Offering Envelopes
If you requested offering envelopes, and have not picked them up, they are now located in your mailbox in the Narthex.
MPLC Blood Drive Nets 42 Pints
Last Friday's Red Cross Blood Drive at MPLC resulted in 42 lifesaving blood donations, including 12 power red cell donations. Thank you to everyone who donated or shared the word, and to Henry Stone and Betty Boetcher for volunteering your time last Friday.
Community Meal - Donations & Volunteers Needed!
MPLC's next turn to serve the Community Meal at Living Faith will be Sunday, Feb. 5. Donations of fruit/fruit cups, pasta sauce, individual desserts, brat buns, and water bottles are needed to pack Meatball Bombers meals that day.
Open Table - February Volunteer Sign-up available
Thanks to all that helped for January's Open Table. We were able to serve 45 people! Our next Open Table will take place on Feb 19, please volunteer using the link below.
Men's Breakfast
The Men's Breakfast - Men's Small Group at MPLC will host its first meet-up on January 28 from 7:45-9:00 am in Fellowship Hall.

The first meeting will be a combination of building relationships and devotions (and eating breakfast!)

Interested in joining? Please reach out to Stephen Gifford ( with any questions.

Upcoming Meetings:
  • January 28
  • February 25
  • March 25
  • April 29
  • May 27
"Lunch and Learn" Zoom Class Continues on Tuesdays
Join Pastor Beth Ann on Zoom over your lunch hour for “An Introduction to the Gospels”, a six week class meeting 12:15-1 PM. No signup needed! Join us any Tuesday through Feb. 14 at the link below.

Eat and learn more about the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John!
Safe-Zone Training - January 24
The Beyond Welcome Team of Mt Pleasant Lutheran Church hosts the LGBT Center of SE Wisconsin in presenting "Safe-Zone Training", a 90-minute session to help participants be more welcoming and including of people in the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Participants are also invited to remain for dinner following the training. Please indicate whether you plan to stay for the meal.

Training will take place from 4 - 5:30 PM. Childcare can be provided if needed - please reach out to the church office. Hope to see you all there!
MPLC Annual Meeting - Feb. 5 - 9:45 AM
The annual meeting of the congregation will be held in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom on Sunday, Feb. 5, beginning at 9:45 AM. Business will include adopting the 2023 Budget, elections, and approving amendments to the church constitution. MPLC members were sent an email last week with proposed constitutional amendments, and hard copies are now available at the Welcome Desk.

The Annual Report to the Congregation will be available online and in hard copy this weekend.
The results are in! Last week we asked if you knew who the Beyond Welcome Team was and what they do. Here are your answers:
  • yes: 68.32%
  • no: 13.6%
  • need some clarity: 15.9%
  • didn't know we had a ministry called that: 2.3%

Learn more about the Beyond Welcome Team using the link below:
We want to know about your experience with the new website. Please take the time to fill out this 5 question survey:
Worship at MPLC
January 15, 2023
Second Sunday after Epiphany