After Easter Sunday
He is risen!
Yes, risen!
How long should we celebrate?
One day, two days, three days?
Maybe more?
Our world has changed,
It will never be the same again.
He has risen and we are about to meet him again.
Maybe it will be just like the first time?
Or will we need proof like Thomas?
Some of us just need to be sure,
To be definite.
Some of us just know it in our bones,
Without asking any questions.
The risen one answers those who question,
Truth searching is always welcome.
Jesus is in our midst,
We celebrate that Jesus is in our midst.
We come to you in prayer, Jesus.
Let each of us be open to your presence.
We desire to feel you in our midst.
We come to you with questions,
Why? How? When? Where? Who?
Thank you that you answer when we ask.
We come to you with thanksgiving and praise.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Thank you that you celebrate with us.
You hear our thoughts and the beating of our hearts.
With or without questions you are in our midst.
In celebrating the risen you we flourish and grow.
This day and in the days ahead we celebrate the risen you.