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AMP SoCal Monthly Newsletter
August 2020

  • Aug 27th - AMP SoCal Apprenticeship Innovation Forum
  • CMTC's Return to Work Guide
  • USC Vitirbi School of Engineering - Manufacturing Curriculum Update Survey

  • GO-Biz Now Accepting Applications for California Competes Tax Credits

Resource Spotlight
  • COVID-19 Resources Page
  • The Online Manufacturing Academy at Los Angeles Valley College
  • Manufacturers Marketplace by the National Association of Manufacturers

  • Women's Global Trade Empowerment Virtual Forum - August through September
  • Register for Complimentary CAMX 2020 Webinar Series - August through September
  • Space Tech Expo Connect - August 10 - 13
  • SME & AeroDef Monthly Webinar Series
  • Aerospace & Defense Forum - Upcoming Virtual Meetings & Events
  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - Upcoming Meetings & Events
  • CMTC News & Events
Apprenticeship Programs for both Existing Employees and New Hires
Manufacturing companies in today’s workplace expect employees to work smarter and contribute to the company’s success. Increasingly, advanced manufacturing companies are turning to apprenticeship to develop, grow, and retain a skilled workforce. Apprenticeship programs combine on-the-job learning with related instruction in technical areas to produce qualified, highly-productive employees for careers requiring precision skills. Today, even more emphasis is being placed on apprenticeship programs that upgrade skills of existing employees, moving them up the career ladder and opening up opportunities for new workers to the industry.

Who should attend:
  • Any A&D manufacturer who has ever had difficulty finding skilled workers or who wants to increase the skills of their current workforce.

How will it benefit your company:
  • Attend this webinar to learn about existing manufacturing apprenticeship programs in Southern California, plus what innovations are being designed to increase the productivity of the manufacturing industry workforce.
  • Learn what funding is available for your company to use an apprenticeship program.

CMTC's Return to Work Guide
While most manufacturers are back to work, the struggle to keep facilities safe and compliant with the latest rules and regulations regarding workplace safety have just begun. CMTC has developed a Return to Work Guide that's a comprehensive COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response guide for manufacturers that includes information on:

  • Expanding/resuming operations
  • Monitoring and detecting cases
  • PPE
  • Cleaning and disinfection
  • Procedures for suspected infection
  • A comprehensive checklist that will help ensure your facility is safe
USC Vitirbi School of Engineering -
Manufacturing Curriculum Update Survey
The University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering is in the process of updating their manufacturing curriculum to respond to the needs of the manufacturing industry as it adopts Industry 4.0 Technologies. They would truly appreciate your assistance by completing their survey of the required competencies at your firmIt should not take more than 10 minutes to complete the survey. Closing date for survey is 8/21/2020.

GO-Biz Now Accepting Applications for California Competes Tax Credits
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is now accepting applications for the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC). There are $80 million in tax credits available during this application period for businesses that are expanding and adding full-time jobs in the state.

The deadline to submit applications is Monday, August 17, at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time).


Visit AMP SoCal's COVID-19 Resource Page for more articles, webinars, and resources related to COVID-19
COVID-19 Webinars and Virtual Forums

Throughout Southern California daily and weekly webinars are offered to assist business owners and answer questions about federal emergency relief loans and other business financing options and resources.

The Manufacturing Academy will begin on Thursday, August 20 and the Virtual Graduation/Job Fair will be held on Friday, October 2, 2020.
Learn fundamental knowledge of Conventional & CNC Machining, Blueprint Reading, Precision Measurement Instruments, and related manufacturing topics during this interactive six-week academy offered by Los Angeles Valley College.

Orientations will be held on August 10, 12 and 17 at 10 am via Zoom. To RSVP to the Zoom Orientations, send email and resume to Roberto Gutierrez at

Participants must be unemployed and meet WIOA eligibility requirements.

Manufacturers interested in interviewing graduates on October 2nd should contact Roberto Gutierrez at
Manufacturers Marketplace by the National Association of Manufacturers

Do you have parts and supplies that can meet a need during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Manufacturers Marketplace connects manufacturers in the U.S. to help each other get what they need amid the COVID-19 crisis. This searchable database includes 140,000 manufacturers that can fill gaps in your supply chain to keep America up and running.

Women's Global Trade Empowerment Virtual Forum: August to September
The U.S. Deparment of Commerce Commercial Service presents a six-part virtual forum for women entrepreneurs who wish to boldly grow their business into new markets!

With the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), this dynamic forum provides a truly unique opportunity to gain the tools, skills and networks to build an export strategy and develop business connections.

Register for Complimentary CAMX 2020 Webinar Series: August to September
Preview the CAMX education programming with exclusive webinars, starting in August. Learn virtually from leading experts to gain a basic knowledge base and more understanding about composites. Register today at no-charge.
Space Tech Expo Connect
August 10 - 13
Space Tech Expo Connect is ready to welcome you to four days of live sessions, business opportunities and smart networking online. This event will serve as an interactive gathering place to source the latest products and solutions, hear from industry pioneers and make connections with your fellow aerospace professionals all from the comfort of your own workspace.

First Webinar August 20 - 12:00 PM PST
Pushing the Envelope on Large Bonded Structures - with the Composites Awards Special Presentation
SME wants to help you stay connected to the best and brightest in the aerospace manufacturing community via The Satellite Sessions. This series of monthly online webinars produced by the SME Technical Community and AeroDef Manufacturing cover a variety of topics ranging from “Next-Generation Automation” to “Industry 4.0 for Aerospace Manufacturing” and more, these monthly sessions will lead the way to AeroDef Manufacturing 2021 in Long Beach.

Aerospace & Defense Forum - Upcoming Virtual Meetings & Events

The Aerospace & Defense Forum is a global aerospace and defense leadership community that provides opportunities for sharing of information and analysis, mutual support and encouragement, partnering, innovation, and performance breakthroughs. Visit for descriptions and links to RSVP to any of the meetings.

A&D Forum: National Online Forums:
  • August 19: "Space as a New Market - Part 2", Marco Caceres, Senior Space Analyst, Teal Group
  • September 1: "Dealing with Today's Sales Challenges"
  • October 6: "Reshoring", Harry C. Mose, Founder and President, Reshoring Initiative
  • November 18: "Dealing with Future Sales Challenges"

A&D Forum: Chapter Meetings:
  • August 26: Joint meeting of San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles Chapters.
  • September 24: "Facing COVID-19 and Industry Disruption: An Interactive Discussion with A&D Businesses"

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) -
Upcoming Meetings & Events

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is a professional society for the field of aerospace engineering. The AIAA is the U.S. representative on the International Astronautical Federation and the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. Visit for more information.

California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) News & Events

  • Long-term Effects of COVID-19 Business Stabilization Consultants can help you develop a customized plan of action to help get your business back on track. Request a meeting today. 

  • Learn how adding a Made in CA logo to your website and marketing and packaging materials can really pay off for your business! Click here for more information.
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