#Wheels4ASDC Fundraiser Update
Last year, the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) chose ASDC as its RID Cares award recipient. We were so fortunate to have RID and the incredible Baer & Blake Across America team raise funds to give ASDC members the opportunity to increase their ASL skills through the SignOn program.

What's happening one year later? A lot!

  • Conrad Baer and Albert Blake have gone to Schools for the Deaf in MD and CA to share their bike trip adventure with students. In addition, Conrad and his dad (who did his own coast-to-coast ride, inspiring the idea for #Wheels4ASDC) are doing a 7-day ride from Pittsburgh to Washington, DC in August.

  • SignOn has a new program for kids called Friends Like Me that lets deaf children chat online with other deaf kids their age in a safe, moderated group. ASDC members can now apply their free sessions either to the SignOn program (for one-on-one ASL practice for adults) or to the Friends Like Me program!

The ASDC board members and staff want to say thank you to RID , Albert Blake and Conrad Baer, and to all of YOU who contributed!

  • If you didn't get a chance to participate, you can still contribute here.

  • To get five free sessions of SignOn/Friends like me, join ASDC here.
#Wheels4ASDC Timeline
December 21, 2018
RID announced ASDC will be the recipient of the 2019 RID Cares award .
May, 2019
ASDC families, programs, and staff are featured in RID's monthly magazine VIEWS .
June 8, 2019
ASDC Executive Director joins Conrad Baer and Albert Blake at the start their bike trip across America to raise awareness and funds for the SignOn with ASDC program in partnership with RID Cares.
July 9, 2019
RID presents ASDC with a symbolic check at its annual conference on behalf of RID Cares.
July 13, 2019
Baer & Blake surpass their $15,000 goal before the end of their trip across America.
August 11, 2019
American Society for Deaf Children | www.DeafChildren.org