Save Time. Write Better.
      Volume 12, Number 25: Issue #133                                                              ISSN: 1933-9690

Welcome, fellow writer!

In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better. 
Think of a friend you know who talks only about yourself. It can be hard to get in a word edgewise. You may even think she doesn't care.
That's the way your reader feels when you write solely about yourself or your organization. Today's tip shows you how to shift the focus onto your reader so she feels included.   Let me know    what you think !

FEATURE: Use The "You Test" to Write More Persuasively

The You Test with Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter
The "You Test" is an easy and practical self-check you can use for more persuasive writing in your appeal letters, newsletters, web pages, email campaigns, blog posts, response devices, landing pages - pretty much any project.

The test checks your content to see how well it adheres to a top copywriting rule when writing to persuade - the You Rule.  Your writing is more persuasive, so the rule goes, when you use "You" words in the text more than "Me" words.

As tests go, this one is super-easy to do -- simply ...

Read More
Tips for Writing More Persuasively
How to Make the "You Rule" to Work for You Simple Persuasive Writing Tip: How to Target Benefits Over Features The 4 P's: a Persuasive Writing Formula that Works! Persuasive Writing Basics: Meet Your Reader's Needs
A Wise Word

A helpful principle for writing reader-centered pieces.

Philippians 2_3

Get other words of wisdom about writing  here.
That's it for now. See you next time.

Remember ... words matter. Use them wisely!


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