US Economic Inequality

It is Alarmingly High and Continues to Rise

A ROD (Restore Our Democracy) Presentation by ED SPIRE

Thursday 6-8-2023 @ 7PM (ZOOM)

Thursday 6-8-2023 @ 7PM (ZOOM)

US Economic Inequality

It is Alarmingly High and Continues to Rise

A ROD (Restore Our Democracy) Presentation by ED SPIRE

Economic Inequality is Undermining our US Democracy

High levels of economic inequality can undermine democratic principles

Concentrating wealth and political influence in the hands of a few.

This concentration of power can skew policy decisions in favor of the wealthy

And erode the voice and representation of the broader population.

The Bottom line – high levels of economic inequality:

Damages our economy

Folks can’t afford to buy what we can produce

Cannot afford the education to make the productive

Cannot afford health care to keep the productive

Damages our society

People lose faith in their future

Drive people to seek change

Enabled populists to leverage that desire to gain power

Promising change they cannot deliver

We need to show our Senators that there is overwhelming grassroots support for voting rights, join us please as we


Click Here to RSVP for the ZOOM 7PM June 8th: “US Economic Inequality – It is Frightening High and Continues to Rise” .. A ROD (Restore Our Democracy) Presentation by ED SPIRE

Monday thru Friday

Daily @ 9 AM


Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.

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Every Friday at 5:00 - 6:00 PM

“Happy Hour" every Friday @ 5 PM

End your week off with fun,

lively convesation ...

What happened this last week.

Click Here to RSVP for Friday's 5 PM Happy Hour

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

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NWSOFA's 24 all-volunteers - Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups - 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization