What a blessed Easter Sunday! Goodness, didn't we have church?! There is no doubt that Jesus is ALIVE when we can feel what we felt last Sunday! Thank God for a resurrected Christ!

This week is a special week for me personally, as well as for the history of FMCC: It was three years ago this week that I was in Los Angeles to candidate for the position of Senior Pastor of Founders. If you're on Facebook, you probably saw it pop up on your timeline. I still, after three years, have to pinch myself that I have been chosen to be a part of the ministry of this congregation. YOU are an amazing group of people, and I am so honored to be your pastor.

You may recall that I preached a sermon that Sunday entitled, Why Sit We Here? I knew the Spirit had given me that message for this congregation for that day. I listened to that message again this week, and it seems so relevant for today as well. Little did we know back then what we would face during the last year...a pandemic that has kept us physically apart for over a year! But that time is coming to an end, and soon we'll be able to gather once again. Yes, it will be a bit different than what we had before, but I pray that it continues to get BETTER than ever! 

This Sunday, we'll take another listen to that message from three years ago. If you'd like to read up on the scriptures, check out II Kings 7:1-4 (Message) and Luke 24:13-16, 28-32 (Message).

God bless you. I'll "see" you online Sunday!

Pastor Keith

Founder's Metropolitan Community Church Announcements for the week of 4-9-21!
Board Member Applications  Due Today!!!
Applications for Board of Directors can be found on our website ( or from a current member of the board. Applications are due today, Friday, April 9th, at 5:00 p.m. 
Saturday Night Spiritual - TOMORROW! 
Join us online TOMORROW for our monthly Saturday Night Spiritual Interfaith Service at 5:00 p.m.. Rev. Sheena Metal leads this service.
Membership Inquirer's Class - This Sunday!!
Rev. Steve Swafford will hold an online (Zoom) Membership Inquirer's Class this coming Sunday, April 11th, at 11:30 a.m. We welcome membership from folks all over the world! We currently have not only local members, but members in other states and even in other countries! Come to the class if you've considered membership, or even if you just want to know more about our beliefs, our local church, and our denomination. (Note: Attending this class does not obligate one to become a member; however, to become a member, one must attend a Membership Inquirer's Class.)

Founders MCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 934 5201 9066
Passcode: 753535

Spring Congregational Meeting - April 25th  
Our Spring Congregational Meeting will be held on April 25th after worship. We will have several financial and ministry updates and reports, but our main focus will be to elect two members for the Board of Directors. 
Spring time is here, a time for newness, new birth, new life! It's a time when so many beautiful flowers bloom, and we experience bright and pastel colors. We'd love it if you would send in pictures of you in shades of Spring to use in our Passing of the Peace part of the service. This is so wonderful to be able to "see" one another while we await re-gathering in person.

(Rev. Troy Perry and his spouse Phillip De Blieck are Pictured Above!)
Food Available
Each Saturday, our church offers food to those who are in need. In addition to the HopeNet food that comes each week, we have started offering fresh produce from Food Forward. Come by from anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning to pick up food. 
Vaccinations for those 50 years of age and older:
Tithes & Offerings

General Tithes & Offerings for April 04, 2021: $5,879.00

Building Fund: $360.00
Christine Daniels Fund: $25.00
UFMCC Special Donation: $745.00

Total Designated Funds: $1,130.00

Grand Total of all tithes, offerings and designated funds: 04/04/21


Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PayPal) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.
Wednesday - Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. on Facebook Live.
Wednesday - Reflexiones Espirituales - Spanish Bible Study at 7:30 PM pm on Facebook Group Chat
Hospitality - online - after worship!
Don't forget that we have a time of Hospitality after worship each Sunday. The link is at the top of the first page of our website. Come and have some fun with your church family!
After Easter Sunday

He is risen!
Yes, risen!
How long should we celebrate?
One day, two days, three days?
Maybe more?
Our world has changed, 
It will never be the same again.
He has risen and we are about to meet him again.
Maybe it will be just like the first time?
Or will we need proof like Thomas?
Some of us just need to be sure,
To be definite.
Some of us just know it in our bones,
Without asking any questions.
The risen one answers those who question, 
Truth searching is always welcome.
Jesus is in our midst, 
We celebrate that Jesus is in our midst. 

We come to you in prayer, Jesus.
Let each of us be open to your presence.
We desire to feel you in our midst.

We come to you with questions,
Why? How? When? Where? Who?
Thank you that you answer when we ask.

We come to you with thanksgiving and praise.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Thank you that you celebrate with us.

You hear our thoughts and the beating of our hearts. 
With or without questions you are in our midst.
In celebrating the risen you we flourish and grow.

This day and in the days ahead we celebrate the risen you.


Maxwell is a Healthcare Chaplain for the Scottish National Health Service in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Maxwell co-ordinates “Our Tribe” which is the LGBTQI+ ministry at Augustine United Church, Edinburgh. This joint ministry with The United Reformed Church and MCC was established in 2010. 
Maxwell is a gender queer trans man who shares his life with his husband Lewis, an extended family of choice and their dog Ruby.

Founder's Metropolitan Community Church Board Of Directors
Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator)
Oyie Esguerra (Treasurer)
Jenni Nichols (Clerk)
Antonio Martinez (Member)
Bob Stayton (Member)
Dave Crocker (Member)