The Return of Northmont Deacon’s Angel Tree |
After several years of absence during Covid, Northmont people will once again be able to help give a proper Christmas to those less fortunate than we. The Angel Tree will be set up in the foyer of the main entrance off the parking lot. Simply choose a gift tag or tags from the tree, then return your unwrapped gift(s) between November 5 and December 3. Gift cards can be placed in a container in the church office; other, unwrapped, items can be placed in the designated box in the church library.
Last year’s holiday toy drive for North Hills Community Outreach provided new toys, games, and other gifts to 821 children. Northmont has always been a generous church. May our efforts be fruitful once again this year to help families in need in our community.
| | Presbyterian Women’s Christmas Luncheon will be held on December 8, 2023 in Polley Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. Join us for holiday punch, fellowship and raffle basket browsing at 11:30, with lunch catered by Bella Frutteto at 12:00 p.m. Tickets for the catered luncheon are $18.00, and will be sold before and after church on November 19 and 26 and December 3, or by contacting Sarah Jane Beorn, 412-952-0662. Come and enjoy “Here We Go A-Caroling”. |
Basket donations: Please have all information for the basket, (ie name(s) or group and all items in the basket). Send this information to Kathy Dobson at by November 28th. Any questions please call 724-601-1153.
By: Music Director, Stephen Schall
Wasn’t it great to celebrate Thanksgiving last week! Taking a Sunday to give thanks for God’s bounty is a good thing. Since we don’t do that on the holiday itself, I have missed doing this. Happy Thanksgiving!
In the month of November, the lectionary turns to “last things” as it explores final judgment and Christ’s return as the ruler of all creation. This Sunday’s anthem is an acapella setting of the spiritual, “My Lord, what a mornin’.” This arrangement by Harry T. Burleigh sets words that tell of the last days “when the stars begin to fall.” In response, the singers proclaim that they have forsaken their worldly ways for those of the saints.
Speaking of last times, next week marks the feast of the Reign of Christ, aka Christ the King, and the end of the liturgical year. As a way to celebrate the day, the music will be enhanced by trumpet and timpani. Please plan to join us.
| Hymn of the Month: November | November’s hymn of the month is “Jesus Comes with Clouds Descending.” The text was written by Charles Wesley, brother of the founder of Methodism, John Wesley. Charles is considered one of the great, if not the greatest, hymn writers ever. Eleven of his hymns are found in The Presbyterian Hymnal including “Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus,” "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” and “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.” | Mark your calendars for all the fall events! | |
Sunday Nov 19
Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary
Fellowship Time after service
Monday Nov 20
Boy Scouts 6 pm
Tuesday Nov 21
NBC 9 am
Wednesday Nov 22
Thursday Nov 23
Office Closed
Friday Nov 24
Saturday Nov 25
Sunday Nov 26
Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary
Fellowship Time, Fellowship Hall
Book Group — Chester and Gus by Cammie McGovern, Saturday, December 16, 9:30
Pickleball Group — To play,
contact Lindsey Cunko at
Dining-Out Group — Please watch for an update.
Traveling God’s World Group — TBA
If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.
Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at
Koehler and Phelps Class
Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room
Women’s Bible Study begins on September 12th. The lessons are from the Horizon series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts! We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Berean Room. All women are invited to join us. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Jane Beorn,, or Melody Hannegan,
has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.
Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements.
Phone: 412-366-1713
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