes to join us in Scottsdale. You might remember him from our online conference in 2022.
To stay up-to-date on all the planning and relevant information visit the conference website at
If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, start a conversation with us:
We look forward to connecting with you during our Global General Conference 2025!
GC Sponsorship Opportunities
Interested in how you can support General Conference by becoming a sponsor? Use the link below to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
GC 2025 Sponsorship Information
Click Here to Register for the Transformational Weekend
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Engaging Programming
Reunion | Refreshment | Revival
We are excited to have Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes join us for the Transformational Weekend as our keynote speaker aiding us as we open ourselves and each other into the possibilities of what it means to be church today.
Look for more speakers and events to be announced in coming emails!
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Focusing on Leadership Development
Flourish is committed to providing Leadership Development for both clergy and lay leaders. Leadership development is a process that helps people improve their skills, knowledge, and confidence to perform in leadership roles.
Some of the benefits of Leadership development can help people develop the following capabilities:
- Self-awareness: Being aware of oneself and how one interacts with others
- Resilience: Being able to adapt to challenges and
- Influence: Being able to impact the thoughts and actions of others
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Stay Informed
To stay up-to-date on all the planning and relevant information visit the conference website at
If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, start a conversation with us:
We look forward to connecting with you during our Global General Conference 2025!
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Flourish is new!
We are so excited to share that leadership development for all MCC churches is now coordinated through FLOURISH. The focus of the program is to support all clergy and ministry leaders, (no matter the geographical location) particularly those who are experiencing change. Change comes in a variety of ways that includes both professional and personal.
We took the best of our former efforts in Thriving in Ministry (from the Lilly Endowment grant funding) and added funds designated by the Governing Board to ensure we can offer leadership development around the globe for our churches.
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Rev. Cathy Alexander (She/Her)
Vocational Leadership
Coordinator, Director of FLOURISH program
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Marie Tasker (She/Her)
Flourish Program Manager
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Meet the Flourish Coordinators
Rev. Elder Tony Freeman (He/him/his)
Expanse Coordinator-USA
Since 1995, Tony has served in a variety of leadership roles in the local church (pastoring in all of the different church “sizes”), and at the denominational level in both volunteer and staff roles.
Denominationally, he served a variety of roles, including Vice Chair of the inaugural Governing Board, on the Council of Elders, and a a paid staff member. In 2016, he was a Moderator candidate.
In 2021, Tony retired from the full-time ministry and is currently living in Tucson, Arizona (USA) where he and his son Mario look forward to weekly trips to try out new local restaurants.
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Pastor Leticia Souza (She/Her)
Expanse Coordinator-Brazil
Leticia is a lesbian woman, teacher, theology graduate and student at the Darlene Garner Institute.
She serves as pastor of the Sol da Justiça Metropolitan Community Church (Cabo Frio - interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro) and as coordinator of "Delas", the Women's Ministry of the MCC in Brazil.
Married to Deaconess Mariah and passionate about paws. She came to the MCC at a time of great pain due to homophobia and says that here she found healing, life and freedom.
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Rev. Josh Mavamo (He/him/his)
Expanse Coordinator-Spanish Speaking Countries
Josh Mavamo, born in Mexico, with two decades of ordained ministry and much more time sharing the joy of the Gospel to others.
Ministry has led him to spend periods in other places and cultures, which have enriched me greatly in the appreciation and inclusion of others.
Sharing talents and efforts with the Metropolitan Community Church to make known the radically inclusive love of the Divine is a great joy. As well as collaborating in the growth of leadership in the local communities.
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Programs sponsored by Flourish
- Mentoring
- Respite for Clergy
- Spiritual Direction
- Strength Finder training
- Individualize programming meeting your needs as a leader.
Would you like more information about Flourish. Contact the Program Manager at
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Statement from the Council of Elders
Response: Post-Inauguration in the U.S. 20 January 2025
During this month of January 2025, two individuals (former US President Jimmy Carter and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) have been remembered and honored. These two individuals are lifted up, not because either “claimed to be Jesus” let alone “our savior” - but because both their lives and work, couched in the flaws of their own humanity, still encourage, inspire, and challenge us all - through servant leadership and a commitment to justice through non-violent presence, resistance, and protest - to come closer to the divine love that Jesus taught us. It is a divine empathic love that connects us to others rather than yielding to our own interests and ambition; a moral approach to justice that is grounded not in vengeance but in the equity, inclusion and care for all creation; which includes the dignity and respect for all whom God has created - in the beauty of our similarities, differences, and diversities - no matter how one self-identifies or self-expresses nor whom one loves.
In stark contrast, the words, actions, and intent on day one of the current administration, run counter to everything about divine love that Jesus taught, and which we hold in common with other faith traditions. From the Hebrew scriptures we read:
This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and journey in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not go that way…’”
— Jeremiah 6:16
So many of us - especially our transgender/non-binary/gender queer and immigrant siblings - restlessly awaited what might happen once the 47th president took the oath of office. Some said, “Wait and see, maybe things will not be as bad as we fear." Well… we waited, we saw, and we heard. And, as we did, the words of Maya Angelou rang true, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
In reaction to, and under the strain of a whole gamut of emotions to all we are hearing and that is beginning to come to pass… we must acknowledge how raw and real the life-threatening fear is for so many in our churches and communities. Some may feel overwhelmed, even numb, and paralyzed. Others are angry, poised, and ready to spring to action. In all we are feeling, first and foremost let us remind one another we are not alone -- as the Divine Voice reminded the prophet Elijah, when he was depressed and feeling alone on the floor of the cave, that there were yet thousands of faithful remaining in other places. (1 Kings 19:9-18) We are not alone, because we will work with others who also believe in justice. Jesus reminds us of “other sheep” who are allies with us. (John 10:16) Most importantly, we are connected to, surrounded by, and empowered by the divine Spirit of truth - an advocate, companion, and comforter to guide and teach us in the journey, both at the crossroads and in the challenges on the paths that lie ahead. (John 15-16)
As we consider and are intentional about what actions we take, individually and together, may the words the queen mother shared with her son King Lemuel not be lost on us:
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of and to ensure justice for all who are being crushed and vulnerable. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
— Proverbs 31:1,8-9
Now, more than any other time in our lives, more may be required of us, now and going forward, more than we ever imagined, or wanted. Dear MCC family and friends, as the Council of Elders, our commitment to you is to be with you in every way possible as together we “rise up” to meet the challenges we now face.
As Jesus shared with his followers around a table of grace, community, and thanksgiving we read “they sung a hymn and went out” to face what would lie ahead. Perhaps, the lyrics of a song written by Holly Near after the death of Harvey Milk are appropriate as a hymn for us - our call to action in this time of passion:
We are a gentle, angry people, and we are singing, singing for our lives.
We are a gentle, angry people, and we are singing, singing for our lives.
We are a justice-seeking people…
We are young and old together…
We are a land of many colors…
We are ALL in this together….
We are a gentle, loving people…
Someone wrote of this song, “It demands that we make sure everyone knows who we are and how many we are, we who will not be moved, we who are scared, and angry, and loving, and resisting.” As we go out - not alone but together - we too are singing for our lives and the lives of ALL in beloved community. As we sing, may the Spirit guide us along the faithful footsteps forged by Jesus, Rev. Dr. King Jr, and President Jimmy Carter; that we also may do what God requires of us “to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).
There will indeed be times ahead when all of us will be called upon to put our faith into action, albeit at various times and in differing ways. Coming up we invite you to participate in two sessions of orientation and training entitled “Primer on Justice Through Non-violent Resistance.” These sessions are scheduled for Monday February 17, 2025, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time – New York) and Wednesday February 26, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time – New York). Registration is free and open to anyone. Please be looking for the details from our Council of Elders and MCC staff on how to register and connect for these opportunities and for other ways to be involved and ways to take action.
In the meantime, we encourage you to collaborate with local social justice organizations and reach out to those affected or are afraid, with love and care. Below are some more specific ideas for individuals and/or our local churches.
And may all we sing, write, and do…be done in Love.
- Contact local charities that support migrants, to see what practical supplies they need, or help with improving English classes, help with completing paperwork for individuals
- Host trans groups in your church
- Collate resources and put them on the church website
- Offer safe space for changing clothes
- Contact your local politicians to challenge them on justice issues, such as poverty
- Hold a regular prayer time for peace and justice, on your own or with others
- Have a creativity day to write poems, songs and create art that describe the world you want to create
- Have a good news slot each Sunday to remind people that God is still good
- Support local organizations working with immigrants
- Provide safe space in your church building for trans groups to meet
- Work with other organizations to offer practical help and provide information about resources in your local area
- Commit to praying each day for peace and justice
Faithfully, the MCC Council of Elders:
Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston, Moderator
Elder Hattie Alexander-Key
Rev. Elder Mark Byrd
Rev. Elder Nokuthula Dhladhla
Elder Velma Garcia
Rev. Elder Rich Hendricks
Rev. Elder Aaron Miller
Rev. Elder Elaine Saralegui Caraballo
Rev. Elder Stuart Sutherland
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