In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better.
Authors, business writers, bloggers, pastors - each one uses
persuasive writing to convince a reader to understand a point of view
. Today's feature explains the
simple 4Ps formula for persuasive writing.
Let me know what you think of this tip!
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4 Ps of Persuasive Writing and How to Use Them
The 4 Ps is a series of four writing tasks that you complete in your copy or your content as a way to persuade your reader to understand your point of view.
Each task begins with the letter p: Promise, Picture, Proof, Push.
Like other
writing formulas, this one provides a helpful outline to follow. And like other good formulas,
the 4 Ps is proven to work. It offers a simple framework to follow to achieve an end result.
In this case, the end result is persuasion.
That's why this particular formula is especially useful when ...
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