Labor Council
ATTENTION: Starting next week, October 9, the "Working for a Living" Weekly News Update is moving to Saturday. We are looking forward to joining you for your morning coffee.
Message from President Liz Shuler
We’re in touch with our congressional leaders every single day to make clear that the entire Build Back Better agenda—physical and care infrastructure, investments in our health care and schools, paid leave and penalties for employers who try to silence our voices—must be sent to President Biden’s desk. But first, Congress must fund the government. Each of the previous shutdowns has directly hurt working people, and we can’t let it happen again.
Some 800,000 government employees could soon be forced to choose between rent and medicine, between paying school tuition and putting food on the table.
The damage will have a ripple effect beyond the harm it causes government workers. Social Security checks will stop arriving. Seniors won’t get vital medication. Veterans won’t receive their pensions. Families that receive food aid will go hungry. This is simply unconscionable.
Congress needs to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded and then finish the job of building back better.
Showing Our Solidarity: Message from President Liz Shuler
Working people are standing up together and speaking out. In Alabama, coal miners, who are members of the Mine Workers (UMWA), are leading the industry’s first strike in 40 years. UNITE HERE members who work for Hilton are leveraging their power by assuring that we demand that rooms be cleaned every day. The workforce at the Transportation Security Administration, members of AFGE, are fighting to get the same workplace rights and protections as other federal workers. In Oshkosh, Wisconsin, UAW members are working to create and keep jobs in the area by supporting the construction of a new postal truck. And members of the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) are demanding safe working hours; living wages for the lowest-paid crafts; reasonable rest breaks for meals and time off; fair and equal pay for streaming projects; and voting on a strike authorization in order to obtain these improvements. These are just a few of the many examples of where we stand in solidarity to win for union members.
And our campaigns are winning. Earlier this month, members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) made enormous sacrifices to secure a new contract with Nabisco-Mondelēz. The BCTGM victory shows us what we’re seeing elsewhere—when working people come together and organize for our future, we win. Solidarity can be a game changer. This is one of the major benefits of our labor unions coming together in a federation. Combined, our 57 unions have 12.5 million working people as members. That means when we show our solidarity, when we come together and fight not only for our own issues, but those of our sisters, brothers and siblings, we’re unbeatable.
20th Anniversary of Brookwood: Message from President Liz Shuler
Twenty years ago, 13 miners were killed in Brookwood, Alabama. And though the toll on the community and families is incalculable, the company was fined just $5,000—a slap on the wrist for a traumatic and preventable loss of life. The victims were fathers. Friends. Heroes. And union brothers, members of the Mine Workers (UMWA) District 20.
As of Friday 9/24, some of the same union members who were on site that fatal afternoon are heading into their sixth month on strike for better pay, benefits and, yes—safer working conditions. Workers from coast to coast are refusing to accept a substandard job, from the coalfields of Alabama to the tech campuses of Silicon Valley.
We’re not backing down, because when tragedy strikes a workplace, it is the union that ensures there is never a return to “business as usual.” It makes a difference for every working person in this country. Unfortunately, under the ownership of Warrior Met Coal, management is choosing profits over safety. And that’s why UMWA members at Warrior are holding the picket line;
the entire labor movement has their back: As we pass the 20th anniversary of Brookwood, we can’t let history repeat itself.
Bill Froehle: What Are They Doing With My Dues?
Brothers and Sisters,
As members of [a] Local… we all pay a percentage of out collectively bargained wage and fringe package towards “union dues”. Many of us know and somewhat understand what health insurance, S.U.B. pay and the pension plans are for however many of us have little idea where our hard-earned dues money ends up and how it is distributed for the betterment of our local. Starting this month, I want to address some of the organizations and areas where your dues money is making a difference in the everyday lives of our members as well as workers in the open shop. We will start with the AFL-CIO. The American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations was founded in 1955. The AFL-CIO on a national level is the largest federation of unions in the United States. The AFL-CIO is made up of 55 National and International Unions and represents more than 12 million workers and retirees. The AFL-CIO has branches at the state level as well as the local level in many areas. Local 392 is a member of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO primarily, we also pay dues and participate in the Northern Kentucky AFL-CIO, the Kentucky AFL-CIO, the Indiana AFL-CIO, and the Ohio AFLCIO.
In August of this year, the national AFL-CIO suffered a tragic loss when our friend and brother, President Richard Trumka passed away suddenly. Richard Trumka was a giant in the labor community and if you have the time, I urge you to do some research on his background prior to being the leader of the National AFL-CIO. I had the honor of meeting Mr. Trumka in my capacity as the President of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council. Immediately following the announcement of brother Trumka’s passing there were many questions and concerns as to who would step up and lead this incredible organization. Liz Shuler, who comes to us out of the I.B.E.W. electricians’ union is the new President of the national AFL-CIO. Liz is the youngest President in the brief history of the AFL-CIO at 55 years old and the first female to hold the position. I believe Liz will be an outstanding leader who will usher in a new era of union activists and will make inclusion and diversity a top priority. Several of our members have asked what the organization is and how it intertwines with Local 392, the United Association and labor unions in general. I have decided to try and explain a little bit about what the AFL-CIO does here in Cincinnati as well as across the country.
What Exactly Is the Mission of The AFL-CIO?
The AFL-CIO exists to represent people who work. The mission of the AFL-CIO is expressed in our Constitution:
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people of America.
We resolve to fulfill the yearning of the human spirit for liberty, justice, and community; to advance individual and associational freedom; to vanquish oppression, privation, and cruelty in all their forms; and to join with all persons, of whatever nationality or faith, who cherish the cause of democracy and the call of solidarity, to grace the planet with these achievements.
We dedicate ourselves to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace, and securing social equity in the Nation.
The AFL-CIO envisions a future in which work and all people who work are valued, respected and rewarded. While the AFL-CIO represents millions of working people who belong to unions and have the benefits of union membership, the labor federation embraces all people who share the common bond of work.
Work is what we do to better ourselves, to build dreams and to support our families. But work is more than that. Work cures, creates, builds, innovates, and shapes the future. Work connects us all.
The AFL-CIO is an organization of people who work. We help lead a movement for social and economic justice in America and the world.
In the Cincinnati area alone, the AFL-CIO represents over 100 different Labor Organizations with over 40,000 members.
Most of us are familiar with the Building Trades Unions locally which are represented for the most part in this publication, but did you know that the Cincinnati AFL-CIO also represents people from groups such as the NFL Players Association, Firefighters, Airline Pilots, Musicians in the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Public employee unions, Machinist’s at General Electric and other plants and many other Organizations that many of us never realized were covered by collective bargaining agreements.
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO is the collective voice for working families on a wide range of topics and issues that affect all of us as workers. There is a huge misconception that the AFL-CIO as well as our own Union will only support candidates with a (D) behind their name. Let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. Local 392 and the AFL-CIO will always look to support any candidate who will stand with us on issues that affect our livelihoods. We have and will continue to support Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green Party, etc. if they are in tune with the issues that are dear to us as working families.
Politics is a dirty game at times but for us to have a voice it is a game we must participate in. There are many factions that work every day to try and strip workers of their hard-earned rights and gains. These groups would like nothing more than to return to the days of indentured servitude if they can make it happen. These same folks who at one time used brute force to beat workers into submission now use vast amounts of money to buy power and influence through the State and Federal Government as well as through the Judicial System all the way up to the Supreme Court. Organized Labor is the only group keeping the barbarians at the gate. We fight this fight for all workers, union and non-union and I am proud to carry on that mantle as the President of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO.
The position of President of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO is in many ways aligned with the position of President of Local 392, a position currently held by Tony Riehle. The position is not a full-time position, but the duties and responsibilities are far more extended. They include chairing the meetings of the AFL-CIO including Executive Board as well as regular meetings and representing the 100 + unions that are covered under the AFL-CIO umbrella at all events where labor presence is needed. This includes dealing with and speaking to City Council, County Government, State House Politicians etc.
As you probably figured out it amounts to more responsibility and time spent away from loved ones, but it is a position that I feel offers a lot of opportunity to help working families both within Local 392 as well as all Organized Labor.
I want every member of Local 392 to know that I will continue to work to the best of my ability every day for them as I have for the past 3 years as your Business Manager and that I am also going to work the same way for all working families in the role as President of the AFL-CIO. I look forward to hopefully working for many years to come in advancing the cause for working families but especially for my brothers and Sisters of Local 392. Next month we will cover the Building Trades Organization, stay tuned!!!
(Bill Froehle is President of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and Business Manager for Plumbers, Pipefitters, & MES Local 392)
Fred Lampe: Oh No! The Employees Are Winning
The Business Courier is one of those publications I would never have dreamed of reading when I was starting out as an apprentice. I was more into Sporting News, Sport, and Sports Illustrated. The more I read the Business Courier the more I get out of it. I do find the lists they print very interesting. Lists such as largest tri-state companies, CEO pay, largest law firms, highest paid local athletes and so on.
One recent article caught my attention. It was titled Workforce Challenge. Manufacturers tell DeWine, “We can’t find talent”. If you regularly read these articles, you have probably figured out by now, I am no rocket scientist. My high school and 1 year of college education apparently has served me well enough for me to achieve the lofty position that I am in. All these college educated people act like they can’t figure out why they struggle finding employees. Duh, do you think it could be the relentless attack on blue-collar jobs by the business community for the last 45 or so years? Go back to what a manufacturing job or construction job paid in the 1960s and 1970s and adjust it for today’s economy and you will see why they can’t fill jobs. That combined with this crazy message that everyone must go to college to succeed and guess what? There is a problem attracting talent.
This article I am referring to was about a business roundtable here in Cincinnati attended by Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted. The vice-president of human resources at a local window manufacturing plant is quoted as saying, “We’re all fighting for the same talent. The only people winning are the employees.” Heaven forbid!
Now I was not in the room to hear how the quote was delivered, so I am taking some liberties here. However, I would bet you my house she conveyed a hint of contempt in her delivery. The idea of employees winning is so foreign to the business community they can’t comprehend why it is happening. Now I am smart enough to know we need stable and profitable employers for any of us to survive but my gosh, should employees winning for once in a generation be such a problem? There is a quote from Husted that claims once the $300.00 unemployment benefit ended 63,000 Ohioans left the unemployment rolls. Here again is the Republican message, people are lazy and don’t want to work.
I don’t have any statistics, but I find it hard to believe 63,000 workers were sitting on the couch living the good life on $300.00. Ohio is estimated to have 11.75 million people so maybe we do have 63,000 lazy ones. I don’t know. I have a personal example of how skewed the attitude is between the haves and the have nots. My Daughter was a gifted student but chose not to go to college for a few reasons, but cost was certainly a factor. She started as a bank teller a year or two after high school. She has worked her way up and now works for a Canadian bank in Chicago. She was being interviewed for an internal promotion by someone well up the management chain who happened to be a Notre Dame grad. Sometime during the interview, he asked where she went to college and was very surprised to hear she had not attended college.
Why was he surprised? Because she was “well spoken”. She may not get the promotion I don’t know. I just think it is a problem when it is assumed you can’t be “well spoken” without attending college. Maybe I should not take it so personal, but I have seen the reaction go from “you are a union apprentice? That is great” to “why would you want to work in construction?” I blame all the so called “educated” people who don’t respect what it takes to work a blue-collar job.
Dave Baker: To Get The Vaccination Or Not...
Over the past 18 months we have all been dealing with Covid 19 and all the arguments which surround the subject. That being considered then I’m sure someone will call to argue on my thoughts but I hope not. I’m writing this out of concern and not out of an attempt to arouse more arguments. Realistically speaking I’m worn out with both sides of the discussion.
I’ll start by saying I am not in favor of vaccination mandates. So, let’s get that out of the way immediately. I don’t believe anyone should be forced to get a medical procedure if they don’t feel they need to or if they just don’t want to. This is why I am pro-choice. Also, as a Union Ironworker my belief is also that if a job site mandates it then you have your choice to drag up as a personal choice.
We had a discussion recently at the Union meeting about this and one idea was we should all drag up. Well, the first problem with that is some people are vaccinated. Why would they quit a good job for a battle that is not theirs? This falls back on individual choices and is not an item that everyone agrees on. The second problem is if we did have a job which everyone walked off on it could be considered a wildcat strike and we could get sued and possibly bankrupt the entire local if we lost the case. The third and most important problem is when we abandon the work our enemies will have no problem filling in for us.
This is a real mess we are in with this pandemic and the answers are not going to be all black and white. Most of the problems we face never are. Unfortunately for us, we have no control over owner requirements on the facilities they build. We hold no contract with them. We have a CBA with the contractor and thus it is up to them on whether they continue to bid jobs with these mandates. Unfortunately, as well, there are no rules regarding this in our CBA. I can tell you some are for it and some are against it. Only time will tell on if, when, and where this will all end.
So, the big question is what do we do for now. This is where I’m going to offer a solution, I feel is best for all of us. In my opinion, don’t let the news outlets or the people you hang out with make the decision for you. This is a medical procedure and as such you should simply make an appointment with your doctor and ask the doctor. This vaccine is not good for all people and some will be advised for and some against. If your doctor says it is not right for you then they can write a letter stating this and then you can present that to the proper people as needed.
I have spent a lot of time with our retired members and the ones who are still living are here solely because they followed the advice of their doctor. If you don’t have a doctor then get one. I don’t go to my mechanic for legal advice and I don’t rely on the guys I hang with for medical advice. I believe in hiring the right professionals for the right job. For this reason, I will follow their advice on whether to get the vaccination or not.
(Dave Baker is Business Manager/FS-T for Ironworkers Local 44)
Labor 2021 Starts Saturday: Come Lit Drop With The Sisters and Brothers!
NEW: Poll Shows Build Back Better Act Provisions Key To Biden Agenda
NEW: Polling conducted by Data for Progress in partnership with Invest In America and Real Recovery Now! finds that while voters do support investments in physical infrastructure; Build Back Better Act provisions are seen as most important among likely voters, Independents and Democrats.
Here are the toplines:
- While investments in physical infrastructure are very popular with voters, we find that likely voters see policies contained in the Build Back Better Plan, including expanding Medicare benefits, investing in long-term care, and raising taxes on the wealthy, as the most important elements of the Biden agenda.
- Investing in caregiving, lowering health care costs, and expanding the use of clean energy paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations is an agenda that is both popular and seen as a priority for likely voters.
Thanks---and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Ilya Sheyman, Sasha Bruce and the Real Recovery Now! Team
Request to Recruit Businesses' Support for the PRO Act
Throughout our PRO Act campaign, we have made clear that this transformative, bipartisan legislation is good for America’s workers AND businesses. When workers are able to negotiate for higher pay and better benefits, we have more money to spend, which creates demand, jobs and helps businesses thrive. It’s a virtuous cycle. That’s why we are actively seeking out business support to help us pass the PRO Act through the U.S. Senate.
Our partners, American Income Life (AIL) and the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), are leading this effort, dispelling corporate myths about the PRO Act, highlighting the value of collective bargaining and urging other businesses to join the fight to pass the PRO Act.
The enemies of the PRO Act trot out the same old scare tactics conflating the right of workers to freely and fairly form unions as harmful to the economy. The great work of AIL and the ASBC is bringing sound policy and facts forward to debunk the misinformation.
The AFL-CIO is asking every affiliate and federated body to reach out to high-road employers, vendors and friendly businesses, no matter how small, and ask them to sign on as businesses in support of the PRO Act. Please share the attached letter and the ASBC editorial with businesses you and your members have relationships with. The sign-on process is easy and online.
For more information or questions, please contact National Campaigns Manager Todd Anderson or (651) 260-0644.
PETITION: Support Film and TV Crews
Our brothers, sisters and siblings at the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) just launched a petition demanding a sustainable deal for film and TV workers. Show them we stand as one in our fight to end unsafe hours, unlivable wages and the lack of reasonable rest on set. Sign the petition!
After months of negotiating successor contracts to the Producer-IATSE Basic Agreement and the Theatrical and Television Motion Picture Area Standards Agreement, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which represents major film and television production companies, announced it does not intend to make any counteroffer to the IATSE’s most recent proposal.
Throughout the bargaining process, the AMPTP has failed to work with IATSE members on addressing the most grievous problems in their workplaces, including:
- Excessively unsafe and harmful working hours.
- Unlivable wages for the lowest-paid crafts.
- Consistent failure to provide reasonable rest during meal breaks, between workdays and on weekends.
- Workers on certain “new media” streaming projects get paid less, even on productions with budgets that rival or exceed those of traditionally released blockbusters.
It is incomprehensible that the AMPTP, an ensemble that includes media mega-corporations collectively worth trillions of dollars, claims it cannot provide behind-the-scenes crews with basic human necessities like adequate sleep, meal breaks and living wages. Worse, management does not appear to even recognize core issues as problems that exist in the first place.
These issues are real for the workers in the entertainment industry, and change is long overdue. However, the explosion of streaming, combined with the pandemic, has elevated and aggravated working conditions, bringing 60,000 behind-the-scenes workers covered by these contracts to a breaking point.
IATSE members risked their health and safety all year, working through the pandemic. Now, we cannot and will not accept a deal that leaves us with an unsustainable outcome.
In Solidarity,
Take Action: Support Striking Miners at Warrior Met Coal
The Mine Workers (UMWA) at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama have been on strike for respect and dignity. It was UMWA miners who made sacrifices that brought the company out of bankruptcy, and it was UMWA miners who took pay and benefit cuts while upper management was getting bonuses. The same productive, professional miners mine the coal that keeps the company running.
UMWA members want Warrior to be successful. And they know that Warrior can be successful while also being fair to its workers and the communities that support the company. And they will stand and fight as long as it takes to be afforded the respect they deserve for their hard work. As the strike continues, working people across the country have an opportunity to show solidarity. The mine workers at Warrior Met Coal need your support. Please take a chance to donate to the strike fund. Checks should be payable to the UMWA 2021 Strike Aid Fund and should be mailed to:
UMWA 2021 Strike Aid Fund
P.O. Box 513
Dumfries, VA 22026
Take action today to support the hardworking men and women of UMWA.
AFGE's Everett Kelley Says Government Shutdown Is Unacceptable
AFGE National President Everett Kelley said that shutting the government down if Congress doesn’t agree to legislation funding the government past Sept. 30 is unacceptable and will damage public services and the economy. This would be the fourth such shutdown since 2018 if Congress fails to meet the deadline.
“For Congress to allow the government to shut down for the fourth time since 2018 is simply unacceptable—especially as federal employees at key agencies continue to work diligently to address the ongoing pandemic,” Kelley said. “A shutdown will force critical government programs to grind to a halt, while others would continue with skeleton crews who would go unpaid for as long as the shutdown lasts—causing pain for government workers and the American people alike. It was less than two years ago that 800,000 federal workers went five weeks without a paycheck during the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. That shutdown cost the U.S. economy $11 billion—$3 billion of which was never recovered—and caused needless hardships to federal workers who were unable to pay their bills or afford groceries for weeks.”
“But government shutdowns don’t only affect federal workers,” he continued. “In fact, those hardest hit are the American people who depend on critical government services—our veterans returning from overseas who need care at the VA, our most vulnerable citizens who need to get their Social Security checks on time, and families who want to be confident that air travel is safe and secure. We need Congress to do the right thing and pass funding to keep our government running. Doing nothing is simply unacceptable.”
Lawsuit Filed To Protect Ohioans From Illegal Gerrymandering
Two lawsuits were filed last week to end the unconstitutional and illegal practice of gerrymandering. Ohioans twice went to the polls to pass Constitutional Amendments (once for State Legislative districts and once for Congressional districts) to end the practice of politicians picking their voters. However, all five Republicans on the Redistricting Commission approved what they even admitted to were severely flawed maps.
The first lawsuit was filed by the ACLU, League of Women Voters and the A. Philip Randolph Institute and several concerned citizens.
“The recently adopted Ohio Senate and Ohio House legislative maps disrespect voters and the Ohio Constitution. Ohioans demonstrated their support for fair, responsive legislative districts overwhelmingly at the ballot box in 2015 and recently through robust participation in the Ohio Redistricting Commission's rushed and chaotic process,” said Jen Miller, president of the League of Women Voters of Ohio.
The second lawsuit was filed by the National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF) for violating both the letter and the spirit of Ohio’s 2015 constitutional amendment reforming the redistricting process by a group of individual voter-plaintiffs with the support of NRAF. The lawsuit, captioned Bennett v. Ohio Redistricting Commission, is the NRAF’s first legal challenge to a map drawn as part of the 2021 redistricting process. It asks the court to invalidate the adopted Ohio maps and to direct the Commission to adopt a new, compliant state legislative redistricting plan.
“These Ohio maps are a failure in almost every way. They fail to reflect the will of Ohio voters and, ultimately, fail to meet the requirements of the state constitution,” said Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States. "The Ohio Supreme Court should throw them out and direct the commission to start again, this time adhering to the principles of fairness outlined in the reforms that were overwhelmingly supported by the people of Ohio in 2015.”
The state legislature is now tasked with drawing the Congressional district map. If it fails to pass a map without minority party (Democrat) support, the Redistricting Commission will be charged with trying to draw the Congressional map.
Tim Ryan Voluntarily Recognizes The IBEW To Represent Senate Campaign Staff
Tim Ryan’s campaign for U.S. Senate announced its intention to voluntarily recognize a staff union organized with IBEW Local 1466 after all bargaining unit-eligible employees signed union cards. To guarantee neutrality throughout the process, Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga oversaw and certified the election.
“Tim Ryan’s record of fighting for Ohio workers is what drew us to this race, and we’re proud to share that his dedication to workers includes voluntary recognition for our union,” said Tim for Ohio campaign staff in a collective statement. “We’re fired up for the campaign ahead, because we know that a robust staff union will ensure that our team has the support we need to win this race and flip Ohio blue.”
“This campaign is about cutting Ohio workers in on the deal, and that starts with how we treat our own staff,” said Tim Ryan. “Every worker -- whether you work in health care or manufacturing, practice a trade or staff a political campaign -- deserves strong protections and a voice on the job, and one of the best ways to make that happen is by making it easier to join a union. I’m proud to be running a race that puts workers first, and I applaud our team for making history by becoming the first unionized Senate campaign in Ohio history.”
“All workers are better off when they have a strong union advocating for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions -- and campaign workers are no exception,” said IBEW Local 1466 President and Business Manager Jason Wright. “The Ryan campaign will be better off for their early action to organize and build collective power. I commend Tim Ryan for his leadership in honoring his team’s right to organize and setting the standard for pro-worker campaigns all across Ohio over the next fourteen months.”
“It’s no secret that campaigns are known for long hours and demanding work environments, which is why it’s so important that staff are treated fairly and with the dignity that comes from joining a union,” said Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga. “Ohioans know that Tim Ryan has always stood on the side of workers, and we are pleased to see that this commitment extends to the people powering his campaign for the United States Senate.”
U.S Senator Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021− Brown Opening Statement at Nomination Hearing − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021− Brown Announces Nearly $34 Million for Health Centers Across Ohio − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 − Brown, Cotton, Lamb, Joyce Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Law Enforcement Investigate Fentanyl, Protect Officers − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 − Brown’s Office Convenes Virtual Roundtable with Southwest, Western Ohio County Veteran Service Office Directors − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown Announces $250,000 for Wastewater Infrastructure in Columbiana County − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown Announces More Than $1 Million for Wastewater Infrastructure in Jackson County − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown, Portman Applaud Nomination of Kenneth Parker for U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Ohio − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown Announces $140,000 for Economic Development Research at Bowling Green State University and Ohio University − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown Announces $90,000 for Economic Development Research at Cleveland State University − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 − Brown to Powell, Yellen: We Must All Continue to Support the Real Economy and its Workers − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 − Brown’s Office Convenes Virtual Roundtable with Northeast Ohio County Veteran Service Office Directors − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 − Brown, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Provide Down Payment on Unemployment Insurance Reform − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 − Brown Meets with Local Business Leaders & Officials to Discuss Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan’s Potential Economic Impact − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 − Brown Announces More Than $9 Million to Protect Lake Erie and Reforest Abandoned Mine Lands − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 − Brown Tours Bimbo Bakery, Meets with Union Workers to Celebrate Pension Fix − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 − Brown Announces $125,000 to Prevent Youth Substance Misuse in Williams County − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 − Brown Announces $125,000 to Prevent Youth Substance Misuse in Pickaway County − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 − Brown Announces $500,000 for Lead Testing, Prevention Resources for Ohio Children − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 − Brown Announces $6 Million for National Advanced Air Mobility Center of Excellence in Springfield − READ MORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 − Brown Announces $215,000 to Bolster Victims of Crime Support Database − READ MORE
Freestore Foodbank: You Were Meant To Be A Lifeline To Hungry Families
Hello Volunteer,
As the pandemic has impacted and changed all our lives — the way we work, live, and socialize, we’re so grateful to see our community united in support of children, families, and seniors who face hunger.
It’s important we pause to say, we thank you.
Many people in the Cincinnati tristate area are struggling. Not only are their cabinets empty, but they also face crippling stress as they worry about where their next meal will come from. It’s next to impossible to look to the future when you are staring at hunger in the present.
Thanks to generous supporters like you, hungry families could visit one of our partner agencies and receive the fresh fruits, vegetables and basic staples they need to get through the month.
Thank you for all you do to help Freestore Foodbank with our mission of feeding hungry children and families in our community. We would not be able to accomplish this without our wonderful volunteers.
We have some wonderful volunteer opportunities at our Liberty Street Market and Mayerson Distribution Center.
The Liberty Street Market, 112 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202, is looking for volunteers for our 2021 Holiday Shopping Pre-event Set-up on Sunday, October 31st from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. We are also scheduling for our Liberty Street Market Holiday Shopping Assistants for the months of November and December. You can click on the link below to register for these exciting volunteer events.
The Mayerson Distribution Center, 1250 Tennessee Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229, is looking for volunteers Monday through Friday, morning, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Thursday evenings, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The 1st Saturday of each month, beginning in November, we will be offering volunteer shifts in the morning and afternoon. You can view our volunteer shifts by clicking on the link below:
We are also scheduling volunteers for the November Holiday Food Box Distribution, which will be Wednesday, November 17th, 2021. Two shifts are available, morning from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and afternoon from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The location for this event is, Cincinnati Reds Youth Academy, 2026 E. Seymour Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45237. You can click on the link below to register for these volunteer shifts.
More information for the December Holiday Food Box Distribution will be listed on our Freestore Foodbank Volunteer Hub within the next few weeks.
If you need further assistance, please contact me.
Carolyn Frank
Dear United Way friends,
We all have our “why” that compels us.
From the time I mentored a young foster teen more than 30 years ago, my “why” has been centered on supporting young people and families on their chosen path to success. This “why” compelled me to leave a job in the real estate business for social work, launching a now 30-year career serving families and children.
At United Way of Greater Cincinnati, our “why” is the economic well-being of all. We believe all individuals and families in our region deserve to thrive. We recently revamped our vision and mission to focus us on that goal:
Our Vision: Our vision is a vital and caring community where all enjoy economic well-being and thrive.
Our Mission: We build solutions and align systems to help all achieve economic well-being and thrive.
It is very simply stated, but, of course, very complex work. Systemic challenges keep families in a cycle of economic hardship. Daily, we support families by not only meeting their immediate needs, but by learning from those interactions and applying those learnings to changing systems so more thrive in the future.
Everything we do -- promoting quality education, good mental and physical health, and financial stability and mobility – ladders up to the goal of economic well-being for all Greater Cincinnatians.
We rely on individuals and families – and those closest to them -- to help us form solutions. They know what works best. And we rely on your support. Without you, our work is not possible.
I have seen communities experience true economic well-being when the systemic inequities are eliminated. But that only happens when we live our mission. When we live united.
Keep an eye out as more of our staff share their “why” in our new Champion Spotlight series.
Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Government Strategies Group: 9/29/21 COVID Update
Current COVID Data
- 698.7 cases per 100,000 Ohioans
- 7,283 positive COVID-19 cases reported in the last 24 hours (6,617 is the 21-day average)
Ohio House Bill 435
The Ohio House Health Committee introduced new vaccine mandate legislation this afternoon and passed it out of committee. It will be considered on the House floor today. A copy of the legislation is attached here.
Summary provisions include:
- COVID-19 vaccine mandate only allowed for a vaccine that has been issued a biologics license (aka full FDA authorization)
- Pfizer is the only such vaccine to date
- Exemptions for employees and public and private K-12 and higher education schools:
- Medical contraindications- An employee shall submit to the employer a written statement signed by the employee's primary care provider and shall not be required to submit any additional information beyond the written statement.
- Natural immunity – An employee shall submit written documentation to the employer that the employee has been tested for the presence of COVID-19 antibodies in a form or manner recognized by the medical community and at the time of testing, had COVID-19 antibodies in an amount at least equal to or greater than those conferred by a COVID-19 vaccine that has been issued a biologics license.
- Reasons of conscience, including religious convictions
- Publicly-owned buildings cannot require proof of vaccination to enter
- Vaccine injury would be covered by Bureau of Workers Compensation (burden of proof of injury would be on the employee)
- Exemptions do not apply for employees or students of children's hospitals, ICU, or Critical Care hospitals
- Exemptions do not apply to new hires
- Legislation does not currently have an emergency clause so it would be effective 90 days after enactment
- Qualified immunity provisions enacted in HB606 in the last General Assembly are extended
- Legislation sunsets June 30, 2023
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our team:
Ohio Vaccination Dashboard
The COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard displays the most recent data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regarding the number of individuals that have started and completed the COVID-19 vaccination series by various demographics and county of residence.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard displays the most recent data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regarding the number of individuals that have started and completed the COVID-19 vaccination series by various demographics and county of residence. “Vaccination started” indicates that the individual has received at least one valid dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The number listed as “vaccination completed” is a subset of the number included in “vaccination started,” indicating that those individuals within that group have received all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses and are considered fully immunized. ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting privacy. This dashboard will be updated daily. Please see footnotes below for more details.
Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard
ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.
The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).
Below is a snapshot of key metrics pulled Thursday, September 30 from daily data reporting to the Ohio Department of Health. These metrics are updated daily.
Below are the current reporting trends from Thursday, September 30 for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
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Cincinnati AFL-CIO
Labor Council
Bill Froehle, President
Brian D. Griffin,
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Ashley Schleicher,
Communications Associate