Risen Savior's Fun Event ~Family Movie Night
Come together and enjoy a movie! We will watch movies in the Fellowship Center. Each month we will have a FREE movie and a small devotional handout.
Saturday, May 22 at 6:00 p.m.
In this animated retelling of the Book of Exodus, Egyptian Prince Moses (Val Kilmer), upon discovering his roots as a Jewish slave, embarks on a quest to free his people from bondage. When his plea is denied by his brother Rameses (Ralph Fiennes), the new pharaoh, a series of horrific plagues strike Egypt. Moses finally leads the Israelites to freedom by parting the Red Sea and drowning the Egyptian army. God then gives Moses the Ten Commandments, a list of rules for his people to live by.
This fun event is brought to you by Student, Family & Children’s Ministries.
Risen Savior's Weekly Update
Services 8:00 & 9:30 a.m.
Broomfield now at Level “CLEAR”
Many health requirements have ended

How is Risen Savior Lutheran Church responding?
· Wearing of masks is now optional
· Church will continue to supply masks on site to those who need one
We are no longer required to impose social distancing
· Sit in any pew
· Stay after worship and visit with one another
· No 6’ spacing required
· No tracking of attendees in classrooms (sign in binders)
· Hymnals will be available again at the pews
· Hand sanitizer stations are still available; keep your neighbor safe by having clean hands
· Sanitizing between services will continue when worship services are close together
· Please wash your hands often and avoid the spreading of germs
· Coffee and snacks between services will resume at a later date

As new in-person services and events ramp up we need more volunteers.  Please sign up this Sunday, May 23 at one of the volunteer tables
Ministry Fair
Are you feeling called to serve after hearing the recent sermon series about Stewardship?
Ask yourself, am I really using what God has entrusted to me to love and serve others well?
Ever wondered how you can use your time and talents to serve right here at Risen Savior?
Sunday, May 23
 Following both services      
in the Fellowship Area
Stop by a table and talk to our staff of skilled volunteers about opportunities to serve in Worship, Youth and Children's Ministries, as well as Music, Missions, and Online Ministry!
Online Worship Services
Available; click the button below for Traditional and Contemporary.
Livestream Worship Available during the Risen Savior Services and after.
Available at services first and third Sundays monthly.
Student Ministries Invites You to Come Join us for Bowling
Sunday, May 23, 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
The Summit Thornton
580 E 144th Ave, Thornton, CO 80023
 Register to save your spot
On the website scroll down to Events and find Bowling.
New Worship Schedule begins Sunday, May 30
Begins Sunday, May 30
8:00 a.m. Indoor
9:00 a.m. Outdoor
Bringing back summer outdoor worship in the West parking lot. Sit outside, or in your car listening over the FM station. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, umbrella, sunscreen and water. Most important a heart to worship the Lord!
NO Sunday School or Nursery on Memorial Day Weekend
VBS is Coming!! All Aboard!!
Children's Ministry is so excited to offer
  June, July & August !
Registration information and event details
On the website scroll down to Events and find Rocky Railway.
Education Scholarship Grant
Will your student be attending an LCMS school next fall? You are welcome to apply for a Scholarship Education Grant given by Risen Savior. Please see the application for details.
Applications can be found at the Info Center and on the church website link: Click Here
 Contact Lori Hakes for more details. Applications are due to the church office by Sunday, June 13th.
Thank you for your Contributions   
Thank you for your Contributions               
Questions? Contact Lynda Kluth, Finance Manager through the church office.
Daily Prayers on the RSLC's Facebook & Instagram