
G'day, Mate! Hello, once again, from "Down Under" (Australia). I am still with my friends Rev. Wanda Floyd and Rev. Allen Mosley visiting with our friend (and fellow FMCC church member) Derrick Singletary. What a blessing to share in this time with lifelong friends. We had our start in friendship when we worked with Rev. Wayne Lindsey (then Sr. Pastor) at St. John's MCC in Raleigh, NC, as the Worship Team. The friendship with these people have kept me joyous all these years, and we have always known we could count on each other. As we only have a few more days together, I solicit your prayers for a continued safe trip. 

I want to thank Dr. Dean Coffey for the wonderful message last Sunday. What a blessing!!! Thank you so much, Dean, for sharing your gifts of ministry with us. 

This Sunday, we will be blessed by the ministry of our Pastor of Justice, Lucia Chappelle. Once again, as I do each week, I pray for the "message of the hour" for all of us (that includes me!). I know our hearts will be blessed. Thank you, Pastor Lucia, for your willingness to share the Gospel in your unique way.

I will be traveling back to Los Angeles on Tuesday, and I plan to see you next Sunday! 

God bless.

Pastor Keith
Founder's Metropolitan Community Church Announcements for the week of 5-13-22!
Lucia Chappelle Preaching
This Sunday, we welcome one of our own to the pulpit - FMCC's Pastor of Justice, Lucia Chappelle. We believe he has the "message of the hour." Thank you, Lucia, for bringing us a good word this week!

Lucia's Sermon Blurb:

As if it weren’t bad enough that they had the “Supreme Courts” of the Sanhedrin and the Romans nipping at their heels, the apostle Peter and the early church faced some interesting challenges. The news about Jesus and his followers was spreading – or put another way, the tide of spiritual and social transformation was rising – and suddenly they found themselves mixing with people who didn’t look and live like them.
Would these followers of Jesus be able to “love like Jesus” in a shifting environment? Can we? Or do we hear God’s voice and say, “You want me to talk to WHO???” I’m looking for some answers to these questions in Acts 11:1-18 and John 13-31-35, and it’ll be my honor to share some thoughts (and maybe ask more questions) this Sunday.
Meanwhile, while Peter was on a road trip to visit the Gentiles, the church in Jerusalem kept doing the work and growing in strength and Spirit. While Rev. Keith is in Melbourne visiting our brother FMCC’er Derrick Singletary (no, Derrick isn’t “the Gentiles”!), Rev. Elder Alex has had his hands full (probably a good thing!), and you can be sure that he, along with the Board, volunteer staff, media and worship teams, is doing a great job keeping our work going as we grow in strength and Spirit. Blow him a kiss when you see him in-person at church, or drop him a note of thanks (!
Saturday Night Spiritual Interfaith Service Tomorrow!
Join us online for our monthly Saturday Night Spiritual Interfaith service tomorrow, Saturday, May 14th, at 5:00 p.m. Rev. Sheena Metal leads this very moving service.
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival invites you to join poor and low-income, directly impacted people, faith leaders, and moral advocates from California, Arizona, Oregon, Utah and Washington for the The Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls Mobilization Tour in person and online Monday May 16th. Gathering at 4:30PM PT. The March will begin at 5pm PT and the Mass Assembly at 6pm.

Board Meeting - Thursday, May 19th  
Our monthly board meeting will be on Thursday, May 19th, on Zoom at 6:15 p.m. Our board meetings are open to all. 

Meeting ID: 881 9038 9766
Passcode: 803085
Online Worshipers: Send Pictures!  
If you are joining us online, we would love to share your pictures during the Passing of the Peace time of worship. Send pictures to Please include her name and your name in the e-mail. (Pictured: Dennis Bell & Harold Huckins from Tucson, AZ! )
 Writing Workshop
Continue our "Into the Wild" adventure with QueerWise/FMCC member Andy Rollyson and Pastor Lucia for a series of three weekly Zoom sessions. A final "mega-session" will be led by QueerWise founder, the renowned actor/activist/author/playwright Michael Kearns. Sign-up for any or all. Schedule to be determined based on interest. 
Use the QR code to register, or go to 

Stewardship Campaign Info  
 These are the 2022 Stewardship Refocusing Our Vision Campaign totals so far.  

Estos son los totales de mayordomía de 2022 Reenfocando Nuestra Visión

Tithes 37 @ $156,630.00
Building Fund 13 @ $5,182.00
Please take some time this week to prayerfully consider your financial commitment for 2022. Then, fill out the Stewardship Commitment Card either in person or online at We so appreciate all that you commit to make Founders MCC a vital part of our lives.
New Church App Coming Soon!!!
Volunteer Opportunities!
Food Available
Food Delivery

Our Food Delivery is every Friday Morning between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M.

Food Distribution

Each Saturday, our church offers food to those who are in need. In addition to the HopeNet food that comes each week, we have started offering fresh produce from Food Forward. Come by from anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning to pick up food.  
If you haven't done so already, please send a picture of your vaccination card to so the check-in line will run quickly on Sunday!  
Vaccinations for those 5 years of age and older:
Free Home Covid Test Kits 
Tithes & Offerings
Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.
Hospitality - online - after worship!
Don't forget that we have a time of Hospitality after worship each Sunday. The link is at the top of the first page of our website. Come and have some fun with your church family!
The General Conference business meeting will be held totally online this year for the first time ever. This means more delegates around the world can participate in the democratic process of our denomination. Being online also gives an opportunity to try a new way of conducting our business together and shifting our culture. This new approach will help us hear more perspectives and build more consensus prior to the Business Meeting.

There is no one time that is convenient for all time zones. May we be gracious and understanding as we do our business in new ways, allowing for the fullest global voice possible.

The business meeting will be held on Saturday 16th July for all time zones*

6:00am PDT,  8:00am CDT,  9:00am EDT,  10:00am BRT,  2:00pm BST,
3:00pm CEST SAST,  4:00pm EEST EAT,  9:00pm PHST,  11:00pm AEST

 *apart from NZT, where it will start at 1am Sunday 17th July. 

For those who may have concerns about preparations or restedness for Sunday preaching, we will provide a video sermon that may be used for Sunday 17 July.

There will be a separate registration for voting delegates for the Business Meeting. Information on when and how to register will be sent out later.

The Business FORUM will be held on Thursday 7th July at the same times, apart from NZT, where it will be very early - 1am - Friday 8th July.
The Business Process

In order to give as many people as possible a chance to contribute to the discussion before the Business Meeting, the business process will be in four stages. More details will be provided with the business packet, which will come out in early June. Here is a brief overview:

Stage 1. Discussion Circles - June - various times and languages
These facilitated online discussions will take place at varying times in June and in different languages. Anyone can participate, particularly delegates, in any of the Discussion Circles to discuss items on the business agenda. Notes of suggestions and questions about motions and bylaw proposals will be taken at each Discussion Circle and given to the authors of motions and bylaw proposals. They will also be posted on the conference website, so all delegates can see what others have raised. 

Stage 2. Business Forum - Thursday 7th July - see times above
The Governing Board, Moderator, and Commissions will be available to answer questions related to their reports and receive feedback. There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the Governing Board candidates. Motions and bylaw proposals will be presented with any changes from the original versions highlighted (as a result of the input from the Discussion Circles). There will be opportunity to suggest any further amendments for consideration by the authors. 

Stage 3. Business Meeting - Saturday 16th July - see dates and times above
This will be our official Business Meeting. Reports will be received and any previously submitted motions will be formally made. Voting will happen in stage four. We will hear a limited number of delegates speak for or against a motion. Most of the discussion will have occurred in stages 1 and 2. There will be no further amendments to motions and no new motions from delegates at this stage. This is to ensure that the business content is all translated, culturally comprehensible and accessible to our global delegates.

Stage 4. Virtual Voting - 17th or 18th July
Most votes will take place in a 24 hour period after the Business Meeting and results then announced online. If there needs to be a second round of voting for the Governing Board candidates, voting delegates will be informed of the time and details. 
The Process for Motions

In order to manage the complexities of a large number of delegates seated in two houses online, who do not share the same primary language, the Governing Board has decided that all substantive motions (see example below) to come before the Business Meeting must be received in writing by the Clerk of the Governing Board, Rev. Elder Diane Fisher by Sunday 22nd May 2022. This is so the motions can be translated and distributed before the Discussion Circles and Business Forum, and to allow time for lay delegates to consult with their congregation. Motions may be modified by their author, having received feedback from the Discussion Circles and the Business Forum.

There will be no new motions accepted from delegates during the Business Meeting itself. Having all motions in writing beforehand means that all delegates will be able to have time to consider the motions on which they will be voting, prior to the meeting. These motions will be discussed during the Discussion Circles and Business Forum. During those times, any suggested amendments may be offered to the authors for consideration. Final versions of any motions will be made available prior to the Business Meeting. During the meeting, we will hear arguments for and against each motion.  

Only clergy, lay delegates, Council of Elders, and the Governing Board may propose motions. If you wish to submit a motion, please write it out in full, with your name and with the name of the person who is seconding the motion. 

It is helpful to provide a rationale for the motion that you are proposing - why you think MCC needs to make the change that the motion, if passed, will make. Please consider the staffing and financial implications of any changes you are proposing.

An example of a substantive motion would be:
  • Motion to request the appointment of a Commission by the Governing Board to look at a specific issue

An example of a motion that has no financial or timelines would be:
  • Motions of appreciation, to thank individuals or groups of people for their service to the denomination over the past three years

Please send your motion to no later than 22nd May. 

If you have any questions about the process, please contact the Chair of the Governance Committee, Clare Coughlin
General Conference Business Agenda

Click on this link to view or download the draft agenda for the Business Meeting. Proposed Agenda Remember this is still subject to change. A final proposed agenda will be in the Business Packet and will be on the General Conference website.
Meet Some of Our Speakers for the
Global Transformational Weekend!
1-3 July 2022

During the Global General Conference Transformational Weekend, we will be featuring a number of dynamic plenary speakers. Read more about our speakers here.

THANK YOU for your support as we navigate this new way holding General Conference!

If you have any questions or ideas you want to share with our core team about the Transformational Weekend, please contact us: 

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Business Meeting process, please contact the Chair of the Governance Committee, Clare Coughlin

We look forward to co-creating this new way of doing General Conference with you. 
Keep in Touch! |
Your Generosity is Saving Lives!

Thank you for your generosity! It is making a difference!

MCCers around the world have responded so quickly, generously, and regularly to the relief efforts for Ukraine. For MCC, this has been with our partner organization in Ukraine – ACCEPT Romania – who are working on the ground and around the clock to assist LGBTQ refugees fleeing their homelands. They are exercising such compassion and flexibility to respond to the unique needs and challenges of each situation. You’ll hear more about that later in this email.

We are also strengthening our relationships with MCC-based organizations who are well ahead of us in meeting the needs of refugees around the world (more details below). This is a time for us to come together in solidarity and support, and we are doing that.

What we have done
Through your generous support, ACCEPT has been able to:

  • Support over 60 LGBTQ people and their families as they have crossed the border of Ukraine into Romania in search of safety.
  • Meet the needs of people who would have fallen through the cracks of other relief organizations.

We are proud to be one of ACCEPT's active supporters.

There is still so much need
The needs of the people fleeing Ukraine to save their own lives and the lives of those they love are as unique as the people themselves. Here are a few examples. 

  • Those in need of specific medical care are often unable to continue their life-sustaining treatments (i.e. HIV/AIDS medication, hormone and other treatments unique to the plight of trans individuals, etc.).
  • There are many Ukrainians who are seeking asylum, who flee to Romania because they have a route to do so, but who are ultimately traveling to another location (Romania is a transit location for many, because Romania itself is not the most friendly for LGBTQ people.)
  • Those who are called “Third Country Nationals” (people from another country who are living in Ukraine for school or work) are facing particular challenges, including unique legal challenges specific to their situation.
  • Many who consider their pets as family (so many of us do) are choosing to stay put and face dire circumstances, rather than leave their pets behind. The ACCEPT shelters have made room to accommodate this.

How you can help now
You can still give through MCC to meet these needs. We are so grateful to ACCEPT and their on-the-ground leadership. Florin Buhuceanu, a long-time MCC-affiliated activist, is a founder and supporter of these efforts. And, ACCEPT is keeping MCC up to date as things change and needs shift. 100% of any funds you contribute will go to ACCEPT. MCC is covering every administrative fee, including wire transfers, conversion rates, etc.

Here are some ways that you can donate to this effort now!

If you are in the US and are able to donate by credit/debit card, please visit:

If you would like to donate via PayPal, please visit:

If you would like to transfer funds electronically, from anywhere in the world, here are the relevant banking details:

Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-90-54
Account #: 00150202
Account Name: UFMCC UK Project (funds will be used entirely to support Ukraine)
IBAN: GB14LOYD30905404391875
ACCEPT is the first non-governmental human rights organization in Romania to defend and promote LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) rights. ACCEPT is working with partner organizations in Moldova, Ukraine, and other neighboring countries. They are establishing new relationships with other countries in Europe who are receiving refugees.

MCC works with several other affiliated and associated organizations who are engaged in justice work around the globe. We are proud to share more information with you about their efforts, and hope you will generously support these efforts as well. Each is focused slightly differently, so choose the one that best honors your intentions. This is a moment when it is essential that we work together so our support can be more effective.

The Global Justice Institute's work around Ukraine includes the entire Eastern European region. From Belarus to Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Romania, we have been actively involved in humanitarian efforts to save lives. We’ve quickly moved most of our partners out of harm’s way but continue to support some who remain stuck in Belarus and Ukraine. We provide housing and food assistance for them and communicate with them almost daily as we work to move them to safety.   

The Global Justice Institute is also partnering with 2 individuals organizing on the ground whose efforts we have been able to verify, and who are assisting those still under siege in Ukraine, and who are providing two other levels of support.

The first has to do with technology. Night vision drones are needed to find safe times to leave for those attempting to flee and for use by those attempting to get supplies into those who are hiding.

The second has to do with caring for those who are wounded and do not have access to medical facilities or emergency care. Backpacks that are designed for a second level of medical care in terms of combat action and that meet the standards of tactical medicine with things like Quikclot and Celox are being prepared, with each backpack having enough supplies to save up to 10 lives. 

Every penny contributed to The Global Justice Institute goes to support this work. We take no administrative fees and all our activists are well-experienced volunteers. To support this life saving work, go to
The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto (Canada) has a vibrant refugee ministry.
MCC Toronto is the only LGBTQ+ exclusive Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) for refugees in all of Canada. Through our work with sponsorship teams, we have privately sponsored over 55 LGBTQ+ refugees to Canada and have provided services and programming to over 3,500 LGBTQ+ refugee claimants since 2007.

They did an Instagram Live Takeover with Andrew Kushnir who is an LGBTQ+ advocate of Ukrainian descent living in Toronto and it can be viewed at:
There is also lots of great media coverage connected to MCC Toronto and their Ukrainian Relief Efforts:
So far they have only heard from 3 Ukrainians outside of Ukraine but not yet in Canada. However, they have 50 Afghans on their wait list for refugee sponsorship and are pulling together about a dozen sponsorship teams of five that have to raise $18,500 to sponsor a refugee.
MCCT expects most Ukrainian Refugees will come on a special short term visa given by the Canadian government ... and likely return home. Senior Pastor, Rev. Jeff Rock says his heart is warmed by the number of phone calls he has gotten from people offering spare bedrooms and sending funds on to Ukraine where it is needed now. And, he affirms that MCCT will be there in the long term to support folks when they arrive.
MCC Toronto has a long time congregant/connection through the Global Justice Institute who has been coming back and forth between Canada and Belarus for years. He speaks fluent Ukrainian, Russian, Belarussian, and Polish so is acting as their translator and they are ready with programming as soon as folks arrive!

To support MCC Toronto's Relief efforts, visit:
Rainbow Faith and Freedom is a Global Movement to confront religious-based LGBTQI discrimination. They are working to inspire faith communities and families to be safe places for LGBTI people by changing the hearts and minds of individuals around the world.

Rainbow Faith and Freedom was founded by Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes, C.M., Senior Pastor Emeritus of the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto.

Brent is encouraging supporters of this vibrant ministry to join MCC and ACCEPT Romania in our Ukranian relief efforts. Donation information is included above.
5th Sunday of Easter Reflection
Click on image above for YouTube video in English.
Click on image above for Vimeo video in English.
By the time we get to Acts 11, the Jerusalem “headquarters” is putting out their field reports, and they sound kind of weird.

  • Philip is caught up by the Spirit and welcomes Samaritan people into the new church.
  • Philip, still in the Spirit, welcomes an Ethiopian eunuch to the new church.
  • Ananias admits into his home the murderer Saul, our enemy.
  • Then we learned that Pedro enters a house of non-Jewish people and allows them to enter.

Philip and Ananias, it's fine; But Peter? It can not be true. Peter is one of us. Well, maybe this was fine in Samaria, Gaza, Damascus and Caesarea, but this is Jerusalem.

Samaritans, Eunuchs, Pagans, oh, God.
Peter, what's going on?

Peter begins: «Let me meet you right where you are, and I will take you step by step. Prayer led me into a trance, trance led me into a vision." Peter tells a story that ends with a voice from heaven: “What God has made clean you shall not call unclean or profane.”

Prayer, trance, vision, voice.

"And that's how it happened. So the Spirit totally blessed them while also blessing us. Just like us. It was so fast, I didn't even finish my sermon. And I had to step aside so as not to get in the way of God's work."

Prayer, trance, vision, voice, spirit…everything I was taught was falling apart. He was no longer unclean.

Habits, beliefs, rules, as it had always been. Everything fell apart.

Prayer, trance, vision, voice, experience of the spirit.

Queer singers Jo Lampert and Ryan Amador perform “Define Me.” The song turns from the ways we were called unclean people, to asking the world to "define us as we are, as God's creatures." In essence, singing that What God Made Clean Thou Shalt Not Call Unholy.

We just started the party, tonight
Where people will be indefinite.

We're starting the party right here
Where people will shake off tears.

With prayers, trances, vision, voice, interruption of the Spirit, God will open a way from what we thought we knew, to the realm of the here and now.

Define me, in English: (Spanish lyrics below).

Eternal God, Mother and father of all, all of us, spirit that interrupts, take us by the hand right where we are, and lead us step by step, towards a deeper place within your love, trusting that we are fully defined as your creatures. Send rain, Holy Spirit, shower us with your love. Amen.

Lyrics of Define me in Spanish:

Define me with all your words,
So find me a lesson to learn
You can mark me or burn me, I won't let it hurt
Define me for what I am, how about 'a common man'
I'm not a danger to you, I do my best
And if I'm defined by what I do,
So what am I supposed to call you?
The shadow of a broken past that you abused
And if I can stand on both feet
I will break the wall where we will meet
I'm going to document our combination for you.

Let's start a party tonight
Where the people will be indefinite
And they will love whoever they want
When the trial is over and we don't have to hide
We're starting this party right now
Where people can shake off their doubts
And send your love as you move through the crowd
And people can shout that they love a man or a woman
And no one will be judged for love
And I can't be judged for who I am

Define me with broad clichés
But I will suffer no hate for a stranger's mistake
I have already fought on the borders of the needs of society
And now I'm not trying to please
it's liberating
Define me as a creature of God
I am human and we are all in nature
In the end, this land is as much mine as yours
So let's unite as friends, and if I can rest
In the bed of nature, without the roses killing me,
I believe that the earth has a point,
And we are a moving joint
And if I can say my prayers at night
I think I'm doing something right
Let's open a safety song
And spend the night like this

Let's start a party tonight
Where people will be indefinite and love who they want
When the trial is over and we don't have to hide
We're starting this party right now
Where people can shake off their doubts
And resistance replaces mass tolerance
And everyone applauds that they love a man or a woman
And no one will be judged for love
And I can't be judged for who I am
Do you love a man or do you love a woman
And no one will be judged for love
And I can't be judged for who I am
Rev. Elder Troy Treash

Click here to view the Council of Elders' Bios:
Founder's Metropolitan Community Church Board Of Directors
Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Martin Covarrubias (Vice Moderator)
Ken An (Treasurer)
Kim Doneche (Clerk)
Gef Aviles (Stewardship)
Roger Owens (Member)
Bob Stayton (Member)
Parking Available
Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance.