"What are YOU Doing Here, Elijah?"

"Live as though today were your final day."

 There he came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19:9

I found out a long time ago that nothing can be gained by complaining so I have never complained, even when God was very cruel to me. I have always been thankful because if God was cruel it was actually a manifestation of His love. God tested me in an extraordinary way, wanting me to pass the test so He could give a special, extraordinary love. Therefore, you must even live as though today were your final day.

SMM, The Secret of Total Success, December 19, 1982

Hello Richard,

At the beginning of his sermon, Hyung Jin Nim announced that there will be a Rod of Iron Freedom Festival event on March 16 at the Tommy Gun Warehouse in Morristown, TN. Good friends and allies, including David Bray, Sose the Ghost, Craig Sawyer, and Black Rambo will be participating!

He spoke again about the beautiful entries for the art contest whose theme was about True Father’s suffering course in Heungnam. He praised Park Chung Hee’s “stained glass” piece. He was also the main designer for the pagoda at the True Parents’ Memorial in Greeley, PA.

The current world is divided between advocates of hedonic desire vs. Jesus sacrificing everything for the highest good. Deny yourself and pick up the cross. Don’t be a slave to your appetites which in the end makes you a slave. Jordan Peterson explains that you have to sacrifice in order to gain something valuable, such as a lasting, successful marriage. When a son connects with his father’s vision, he is moving beyond himself and his generation to join with eternity and to experience the greatest joys beyond self-centered pleasure.

The entire universe is held up by mathematical principles. Thomas Aquinas wrote that beauty has integrity and cohesion, like a shining light. In True Father’s Light of Glory, which he wrote in the midst of the hellish Heungnam prison and slave labor camp, you can see the son of God praising God in the midst of hell.

Beauty draws you in and can lead you to contemplate the truth and goodness of God. Reflecting on God’s nature, beauty, truth and justice is inexhaustible.

All of the monarchies of the world were begun by killing and warfare. Christ’s kingship started with him killing no one and starting no wars. It started with the sacrificial love of Christ, who gave HIS life.

Sanctuary Service 2/18/2024

He read the passage in 1 Kings 18:17-40 about the victory of Elijah over the false prophets including 450 priests of Baal and 400 priests of Asherah, at Mt. Carmel. Ancient religions put the highest good as nature, incarnated as “Baal” and “Asherah.” On the summer equinox, kings would have sex on the altar with a temple priestess.

In our time, college girls on OnlyFans get temporary income, but compromising their integrity. Transgender cults are also not new. Castrated priests were part of their pagan religions.

When you take up the cross, all the demons and their malevolence and slander coming towards you. In a sense you are willingly inviting the enemies of your father to attack you.

The passage in 1 Kings 19:1-9 describes how Jezebel sends a death warrant to Elijah. The one who had just defeated 850 false prophets was overtaken by fear and ran dozens of miles to hide in a cave, where God asks him, “what are you doing, Elijah?” as stated in 1 Kings 19:9.

57th True God's Day Observance

Just like Elijah, God asks each one of us, “what are you doing here?” Elijah didn’t want to answer the question. Likewise, each of us should be careful not to write the narrative where we are praising or feeling sorry for ourselves. God was asking, “are you ready to serve Me?” Then God gave him orders.

In our spiritual lives, we also run to escape, justifying ourselves. Instead, Christ tells us to deny ourselves and be ready to be executed.

He discussed how Tucker Carlson is doing interviews with controversial guests like Russian president Vladimir Putin. When asked, “Aren’t you afraid?” He responds, “I’ve lived a good life!” David did not look at Goliath with eyes of flesh. God is greater than Goliath, and all of our fears.

When Elijah saw the death certificate, fear entered his heart and it became bigger than God in his mind. He forgot God’s power.

When we experience spiritual fatigue, God asks “what are you doing here? Don’t you see that I have been here with you?” As a nation, we have looked at our situation with fear. America forgot about God and His Kingdom. But we are not going to hide in a cave. True Father has already won since we have the constitution, culture, and understanding of God revealed at the second coming.

The western world cannot stop Communism and Islamism without the sacrificial love of Christ and the Peace Militia training of the Cheon Il Guk culture, which is an armed society of civilians.

23% of homes in America are fatherless, compared with China’s 3%. The welfare state incentivizes women to not marry and boys to just pursue hedonism and sex.

The U.S. Department of Education, which is banned in the heavenly nation of Cheon Il Guk, promotes transgenderism. There is a need for a strong legal and constitutional realm.

Imagine the 1.6 billion population of China and 1.8 billion population of India becoming free with responsibility, not free for hedonism.


2.11.2024 Book of Life Registration Blessing

True God's Day Entertainment & Testimony by Jerry Heying

Sign Up fo 2024 HSU Classes!

Miho Panzer’s 2024 True God’s Day Testimony

As we waited with the 2nd King to start the midnight prayer for True God’s Day I was thinking that True Father never slept before midnight. He said that he wanted to pray at that time to dedicate the first minutes of the new day to God and for His guidance and blessing for brothers and sisters around the world.

Hyung Jin Nim’s prayer was deep, asking God to save America and the world, just as Father did forty years ago. As Hyung Jin Nim wrote this year’s motto with Chinese calligraphy, it reminded me about Father showing him how to use the large paint brush in a dynamic way.

The Sanctuary Academy members and other community volunteers worked hard to make the offering table, which had a tower of Tongil marks at the center. I shared about Father’s life since many of them had not met him even once. We prepared Father’s favorite foods including Korean pears, pine nuts, dates, and honeydew melons.

On Sunday at the lunch after the Blessing ceremony, Hyung Jin Nim spoke to the new blessing couples for more than an hour. He and Yeonah Nim shared their testimonies about how to make a good marital and parent-child relationship.

That night he took many of the offering table volunteers out to dinner and continued to pour out his heart. He is truly amazing in the way he never ceases to guide brothers and sisters, just like Father!

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Ken Timmerman on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Sarah McAbee's J6 Defendant Husband TKR Interview

Ken Staake vs Big Tech Censorship TKR Interview

Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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NEW Sanctuary Publication: The History of Unification Sanctuary, 2015-2016 is a compilation of essays, testimonies and sermon summaries sent out to the English-speaking Unification community during an historic, tumultuous time in God's providence. Download on Sanctuary Resources History tab, or order in Kindle format or printed.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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