Save Time. Write Better.
      Volume 14, Number 3 Issue #203                                                             ISSN: 1933-9690

Welcome, fellow writer!

In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better.

Mama was right: manners matter, even when you post on social media. Today's feature explains how writing with respect means more readers for you.     Let me know  what you think of this tip !
The Un-Bunny Book: Easter Fun for Families, Neighbors, Churches, Friends

Un-Bunny Book
Easter is coming! How will you and your family celebrate? 
The Un-Bunny Book  answers that question! It's packed with fun activities, games, crafts, snacks, and stories that are based on Easter's true meaning. 
Use it for kids ages 3-12 at home, school, church, in the community, or with your homeschool group -- or even to hold an outreach Easter event.  The Un-Bunny Book  shows kids and parents that Jesus' resurrection is something to celebrate. With reproducibles, too!
Learn more about  The Un-Bunny Book  here.

FEATURE:  Want Your Social Media Posts to Get Read?
Use These 6 Quick Writing Tips

I admit it: I want people to read my posts. I want interactions. My guess is that you do, too. 

Yet in the process, it can be tempting to use tricks to get people to read what I write. 

But that's not why my mama taught me. She taught me to use manners over manipulation.

It is one of the great ironies of writing: in order to get the things that you want, you have to give others what they want. Readers want and deserve respect ...

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COMING SOON: Wise Words - Devotionals for Writers (delivered free)

Wise Words-devotionals for writers
In January, I'll start publishing weekly devotionals for writers in a publication called Wise Words.
Each of these short pieces of inspiration draws upon a principle from scripture, using an illustration that speaks to writers, and offers a simple truth - a takeaway - that you can use as you write. They're practical and encouraging.
The idea is to connect truths from scripture with truths about writing. 

Scriptural principles have provided a cornerstone for me as I write.  I hope they do the same for you. Learn more.

More Writing Tips for Social Media
5 Kinds of Facebook Posts to Write for Your Nonprofit, Ministry, Business Writing Tweets Simplified Free Writing Resource: Tweriod Helps Schedule Your Tweets Use This Social Media Checklist Before You Post
A Wise Word

Philippians 2_3

Get other words of wisdom about writing  here.
That's it for now. See you next time.

Remember ... words matter. Use them wisely!


Word Wise: Home of Nonprofit Copywriter
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