First District PTA Newsletter for Local Leaders | September 25, 2020
Hello PTA Leaders,

Words cannot express the gratitude I have for you and what you choose to do for children and families every day.

It's no secret that our physical and emotional environment is weighing heavily on each of us. Some days, the all too familiar items seem as if they are too much to bear: The pandemic, school closures, social distancing, food and financial insecurities, distance learning, internet bandwidth issues, health and safety concerns for our loved ones, reopening protocols, air quality due to the fires in our local mountains, and the recent earthquake.

We say often at First District PTA that if you need us for anything, please reach out to us. When asked, "How do you PTA?" Our answer is: "We build community." We are here to guide you through whichever PTA process you may need.

If you need assistance with getting a board elected, bylaws revision, or engaging parents and families in a virtual environment, we can help. You can find our contact information on our website HERE.

I came across an inspiration that I used at a district board meeting last year that still resonates today. I'd like to share it with you now:

Aloha PTA Leaders,

The word "Aloha" is generally associated with the greetings of hello and goodbye: "Hello" to our new PTA board members, and "goodbye" to those PTA board members who have generously served our children.

But did you know that Aloha also has several other meanings: love, compassion, kindness, and grace?  As PTA leaders, we must embody the Aloha spirit in all that we do:

  • When we speak up for voiceless children, let us do it with love
  • When we speak up for families in need, let us do it with compassion.
  • When we plan a program that will strengthen our communities through teamwork, let us do it with kindness.
  • When we share our vision of acceptance within our very diverse schools, let us do it with grace

We must practice PTA "Aloha," being mindful of harmony and patience for those who choose to join us to speak up for all children and families.

As PTA leaders, we may not always agree on everything, and that is the beauty of our democracy and of PTA.

Collectively, we must always remember the one critical thing that we must all agree on: the importance of advocating for all children.

  • We must speak in one voice for all children.
  • We must learn to say Mahalo (thank you) again, and again, and again with sincerity to the parent leaders of all children. 
  • We can do this by honoring our PTA volunteers at our Founders' Day celebrations in the spring. We must learn to work in harmony with parents, teachers, and administrators, a challenge to some, once again, to benefit all children. 

As PTA leaders, we have an incredible responsibility. Each of us must carry the Aloha spirit in all that we do in PTA, as each one of us holds the key to the success of our organization and the success of all children.

Remember that First District PTA is here to support your unit and council PTAs. I can be reached at [email protected].

My heartfelt best wishes for continued successes and may the Aloha spirit touch each of you every day. Mahalo.

Diane Hyland, President
First District PTA
Electing the Nominating Committee
The nominating committee plays a central role in the life of a PTA because its decisions shape a unit's future. Its main focus is to identify potential candidates for the elected positions on a PTA board for the upcoming term.

Information about when and how a nominating committee is elected is found in your PTA bylaws. Your bylaws provide how many members and alternates are to be elected.

  • The election of the nominating committee takes place at your association meeting each year, at least sixty (60) days before the annual election meeting.
  • The school principal, or a faculty representative appointed by the principal, if not an elected member of the nominating committee, serves in an advisory capacity.
  • Notice must be posted ten (10) days prior to the association meeting when the nominating committee will be elected.

Bylaws 2020 Templates
The new bylaws templates are available for your bylaws revisions. The eBylaws system has also been updated with the new version.

When submitting your updated bylaws for review and approval, please adhere to the following:

  • Complete the First District Bylaws Change Form listing proposed amendments
  • Send the Change Form with one (1) original and two (2) double-sided copies of the updated Bylaws and Standing Rules plus four (4) double-sided Signature Pages to your Council PTA if in council, if out of council, please send to First District PTA

You can access the Bylaws Change Form and the fillable 2020 Bylaws templates HERE.

Questions? Email First District PTA Parliamentarian, Christy Brown, at [email protected].
Financial Documents Due

The following items are now due:

  • Per capita membership dues - $5.00 per new membership
  • Council and Unit Annual Financial Reports 2019-2020 (FYE 5/31 and 6/30)
  • Council and Unit Year End Audit Reports 2019-20 (FYE 5/31 and 6/30
  • Council and Unit 2020-21 Budgets

The following items are due October 1, 2020:

  • Minimum of 30 members to quality for District "Ready, Set, Remit" Award
  • Minimum of 50 members to qualify for District "Ready, Set, Remit and more" Award

The following items are due October 19, 2020:

  • Liability Insurance Premiums: Units $258, Councils $178
  • Council and Unit Federal tax, State tax and RRF-1 filings (FYE 5/31)

Please make sure to fill out and send the Financial Data Transmittal Form to both [email protected] and [email protected]. Remember, we are requiring everyone to scan and upload required documents directly to MyPTEZ. This helps cut down on the collection of paper copies and ensures that future boards have access to any info they may need.

Please always refer to the First District PTA Financial Calendar for upcoming due dates!

Follow-up: Discussion of Financial Procedures for Online Payment Collection Systems

CAPTA's Toolkit addresses Financial Procedures for the Internet with PTA accounting guidelines for online payment processors and e-merchants

A separate email will be coming soon to Council Presidents and Treasurers with additional recommendations and clarification!

Have you taken the opportunity to make sure your unit/council is in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), California Office of the Attorney General (OAG), and Secretary of State (if incorporated)?

It's easy! You will need your CT#, Corporate #, and FEIN. All of these can be found in your bylaws. They can also be found in "Document Management" in MyPTEZ.

When I need to thoroughly research a unit/council, this is what I do:

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – Click below to check the status of your federal 990N/990EZ/990 filing (TIP: I check all three, if needed, to confirm all filings):
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Charity Navigator
  • California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) – Click HERE to check on the status of your state 199N/199 filing
  • California Office of the Attorney General (OAG) – Click HERE to check the status of your charitable trust renewal (RRF-1 filing), raffle permits, and raffle reports
  • California Secretary of State (SOS) (if incorporated) – Click HERE to check the status of your SI-100 report (filed every other year by nonprofits incorporated in the state of California)

If you find that a filing is missing, your status is delinquent or any other issue, please reach out to your council PTA (or First District PTA for councils and OOC units). 

**IMPORTANT: If you have received a notice or letter from one of the above agencies, please reach out to your council and/or First District PTA as soon as possible. 

We can work together, with the support of CAPTA, to help resolve any issues!

Questions? Email First District PTA Treasurer, Jessica Sheen, at [email protected].
Census 2020
We are just are days away from the September 30th deadline, and LA County has only a 64% response rate. We are in serious danger of losing vital funding and political representation. PLEASE, be that annoying person and ask everyone you know if they have filled out the census for themselves and their household (including all children)!

A note on privacy: all residents should take the census, including citizens, permanent residents, US Visa holders, and undocumented Californians. The Census Bureau is bound by Title 13 of the US Code to keep your information confidential. This law protects your answers to the 2020 Census. Under Title 13, the Census Bureau cannot release any identifiable information about you, your home, or your business, even to law enforcement agencies. The law ensures that your private data is protected and that your answers cannot be used against you by any government agency or court. The answers you provide are used only to produce statistics. You are kept anonymous: The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or anyone else in your home.  Read more about Census privacy HERE.

November Elections
We are quickly approaching the November 3rd election. In addition to deciding national and local leadership, registered California voters will be able to make choices that affect funding for our public education. In many communities, local elections for city council and school board will have a direct impact on your school communities.

Register to vote - check your status
Please encourage all your members, who are eligible to vote, to either register and/or check their voter status. Click HERE.

Mail-in Voting
All registered voters will automatically receive a mail-in ballot for the November 3, 2020, General Election. Since early voting starts on October 5th, it is best to make sure you are registered and have your status verified as soon as possible. You may track your ballot: when it is mailed to you, received after you send it in, and counted if you register HERE  This only tracks your ballot and not how you voted. 

Because of all the concern and controversy over using the postal service for mail-in voting, please consider using one of the 300 secure voting drop boxes that will be placed around LA County 30 days before the election. Details and location (when available) can be found HERE.

In-person Voting
Voters are still able to vote in person, up to 11 days early. To help alleviate overwhelming the voting centers during a pandemic, please take advantage of either mail-in or early in-person voting. Check HERE to find voting centers that are open 11 days and 4 days before the November 3rd election.

Proposition 15: Schools and Communities First
California PTA has endorsed Proposition 15: Schools and Communities First (SCF). Because CAPTA has endorsed Prop 15, your PTA does not have to take any additional actions to promote the adopted position or share information. Your local PTA may either choose to additionally endorse the proposition or stay neutral. While your PTA is not required to actively support this adopted position, it should not, as an organization, vote to oppose Prop 15.  To learn more about Prop 15, click HERE.

If you would like to host a proposition 15 information session at your meeting, like the one we hosted at Monday's meeting, CAPTA has partnered with Schools and Communities First to develop a PTA specific and approved presentation. You may use THIS FORM to request an approved speaker to come to your meeting or event.

This calculator provides a good estimate of the funding your school district would receive if Proposition 15 passes.

Proposition 16: Repeal Proposition 209 and restore equal opportunity practices
California State PTA is proud to support Prop.16 to restore critical equal opportunity policies in state hiring, contracting, and education.  Racism and sexism still deny equal opportunities in California. Everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed — regardless of their gender, what they look like, or where they were born. This constitutional amendment asks the voters of California to vote on permitting the use of race, gender, and ethnic diversity as factors (but not decisive factors) in education, including college admissions, government hiring, and government contracting.
Click HERE to read CAPTA's initiative study on Prop 16.

Superintendents and Administrators Conference: "PTAs and Administrators - Partnering through a Pandemic"

Date: Monday, October 26th
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Where else but Zoom!

The theme for this conference stems from the May 2020 California State PTA-led listening session about parent concerns and experiences during the pandemic and school closures. We will be talking about and highlighting instances of PTA and administration collaboration to address and, in some cases overcome, the myriad of problems and challenges schools and communities have faced with COVID-19 restrictions and the move to distance learning.

If you have a story to tell of PTA / administrator collaboration that you would like to share, along with your administrator, please reach out to VP of Legislation and Advocacy, Geoff Albert at [email protected].
National PTA and California State PTA have a wealth of resources for local PTA leaders available on their websites. Be sure to sign up for e-newsletters from both organizations to stay up-to-date. Your First District PTA friends have a little website, too. 😊 Check it out!

National PTA

California State PTA

First District PTA

Questions? Email First District PTA VP of Communications, Amy Kamm, at [email protected].
Important upcoming membership due dates:

Due by October 1

  • Ready, Set, Remit – 30 memberships to First District
  • Ready, Set, Remit and More – 50 memberships to First District
  • To qualify for CAPTA membership awards – must have a minimum of 15 memberships to First District

Due by November 15

  • To be considered a unit in good standing – a minimum of 15 memberships to First District

This month's Membership Champions for Children Award goes to Burbank Council!

Questions? Contact First District PTA VP Membership, Michelle Hurst, at [email protected].
Approval of Minutes during Covid-19
 The president can appoint a committee of three people approve minutes during the term. This helps to save time at a meeting. When using this method:

  • Committee members must have been present at the entire meeting to read the minutes on behalf of the members.
  • The secretary should send a draft copy of the minutes to the committee via email, asking them to reply all with their approval or corrections.
  • The secretary can report on corrections at the next meeting.
  • During this Covid-19/Virtual environment, rather than obtaining signatures on the master copy of the minutes, the secretary will keep a copy of the approval/correction emails and attach those to the master copy of the minutes. If you are familiar with using and obtaining electronic signatures, that's good too.

Keeping track of Volunteer Hours
All PTAs are required to keep track of volunteer hours. These hours are a record of how much PTA members contribute to the school and the community. As a nonprofit organization, it is also necessary to keep track of volunteer hours for tax purposes. 

Your PTA's volunteer hours are tallied and reported through channels on the Annual Historian Report.

Every unit and council historian, or someone designated by the president, is required to prepare the annual report. The Unit Annual Historian Report Form and Council Annual Historian Report Form include instructions to document pertinent information and volunteer hour totals from July 1 and projected through June 30.

Although these forms are not due until the end of the year, this is a reminder to collect hours regularly so that it's not as difficult to put the report together.

More information is available in these handouts (click on items to download):

Sample Volunteer Hours Log Spreadsheet:

Questions? Contact First District PTA Secretary & Historian, Lourdes Wang, at [email protected].
General PTA resources for Health, Safety, Diversity, and Inclusion

National PTA

California State PTA

Health and Safety


National PTA Covid-19 Resources

California State PTA Covid-19 Resources

October is the month of:

World Mental Health Day: October 10, 2020


Domestic Violence

Diversity and Inclusion

October is the month of:

Down Syndrome Awareness

Bilingual Child
  • Founded by Language Lizard in 2006, Bilingual Child Month celebrates children who serve as bridges between cultures. Celebrate by adding bilingual books to your school or personal library!

LGBTQ History

And Shana Tova to the Jewish members of our community who celebrated Rosh Hashanah on September 18 - 20 and will observe Yom Kippur September 27 - 28.

Questions? Email First District PTA VP of Community Concerns, Kitty Cahalan, at [email protected].
Be sure to follow us on social media! We want to see what amazing things your PTAs are doing for kids!

This email was sent to all unit and council PTA officers and chairpersons, principals, superintendents, and the First District PTA Board of Directors.