November 10th
Attractive Meetings: Meetings that make your club thrive. Learn how to structure your meeting, signing up members for roles and having a full agenda. Pooja Joshi, B3 Area Director and Dennis Dawson, Past District Governor
Register here
November 12th
Train the Trainer: We will review the difference between Speaking and Training; how to perform aGap Analysis; the difference in Communication Styles; what are Adult Learning Principles; how to Facilitate; the use of Questions to move the learning forward; how to manage Problem Participants; how to plan your Club Officer Training Session; how to manage training online and in person.
November 15th - Club Growth After Hour
Club feeling fatigued. Members feeling dis-engaged. Low attendance at meetings. Join us to find “The Secret Sauce” that could transform your club and your member experience. Learn unique roles and sections that can aid membership and retention. Find information in D101 Calendar
November 16th
Advanced clubs are opportunities for Toastmasters to take their learning to the next level. If you are looking for opportunities for accelerating your learning, receive feedback from advanced Toastmasters, you should check out the D101 Advanced club showcase. Register