Save Time. Write Better.
      Volume 13, Number 38 Issue #188                                                             ISSN: 1933-9690

Welcome, fellow writer!

In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better.

I mistakenly used to think writing styles were "personal." Once I came to understand 4 basic styles in any kind of writing, my writing became clearer. Yours can, too! Let me know what you think of this tip!
21 Copywriting Hacks That Deliver Quick and Easy Wins

How can you know that your copywriting draft works?
All of us want to save time when we write - and know that what we're writing is good.  But sometimes you're just not sure what to do next.
That's why veteran copywriting guru Nick Usborne developed his 21 Copywriting Hacks course. He went through the same frustration when he first started out.
These proven hacks represent a checklist you can use to improve the three core elements of any copywriting... the Headline, the Body Text and the Call To Action. Using a formal checklist gives you the edge you need to consistently deliver results.
Now it's your turn. Check out Nick's 21 Copywriting Hacks course  Learn more.
FEATURE: 4 Writing Styles: Which Works for Your Project? A Quick Checklist

I admit it: when I first started writing, the idea of different writing styles not only confused me but intimidated me.

"I'm barely learning the craft," I thought to myself.  Then I learned that there are two ways to look at styles.

1. A writer's style: an individual writer's tone and manner sometimes called the "writer's voice." There are as many individual  styles as there are writers.

2. Writing styles: different kinds of writing that fulfill one of 4 purposes: expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative.  This is helpful information because ...

The #1 Writing Tool
More Tips about the Writing Process
The Writing Process: Have a System to Make Writing Go Faster Pre-Writing: Easy Steps to Make the Project Go Faster ) How to Find the Main Idea of Your Piece Writer's Block? 3 Tips for Starting Any Writing Project
A Wise Word

Get other words of wisdom about writing  here.
That's it for now. See you next time.

Remember ... words matter. Use them wisely!


Word Wise: Home of Nonprofit Copywriter
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