Volume XVl/ February 8, 2019

Dear St. Rose School Families:

Creating bonds and building bridges was the theme of this week at St. Rose School.

The Faculty vs. 8th Grade Beach Volleyball game captured the true spirit of our school community -- one of competition and camaraderie where all ages work and play together, honoring tradition and embracing change when it is for the good. It was great fun to participate in the game with my highly respected teammates and our worthy opponents. There was a lot of excitement throughout the two halves and everyone played very well. Congratulations to our 8th graders for the ultimate win...we know they will continue to score high points as they head off to high school and beyond.

In the spirit of Catholic Schools and giving back to the community a group of our Middle School students hosted a Story/Craft time for 2 and 3 year olds at C.H. Booth Library this week. I am pleased to report that the outreach was wonderfully received. Our students represented St. Rose School with poise, warmth and creativity greeting children and their parents/grandparents, reading/acting out stories and helping with a Kindness/Love themed craft. The little ones were enamored, some even made Valentine's cards for their SRS helpers. This is a meaningful way to get our students out in to the community.

Speaking of great impressions, St. Rose 7th graders presented their science projects to outside judges on Thursday. It was apparent that the students put time and effort in to their variety of interesting experiments and I am grateful to Mrs. Petrillo for guiding them through the process. After a careful review, the judges identified six winners:

* Honorable mention -Thomas Phelan, "Can a Water Filter be Made Using Condensation & Evaporation"
* Fifth Place - Evie Komninakas, "Which Fruits Have the Most Vitamin C"
* Fourth Place - Maddy Watson, "Which Bird Feathers Absorb the Most Oil"
* Third Place - Rohan Carey -- "Does the shape of an aircraft affect it's Speed & Lift"
* Second Place - Joshua Schumacher, "What type of Water Produces Ice Crystals the Fastest"
* First Place - Ava Faroul, "What Drinks Contain the Most Glucose"

The top three winners will advance to the Connecticut State Science and Engineering Fair at Quinnipiac University on March 11th; we wish them well and will keep track of their progress.

Thank you to all who attended the HSA meeting Thursday night. I realize it is difficult for many to get out on these cold and busy winter nights but we had a good group gathered and a very productive conversation. Highlights included a recap of the positive results from our parent survey back in November, the status of our security guard search, an update on Open House, Catholic Schools Week and Enrollment (all positive) and information about the pilot testing of our personalized learning initiative. We are moving in a strong direction and much is due to the partnership among faculty, administration and parents.

This week an important issue has been raised about preventing busing for private schools. It is imperative that we speak up about this to ensure that we continue to benefit from these services that are much deserved. I ask that even if your child does not use the bus you lend your voice of support.

We have also been asked to re-address the drop off and pick up procedures for car walk to maximize the safety of our students. I realize that the construction has been ongoing and caused a lot of disruption to the usual routine. Your continued patience is most appreciated; attached is a map and overview of the procedures so that we are all on the same page.

Today is Officer Mike's last official day with us at St. Rose School but we know that he is a part of our family and will be back to visit so we say...thank you for your service, enjoy your retirement and we will see you soon. Starting on Monday there will be a Newtown Police officer here during school hours until we finalize Officer Mike's replacement.

It has been a very productive week at St. Rose School which means everyone is ready for and entitled to a relaxing weekend. Enjoy!

God Bless,

God Bless,

Mr. Bardhyl Gjoka

Celebrating the 100th day of school in grades 1 & 2, receiving the power of words with brand new dictionaries from the Rotary Club in grade 4, learning about the Post office in Preschool and presenting findings from a myriad of interesting science experiments in 7th grade kept our classrooms humming this week.

Third Grade News


Click on the club to find details about dates, deadlines and fees.

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
- St. Catherine of Siena


If you can give some time to help with various library activities we would be grateful! Please contact Mrs. Locke for details, .

SCOUT MASS FEBRUARY 9TH . Click here for details.
Attention Current Families ...Reserve your Child's spot for the 2019-2020 School year! REGISTRATION IS OPEN WITH AN EARLY BIRD SPECIAL of $100 by February 8th. Click here to register.

The Application for the Bishop's Scholarship Fund is now open with a March 1 deadline. Click here for details.

February 8th -- Bingo at 5:45 PM, Gathering Hall

February 9th - - St. Rose School Scout Troops Mass at 5:30 PM

February 13th -- Mock Trial Competition

February 13th -- Snowman Party for Preschool - 2nd graders. Click here for flyer

March 9th -- Women's Retreat at Holy Innocents. Click here for details.

March 11th -- Connecticut State Science & Engineering Fair

March 28th -- Night at the Museum for Mothers and Sons.

April 6th -- Father/Daughter dance

Dear Friends:

Dear Friends:

Thank you to all our parents who were able to attend the HSA meeting last evening. We were happy to share that we've been able to add both a Father/Daughter dance and a Mother/Son Night at the Museum to our events calendar - stay tuned for more information. If you were unable to attend, the slides from the HSA presentation will be sent home via email next week.  As always, questions and comments are welcome - please send an email to .

At last week's Family Fun Night, we held a raffle with fabulous prizes, courtesy of our teachers and staff. Congratulations to the winners!:

An Outing with Mrs Rahtelli - Christian Fappiano
Donuts with the Dean - Kenny McGahren
Donuts with the Dean- Reese Sirois
Secretary for the Day- Jack Monckton
Gym teacher for the Day - Christian Fappiano
Principal for the Day - Adriana Kari 
Shark Lab - Dissect a shark! - Pablo Necco
Engineering with Mr G - Jaclyn Gelson

Tonight is Bingo! There are only three more Bingo games scheduled for this school year, and the weather is predicted to be good this evening - we'd love to see you and your family there to support our school.

Have a great weekend,

Your HSA Board


BASKETBALL : Triple Header this Monday night February 11th starting at 5:00PM in the gym. All school teams and cheer will be participating. We will also be honoring our 8th grade boys at 7:15PM. Please join us as we pack the gym and cheer on the Rams!

Wednesday, February 20th JVB, VG vs St. Greg *Girls 8th grade night

TRACK:  We have scheduled an informational meeting for  Tuesday, February 12th @ 7:00PM  in the school library for all parents interested in volunteering to save the track program. The intent is to provide an overview of the roles involved and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to leave this meeting with a firm commitment from parents to move forward and an effective plan for transitioning leadership. 

Thank you,

John Moulder

Parochial League Girls Varsity Schedule:

Parochial League Boys Varsity Schedule:

Parochial League Boys JV Schedule:
St. Rose School | 40 Church Hill Road Newtown CT 06470| 203-426-5102 |