January 21, 2024

Third Sunday After Epiphany

At 10 o’clock worship:

“Read the Room”

Rev. Ben Robbins

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Last Sunday's Service

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held after the service of Jan 28. Preliminary reports will be available for review on Jan 21 via email. A few printed copies will be available on Sunday for those that need a hard copy.

Opportunities to serve at the WEST VIEW HUB

The HUB recently completed the addition of a new space beside the existing center. This new space opens up plenty of opportunities for Northmont to serve the needs of our neighboring community of West View. Volunteers are needed for the existing programs, such as the twice weekly food pantry, and about eight other programs serving youth up through the elderly. The programs are listed on their excellent website. On Facebook just look up: West View Hub.

The new space is an open room for creative efforts in the arts and indoor recreation for all ages. It also features a sound room which we are invited to use for recording music.

The months of January and February are an excellent time for volunteering your talents to start a new program in an area that you are willing want to explore. If you let them know what you want to do, they will promote it, provide the space, time, and volunteers.

Questions? Contact Ken Yoest 412-855-1459 missionstuff@comcast.net

A New Thing I’m Up To:

From January to March, I will be taking an online course with the goal of receiving an Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising. This program, offered through an organization called the Lake Institute, will hopefully give me some tools and resources to better equip myself and the church to do some outreach-focused fundraising. 

Stay tuned for developments!

Next AMOS will be Jan 24 at 6 pm.

Mark your calendars for the following events.

Ligonier Retreat: 2/9-11

Confirmation Gathers: 1/28, 2/25, 3/24, 4/21, 5/19

Any questions? Contact Ben

Epiphany Service

The service of Lessons and Carols for Epiphany was outstanding! The readers, ringers, and singers did a marvelous job of conveying the Christmas story and exploring Christ as the light of the world. If you want to hear it, check out the video on YouTube.

Epiphany Service

Hymn of the Month - January

January finds us exploring a new tune that can be sung with several terrific texts. This week I’ll introduce the tune RENDEZ A DIEU and we’ll sing it to the hymn, When John Baptized by Jordan’s River.

Read More

Clef Notes

Music Director, Stephen Schall

This week we return to Green, Ordinary Time. Lent begins in a month. In the meantime, we relax and bask in the light of Christ.

What’s on the Calendar?

Sunday Jan 21

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

Fellowship to follow service

Monday Jan 22

Boy Scouts 6 pm

Tuesday Jan 23

NBC 9 am

Long Vue Garden Club 6:30 pm

Session Meeting 7 pm

Wednesday Jan 24

Knit Wits 9:30 am

Boy Scouts 6:30 pm

Thursday Jan 25

Musicians Christmas Party 6:30

Friday Jan 26

Saturday Jan 27

Boy Scouts - Stain Glass 8 am

Sunday Jan 28

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

View the full Church Calendar Here

Book Group Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus Saturday, Feb 17, 9:30

Pickleball Group — To play, 

contact Lindsey Cunko at l.cunko76@gmail.com

Dining-Out Group

Dive Bar & Grille on Babcock Boulevard, Ross Twp. on Tuesday February 20th at 6:30

Traveling God’s World Group — TBA

If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.

Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at ben@northmontchurch.org

Pastor's Corner

First Look

This video series is your first opportunity to take a look and start prayerfully pondering the scripture I’ll be preaching on that Sunday. This YouTube series is posted early each week, so look for it in your email.

Get Connected

Koehler and Phelps Class

Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room

Women’s Bible Study begins on September 12th.  The lessons are from the Horizon series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts!  We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Berean Room.  All women are invited to join us.  If you are interested, please contact Sarah Jane Beorn, sarahjanebeorn@icloud.com, or Melody Hannegan, viatoretis@comcast.net.



has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.

Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements. 

Phone: 412-366-1713

Email: wenglish14@verizon.net

Outreach Opportunities

See our latest update!

Specialized Ministry

Click the picture to learn more about each ministry.

The Reverend Ben Robbins



 (cell) 412-715-3892

(office) 412-348-0004

Email Ben

Stephen Schall

Director of Music


(cell) 412-215-297

Email Stephen

Jen Settelmaier

Administrative Assistant churchoffice@northmontchurch.org

(office) 412-364-0105

Email Jen

Bob Addleman

Financial Secretary


(cell) 412-937-1436

(office) 412-364-3539

Email Bob