First District PTA Newsletter for Local Leaders | March 30, 2021
Visit our website to see past issues of "You Heard it Here First!"
Hello Local PTA Leaders,
It is hard to believe that a year has gone by with school campuses being closed. We didn’t think we could shift classrooms and in-person meetings to a virtual platform, but we made it happen. We have learned to be creative in ways we did not imagine. We have held each other up when the burden was heavy and learned to PTA a whole different way. I am so proud of each of you for supporting children and families throughout our district.
At First District PTA, we are working hard to provide you with the latest information on upcoming events to keep you informed to make the best decisions for your families and communities. We are in the home stretch of our school year. We have many training opportunities coming up, with the California State PTA virtual convention in May, our district leadership conferences in June, and many other events in between. I hope to see you soon.
Take care, stay safe, and know that your work matters.
Diane Hyland, President
First District PTA
A reminder that your PTA is required to keep track of the number of hours that volunteers work on behalf of your PTA. Volunteer hours are a record of how much your PTA contributes to the school and the community. As a non-profit organization, it is also necessary to keep track of PTA volunteer hours for tax purposes.
The Annual Historian Report is due in April through channels. You can find blank Historian Reports on our website HERE as well as tools and information to help with the tracking of your PTA's hours.
Questions? Please contact our Recording Secretary and Historian, Lourdes Wang, at
General PTA resources for Health, Safety, Diversity, and Inclusion
National PTA
California PTA
Health and Safety
April is the month of:
Alcohol Abuse Awareness
Child Abuse Awareness
Sexual Assault Awareness
Diversity and Inclusion
April is the Month of:
Autism Acceptance
Military Child
Arab-American Heritage
Holidays, Observances, and Notable Days in April 2021
- April 2: Good Friday (Christian)
- April 4: Easter (Christian)
- April 4: Pesach/Passover Ends (Jewish)
- April 8-9: Yom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day
- April 12: Ramadan Begins (Muslim)
- April 13-15: Songkran Festival/Thai New Year (Thailand)
- April 13: Vaisakhi (Sikh)
- April 22: Earth Day (International)
Commemorative Scholarships
The Commemorative Scholarship applications were due March 22nd. The results will be announced in late April or early May. Thank you for working with us to offer this scholarship opportunity to our graduating seniors this year.
School Reopening
Many schools and school districts statewide are now returning to in-person learning, as well as hybrid learning arrangements. School districts are moving forward on this, so if you are wondering about your district's status, please go to the State of California's Safe Schools for All Hub.
There is an interactive map that shows what level your district is in, the status on reopening, and there are links to your district's safety plan and COVID19 resources. There is also a parent portal for parents to report concerns for potential state intervention and enforcement.
California State PTA will be holding an online briefing and listening session on April 8th from 5:00-6:00 p.m. to provide an overview and discussion of what we know regarding school reopening requirements, funding, and programs. Information was in the March Leadership Essentials. There will also be an opportunity for input on what you have to say, and what you need from CAPTA. Please mark this date on your calendar and stay tuned for more details, which CAPTA will share in social media, via email, and on the California State PTA website shortly.
California State PTA 2021 Resolution "Teaching Hard History: American Slavery in K-12 Education"
In a special meeting on February 19 th, the First District PTA Board of Directors voted to support the convention resolution "Teaching Hard History: American Slavery in K-12 Education." This resolution will be considered by the convention delegates at the virtual convention in May. The resolution is available here: "Teaching Hard History: American Slavery in K-12 Education"
Questions? Email First District PTA VP of Education, Patty Scripter, at
We have the Reflections results from California State PTA, and I am very pleased to share that we had awesome results – thirteen students were recognized.
First District tied for the most awards in a district in the State. We had the most Outstanding Interpretation Awards and Awards of Excellence of ANY District PTA.
We had two Outstanding Interpretation awards – both went to Special Artists!
Gabriela Korszyk from Covina High School/Covina Valley Council was recognized for Film Production.
Aren Zakarian from Valley View ES/Glendale Council was recognized for Literature.
We are asking that the Councils and Units notify your students this week before they get the call from Lisa Snowiss, Reflections Chair at CAPTA, at the beginning of April.
I am still getting questions about virtual ceremonies and the need for photo releases. YES, you need to have releases from the parents if you are including student information. If you have the Virtual Student Entry filled out, signed, and on file, you are covered. If not, you need to make sure that you use a form that covers what you will be doing/posting/how long/what information and have it on file signed by the parents. Use the California State PTA Photography Release form HERE.
First District PTA is still planning to mail certificates and medals to our students in April. We are awaiting the medals. We will also be sharing a virtual pre-recorded event at a future date.
Bylaws Updates
Please continue to review your council and unit bylaws annually. Remember they need to be revised every five years to remain in compliance. When submitting your revisions, they must include the following: the completed First District Bylaws Change Form, three (3) double-sided copies of the bylaws, and four (4) additional double-sided copies of the signature page.
California State PTA Convention Delegates
Each association in good standing is entitled to be represented at the annual California State PTA Convention Meeting by the president-elect or president or elected alternate and one additional voting delegate.
One voting delegate or alternate elected from each council executive board, in addition to the council president or president-elect, or elected alternate must be elected at your association meeting. The privilege of making motions, debating, and or voting at convention shall be limited to voting delegates.
- Each unit association of over 250 memberships but less than 501 is entitled to two (2) elected voting delegates in addition to the president-elect or president.
- An association that has a membership of 501 but less than 751 is entitled to three (3) elected voting delegates in addition to the president-elect or president.
- Associations that have memberships of 751 or more may send four (4) elected voting delegates in addition to the president-elect or president.
Additional non-voting delegates may attend convention as your unit or council PTA budget allows.
Save the Date...
California State PTA 122 nd Annual Convention is taking place between May 13 – 16, 2021. Registration opened on March 23rd for an Early Bird rate of $50.00. After April 30th the fee will be $65.00 per delegate.
Convention-related activities begin on Monday, May 3rd, 2021. Hearings for Bylaws, Legislation Policies and Resolutions will take place from May 3-7. Workshops, the Reflections Art Gallery, and networking opportunities will occur from May 3-16. The official Business of the Association will take place between May 13-16. The Exhibit Hall and Passport Challenge will be available from May 13-16.
First District PTA Membership Incentive Awards
All memberships must be forwarded to the First District office by Thursday, April 1st at noon to be considered for the Senior Membership Incentive Awards.
Congratulations to the 127 units that met our Winter Challenge and had three or more members join PTA in January - February.
Congratulations also go to Cedargrove Elementary in Charter Oak Council, Sierra Vista Middle School in Covina Valley Council, and College View SEPTA in Glendale Council for submitting Teachers Matter to First District, Too! They have won one free registration to the 2021 California State PTA Convention.
This month the TOTEM Trophy goes again to Burbank Council with 87% of their memberships via TOTEM and South Pasadena Council takes the Membership Champions for Children Trophy for having 91% of their membership goal. Congratulations!
Join us for our Awards Meeting on Monday, April 26th and see who gets to keep the TOTEM and Champions for Children Trophy along with all other First District Membership Challenge winners.
New President's Orientation – NEW DATE
First District PTA will hold an orientation for new and returning council and out-of-council unit presidents on June 11th. This event was previously scheduled for April 19th. Please update your calendar.
PTA Elections
PTA units and councils should be holding PTA elections in March or April. Council leaders, we ask that you check in with your units and make sure that elections have taken place or are planned. Please contact your First District PTA mentor if you need any assistance. It's much better to know sooner than later that we have an issue somewhere so we can help right away.
Update MyPTEZ with New Officer Information
Contact information for newly-elected PTA officers must be input in MyPTEZ by May 1st per all unit and council bylaws. If you do not know how to use MyPTEZ or need login information, in-council units should contact your council president, and councils/out-of-council units should contact First District PTA for help. Please start gathering and uploading your new rosters to MyPTEZ.
First District PTA Leadership Conference – NEW DATE
Each summer, First District PTA hosts a Leadership Conference to provide training for all council or unit PTA leaders in the First District PTA region. The First District PTA Board is working hard to plan an engaging and helpful series of workshops to support your work as a PTA leader.
This year's Leadership Conference has been moved to Saturday, June 12th. This conference was previously scheduled for June 5th. Please update your calendar. More information about this conference is coming soon!
Youth Mental Health First Aid Courses
The Youth Mental Health First Aid classes for April and May are now open! Our March classes are filled to capacity.
A reminder that if you have signed up for a class but are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that others can take your place and benefit from this amazing program.
First District PTA Office Hours
We hosted our first full complement of officer Office Hours in March. These sessions are an informal opportunity for unit and council leaders to meet with First District Officers and ask your burning questions! The April calendar for office hours will be posted soon!
Hello treasurers!
The following items are due:
Per capita membership dues - $5.00 per new membership
- Council and Unit mid-year Audits
Worker's Compensation Annual Payroll Report and Estimated Surcharge 5% - due to AIM January 31, 2021
Don't forget to use your First District PTA Financial Calendar. CLICK HERE to view and download the First District PTA 2020 – 2021 Financial Calendar.
Workers Compensation
Worker's Compensation Annual Payroll Report and Estimated Surcharge 5% are due to AIM on or before January 31, 2021. Forms and instructions can be found online at the CAPTA website HERE.
All 2019-20 tax forms should have been filed and uploaded to MyPTEZ in the "2019-20" year. Any 2019-20 tax forms that haven't been filed (unless an extension has been filed) are delinquent and subject to fines/penalties and interest. If tax forms haven't been filed, please do so ASAP.
Councils, please ensure tax forms have been filed for all of your units, uploaded to MyPTEZ, and confirmed with First District through your Financial Data Transmittal Forms.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact First District PTA Treasurer, Jessica Sheen, at
All PTA associations are required to have a year-end and mid-year audit, according to your bylaws and the CAPTA toolkit.
- For units with a May 31 year-end, the mid-year audit should cover the period June 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020.
- For units with a June 30 year-end, the mid-year audit should cover the period July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020.
Guidance for completing a PTA audit can be found HERE.
As you begin to think about doing your mid-year audit, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:
- The auditor needs to be appointed by or elected to the Executive Board per your bylaws.
- The auditor cannot be related to any of the check signers by blood, marriage, or live in the same household.
- The audit must be presented to the Executive Board as well as the General Association for adoption.
- The audit must be reviewed by an audit review committee unless the audit is conducted by a qualified accountant. A qualified accountant is defined as someone who has been trained/licensed to conduct audits and/or review accounting records, such as a Public Accountant or Certified Public Accountant (CPA). They do not need to be currently employed in the field.
Once your audit is complete and adopted by the Executive Board and Association, please upload ALL audit documents (Audit Report, Audit Checklist, Audit Recommendations, etc) in a single PDF to MyPTEZ.
If you have any questions, please contact First District PTA Treasurer, Jessica Sheen, at
National PTA 2021 Legislation Conference
First District was proud to participate in the National PTA annual Legislative Conference March 9 – 11, 2021. There were over 800 advocates from across the nation, 79 advocates from California, with 12 advocates representing First District PTA.
During the conference, we were given the opportunity to truly take action for ALL children. We were taught how to prepare for, effectively conduct, and follow-up on virtual Capitol Hill visits with our members of Congress. We discussed advocating for federal resources to invest in public schools. We were taught effective messaging in critical programs such as Title 1 and Title IV-A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFECs), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
We discussed the importance of all students thriving in supportive and inclusive schools. We discussed the harmful impact of exclusionary and punitive discipline practices on students. We explored policies and practices, grounded in social justice, that ensure equity for all students while supporting the whole child and all families. We heard from a panel of students who have become engaged in their own self-advocacy about why public schools matter.
We learned how to best support all children in our diverse communities. Several strategies were presented to implement comprehensive diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts at school sites. We analyzed the critical role of PTA in developing diversity initiatives in our associations and our communities.
We had the opportunity as state representatives to attend virtual meetings with staffers working with Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Alex Padilla. We meet in small virtual groups directly with Congress Members Judy Chu, Grace Napolitano, and Adam Schiff. There were advocacy awards presented as well as a Mental Health Panel.
We wrapped up the conference with a session on how to be reflective in our impactful advocacy and next steps with our legislators. This conference was an outstanding opportunity to speak up for all children directly with Washington D.C decision-makers.
Questions? Contact Geoff Albert, our VP of Legislation & Advocacy, at, or visit the California State PTA website HERE.
California State PTA Resources for Communications
National PTA Resources for Communications
California State PTA Social Media Kits
California State PTA continues to share its social media kits to help PTAs create impactful online communication with ease. The kits are updated monthly. The images in the kit may be used on your personal and PTA social media accounts. They are customizable and fun!
Click here to see social media kits from prior months.
Be sure to follow us on social media! We want to see what amazing things your PTAs are doing for kids!
This email was sent to all unit and council PTA officers and chairpersons,
principals, superintendents, and the First District PTA Board of Directors.