First District PTA Newsletter for Local Leaders | May 4, 2021
Visit our website to see past issues of "You Heard it Here First!"
Hello First District PTA Leaders,
Hats off to those recognized at our April 26th association awards meeting. We announced the Commemorative Scholarship awardees, the Senior Membership Incentive awardees, Very Special Person awardees, Honorary Service awardees, Compliance awardees, and Outstanding Council awardees.
We congratulated Carol Briggs, Lourdes Wang, and Patty Scripter for their tireless efforts with the First District Reflections Program.
The fun did not stop there; we continued by recognizing the following council PTAs for their stellar work in compliance: San Marino, Monrovia, La Cañada, Covina-Valley, Burbank, and Arcadia. Kudos to Arcadia and Burbank Council PTAs as they tied for Outstanding Council.
We rounded out the awards meeting with a tribute to each of you, our local leaders, as you stayed the course during this whirlwind term and did not cease to place children and families first in your advocacy efforts.
Take care, stay safe, and know that your work matters.
Diane Hyland, President
First District PTA
It's not too late to register for the California State PTA Convention, going on now! The deadline to register as a voting delegate is Friday, May 6, 2021. Enjoy workshops, hearings for bylaws, legislation, and a resolution. The business of the association starts on May 13.
Time to Report Newly-Elected PTA Officer Information
By now, you should have held your election for the 2021-22 school year. The next step is to enter the newly elected officers' information into MyPTEZ.
Every PTA entity in the state of California can access and enter their officers' information into the MyPTEZ Officer Reporting System. This is a free service offered to all PTAs.
California State PTA Social Media Resources
California State PTA Resources for Communications
National PTA Resources for Communications
California State PTA continues to share its social media kits to help PTAs create impactful online communication with ease. The kits are updated monthly. The images in the kit may be used on your personal and PTA social media accounts. They are customizable and fun!
Click here to see social media kits from prior months.
Did you know that all PTAs are required to keep track of volunteer hours? These hours are a record of how much PTA members contribute to the school and the community. Volunteer hours are collected and reported to maintain PTA’s federal tax exemption status. As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, PTA must receive 1/3 (one-third) of its support from the general public. The recorded hours from volunteers are proof of this. They are also used in advocating on behalf of children and as information in grant writing.
Your PTA’s volunteer hours are tallied and reported on the Annual Historian Report. Every PTA is required to prepare one. Each unit and council historian, or someone designated by the president, will prepare the report. The final responsibility remains with each president to see that the report is completed and submitted through channels to First District PTA.
UNIT PTAs (In-Council)
Your reports should have been sent to your council historians.
Your reports are due to First District PTA NOW
Councils should be requesting and collecting all Unit Historian Reports. Please make sure to include copies of the Unit Historian Reports with your Council Historian Report.
Please note that all reports should include volunteer hour totals from July 1 and projected through June 30.
More information is available in these handouts (click on items to download):
Questions? Please contact our Recording Secretary and Historian, Lourdes Wang, at
Membership Award Recipients Announced
Congratulations to our Senior Membership Incentive Award Winners!
Alhambra Council
Pasadena Council
South Pasadena Council
Temple City Council
West Covina Council
Congratulations to Burbank Council for being the 2020 - 2021 TOTEM Trophy winner and to South Pasadena Council for winning the 2020 - 2021 Champions for Children Membership Trophy.
All Winter Challenge prizes and membership certificates are available in the First District PTA office. Please make arrangements with Patricia to pick up prizes.
To view the Membership Awards video presentation from our Association meeting HERE. Congratulations to all our winners!
Time to Update Leader and Banking Information in TOTEM
As your unit and council boards transition to the new term, be sure to update leaders AND banking information in TOTEM. Look for details at the TOTEM help desk under Leader FAQ and How to Manage Leader's information.
Each year First District PTA awards Commemorative Scholarships to graduating seniors. Typically, the scholarships are funded by our Holiday Luncheon Silent Auction and raffles. This year we were unable to hold the event, but the Board of Directors committed to moving forward with this important program. We are excited to announce the following students were selected to receive First District PTA Commemorative Scholarships in the amount of $750.00 each.
Juliana Acevedo
Herbert Hoover PTA
Glendale Council
Jonathon Cole
West Covina High PTSA
West Covina Council
Erin Edgeworth
South Hills High PTSA
Covina-Valley Council
Nathan French
Burbank High PTSA
Burbank Council
Kyle Li
Arcadia High School PTSA
Arcadia Council
Noemi Liu
Gabrielino High PTSA
OOC San Gabriel
Alden Marriott
Crescenta Valley High School PTSA
Glendale Council
Megan Tieu
San Gabriel High School PTA
Alhambra Council
Please congratulate the recipients – and we hope to hold the Holiday Luncheon this year, so check back for more information this fall.
Questions? Email First District PTA VP of Education, Patty Scripter, at
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, and join us for our VIRTUAL First District PTA Leadership Conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you for a day of learning and fun! Stay tuned -- more details coming soon!
General PTA resources for Health, Safety, Diversity, and Inclusion
National PTA
California PTA
Health and Safety
May is the month of:
Diversity and Inclusion
May is the Month of:
Holidays, Observances, and Notable Days in May 2021
May 1: May Day/Labor Day
May 1: Beltane (Pagan)
May 5: Cinco de Mayo (Mexican and Mexican-American)
May 9: Mother's Day (Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, USA, and Turkey)
May 10: Mother's Day (Mexico)
May 12-13: Eid ul Fitr (Muslim)
May 15: International Day of Families (International)
May 15: Armed Forces Day (US)
May 16-18: Shavuot (Jewish)
May 21: World Day for Cultural Diversity (International)
May 25: Africa Day (Africa)
May 26: Vesak Day (Buddhist)
May 29: Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh (Bahá'í)
May 31: Memorial Day (US)
Be sure to follow us on social media! We want to see what amazing things your PTAs are doing for kids!
This email was sent to all unit and council PTA officers and chairpersons,
principals, superintendents, and the First District PTA Board of Directors.