In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better.
When I read, I don't like being "sold" and I don't like being talked down to. Instead, I like to feel I'm having a two-way conversation. Surprise ... that's the key to successful online writing! Find out more about
this online writing tip in today's feature.
Let me knowwhat you think of this tip!
Easter Fun with Kids, Families, Neighbors, Friends
Easter is coming! How will you and your family celebrate?
The Un-Bunny Book answers that question! It's packed with fun activities, games, crafts, snacks, and stories that are based on Easter's true meaning.
Use it for kids ages 3-12 at home, school, church, in the community, or with your homeschool group -- or even to hold an outreach Easter event. The Un-Bunny Book shows kids and parents that Jesus' resurrection is something to celebrate. With reproducibles, too!
Traditional copywriting - "hard sell" written in corporate-speak or marketing-speak - is more of a one-way experience. When you read a print ad or a direct mail letter, you can't talk back.
But the
online experience is two-way. It allows for all kinds of interaction,
like a conversation. When I read an email, a website, or a social media post, I can respond - even just to click "Like."
It's a mindset that's a result of the Internet. The web has empowered readers like you and me, because we interact with others online all the time. We've come to expect that kind of two-way connection ...