
United Church

of Christ

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Through God's Spirit

we listen deeply,

build community and act for justice

 Friday, January 27, 2023 Edition

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 We encourage you to bring a digital version of the Sunday bulletin on a portable device if you are worshipping in the sanctuary, so we can begin to reduce the amount of paper we consume.

Anticipating This Sunday...

 January 29.....We begin a new series in worship this week which will carry us through Lent. We will pair scripture with a set of touchstones, guidelines which build a container for a community to enhance an ability for participants to pay attention to their own spiritual wisdom and to create a trustworthy community. These have been used by various small group series including Geography of Grace and the Soul of Aging. They are developed by the Center for Courage and Renewal.

 This week we will focus on the touchstone, "No fixing, saving, or advising, or correcting. This is one of the hardest guidelines for those of us who like to “help.” But it is vital to welcoming the soul, to making space for the inner teacher. Learn to respond to others with honest, open questions. Do not respond with counsel or corrections. Using honest, open questions helps us “hear each other into deeper speech.” 

 We will engage the Beatitudes from Matthew 5: 1-11 to look at this touchstone. We will hear an update from the Nurture Committee and experience music from August Pera and the Bryant's, along with our song leaders. 

(Check out an article in this issue for more about the touchstones.)

Parkway UCC Zoom Link Center

for Worship

Reminder :

Please use the Zoom links provided from this week's publications...

Links from previous announcements and bulletins may be outdated or void, and can cause connection issues with your zoom attendance capabilities.

Bible Study Zoom Link- Click Here! - 9:30 am
Drawdown Class Link - Click Here! - 9:30 am
SUNDAY- 11:00 am Worship Zoom Link - Click Here!
Facebook Live

Monthly Group Gatherings

Contemplative Prayer ~ Wednesday evenings at 6:15 pm

The contemplative prayer group meets on Wednesdays from 6:15pm-7pm, by Zoom. After a brief checking in, a scripture or poem is read thoughtfully several times, followed by a period of quiet. Anyone is welcome to join in.

Just before 7pm we close by saying the Lord's Prayer together.

 Please feel free to come whenever you can! Just click on the link below to join the contemplative prayer group.

Contemplative Prayer Group Zoom Link

The PUCC Men's Fellowship Group

The PUCC Men's Zoom Gathering invites you to be a part of their group. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 12pm-1pm.

Make plans to attend their next meeting on February 3!

Meeting on Feb 3rd @ 12pm -  Zoom Gathering Link 

PUCC Single Women's Group

The Single Women's Group enjoyed a meal together at Acadia Foods last Sunday. Stay tuned for more fun upcoming plans!


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Women's Nurture Group

The PUCC Women’s Nurture Group, which meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month, is open to any women who wish to build supportive and caring relationships with others. 

We are currently meeting on Zoom and may again meet in person when it seems safe. Contact Judy Aanstad for the Zoom link, and either Judy Aanstad or Diane Jenkins for more information.

Women’s Whimsical Pod

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, beginning at 11am.

This group focuses on laughter, meditation, and self-care. Join them anytime!

Group contact person: Cynthia Drew.

Women's Whimsical Zoom link
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Book Club

The book club will meet for a potluck chili supper at Ann McLain’s on February 7, at 6:00. All should bring ideas for books to read for the next 6 months.

Please let Ann know if you plan to attend. (Email Link Below)  

They are currently reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and plan to discuss it on March 7, at 7 pm. Lisa Wishon will be hosting.

All interested and avid readers are invited to attend!

Attending the Feb. Mtg.? Click here- Email Ann McLain 

News and Work of the Church

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Courage and Renewal Touchstones

 The Touchstones which will be our worship focus are core commitments to communities like our Soul of Aging series and can influence our congregational life.  Courage & Renewal programs use these Touchstones to define clear boundaries in a Circle of Trust gatherings, the kinds of boundaries that create trustworthy space for the soul. While these Touchstones define how we relate in a retreat, they can be adapted to support any relationship, workplace, community, or other group where we want to honor the integrity of the individual and build relational trust. Here are the touchstones:

Give and receive welcome. People learn best in hospitable spaces. In this circle we support each other’s learning by giving and receiving hospitality. 

Be present as fully as possible. Be here with your doubts, fears and failings as well as your convictions, joys and successes, your listening as well as your speaking. 

What is offered in the circle is by invitation, not demand. This is not a “share or die” event! Do whatever your soul calls for, and know that you do it with our support. Your soul knows your needs better than we do. 

Speak your truth in ways that respect other people’s truth. Our views of reality may differ, but speaking one’s truth in a circle of trust does not mean interpreting, correcting or debating what others say. Speak from your center to the center of the circle, using “I” statements, trusting people to do their own sifting and winnowing. 

No fixing, saving, advising or correcting each other. This is one of the hardest guidelines for those of us who like to “help.” But it is vital to welcoming the soul, to making space for the inner teacher. Learn to respond to others with honest, open questions. Do not respond with counsel or corrections. Using honest, open questions helps us “hear each other into deeper speech.”  

When the going gets rough, turn to wonder. Turn from reaction and judgment to wonder and compassionate inquiry. Ask yourself, “I wonder why they feel/think this way?” or “I wonder what my reaction teaches me about myself?” Set aside judgment to listen to others—and to yourself— more deeply. 

Attend to your own inner teacher We learn from others, of course. But as we explore poems, stories, questions and silence in a circle of trust, we have a special opportunity to learn from within. So pay close attention to your own reactions and responses, to your most important teacher.

 Trust and learn from the silence Silence is a gift in our noisy world, and a way of knowing in itself. Treat silence as a member of the group. After someone has spoken, take time to reflect without immediately filling the space with words. 

Observe deep confidentiality Safety is built when we can trust that our words and stories will remain with the people with whom we choose to share, and are not repeated to others without our permission. 

Know that it’s possible... to leave the circle with whatever it was that you needed when you arrived, and that the seeds planted here can keep growing in the days ahead.  

Be a part of these Upcoming Gatherings...

   Tuesday, January 31, 6pm Zoom discussion of WISE-sponsored Retreat

    Wednesday, February 1, 6:15pm Candlemas/Imbolc Vespers

    Thursday, February 2, 7pm WISE meeting

    Saturday, February 4, 9 am - Noon  Soul of Aging Mini Retreat

Mark Your Calendars....

Parkway United Church of Christ will hold an outdoor ritual for Imbolc or Candlemas on Wednesday, February 1, at

6:15 pm

This festival marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.  There will be song, ritual, silence, warm beverage, and snacks at this brief encounter with the more than human community coming back to life. 

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Community meeting about the extension of the Salem Creek Greenway to Lockland Avenue

   Parkway has an investment in the expansion of the Salem Creek greenway from Marketplace Mall to Lockland Avenue, and eventually beyond.

 This will also link to the anticipated sidewalk project along Silas Creek Parkway from Lockland to Miller Streets. We've also urged WSTA to prepare to include a bus shelter at the bus stop at Irving Street.

  The city will hold a public hearing Thursday, February 2, 5 pm at the Miller Park Community Center to hear from residents about this project. 

We are encouraged in partnership with Forsyth Tech to be a part of these conversations.

 Who can attend to represent Parkway?

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Ash Wednesday Ritual

   We will offer imposition of ashes, anointing, and communion with brief conversations about your intention for the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 22, 4:30 pm - 6 pm at the church building entrance. Lenten devotional resources will also be available at that time. 

What’s Happening at the PUCC Council?

The Parkway United Church of Christ Council held it’s first monthly meeting in-person and via Zoom, beginning at 7:15 pm on Wednesday, January 18, 2023. New Council President, Barb Nicklas, led the meeting. Pastor Craig Schaub remarked that it had been 3 years since the Council last held the monthly meeting in-person. Council Secretary, Margaret Morris, presented the December minutes for Council approval.

They were unanimously approved by Council members and may be found on the church bulletin board in the church hallway. Council Treasurer, Joni Yoder, gave the year-end financial report. She informed the group on Zoom and in-person that “the bottom line result for December was an increase in assets of $24,114 compared to a projected decrease of $814 for December.” As a result,

for the year, “Parkway ended the year with an excess of $17,255.30.” Yoder continued her remarks by stating that “the church is very solid financially as we begin 2023. We have 4 ½ months of operating cash on hand to pay bills.” Nicklas stated that committees and teams only have to seek Council’s approval on purchases needed that are $2,000 or more. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved and also may be located in it’s entirety on the church bulletin.

Guest PUCC Committee Chairperson for the month was Ana Tampanna of the Environmental Team that is now called The Climate Justice Team. Ana stated that ten members attended the team’s first meeting. The focus of this group is the climate and educating team members and the congregation for a better community.

The next Climate Justice Team meeting will be Wednesday, February 8 at 8 pm

on Zoom.

Next month the Council will have PUCC Member and Nurture Chairperson, Janice Nelligan, speak about the Nurture Committee. President Nicklas will develop a cycle for committee and team chairs to report to the Council during 2023.

Pastor Craig’s monthly report included informing the group that some committee reports will be during worship this month by the Worship and Education Committee and the Nurture Committee. They will inform the congregation of what’s happening with their committees.

Celebrations of the month include having “a great response to offering food to those seeking shelter at City with Dwellings; the strong attendance of thirty-five and positive energy at our recent leaders gathering; the fourteen people signed up for the inquirer’s lunch; and the recent liturgist training that had good participation.”

April 30 is the next gathering of church leaders. It will be held after worship.

Council President, Nicklas, led the discussion of the final report of Anne Tambling, Interim

Sabbatical Minister. A summary of action items was presented. It was mentioned that a new Vision team will need to delve into worship, demographics, pastoral care, personnel, property and maintenance, and the Parkway Legacy. Anyone willing to serve on this Team needs to let Barb Nicklas know by Council’s next meeting. Also, a proposal for a Virtual Worship Host/Leader was discussed by the group. This, updating the security alarm system, and better security for our church website and technology were discussed, but no action was taken on these topics.

Committee and Team Liaisons for the year and their assigned committees or teams are as follows:

Kay Wood - Nurture Committee

Barb Nicklas - Personnel Committee

Joni Yoder - Finance Committee

Diane Stallings - Worship and Education Committee

Ken Vanhoy - Property Committee

Nancy Vargas - Community Engagement Committee

Jim Maddrey - Pastoral Relations Committee

Margaret Morris - Nominating Committee

Ana Tampanna - Climate Justice Team

Kay Wood - Justice and IAF Team

Adelaide Beeker - W.I.S.E. Team

These individuals will communicate with the assigned committee or team chairperson and team members and communicate any needed information to Council members. Committee or team meeting attendance is optional for liaisons.

The Council meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. The next meeting will be held again in-person in the church fellowship hall and via Zoom. It will be on Wednesday, February 15 beginning at 7:15 pm.

Until then, this is what is happening with the Council.

Submitted by: Adelaide Beeker

A note from the Finance Team:

2022 Annual Finance Statements have been sent via the email Please review them carefully. 

You may contact Patti Woodard ( if you have any questions. 

If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please call the church office at (336) 723-1395. Thank you!

Generosity in 2022

Parkway UCC gave around 11% of our ministry plan to various community efforts toward mercy and justice.  This includes significant support for our UCC Western North Carolina Association, Southern Conference, and National Setting of the UCC. We also supported the Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC, North Star LGBTQ Community Center, the Shepherd's Center, Triad Restorative Justice, several organizations supporting mental health, Samaritan Ministries, Crisis Control, the Martin Luther King, Jr. scholarship for local students to go to college, meals for City with Dwellings.  Beyond our ministry plan, Parkway and congregational friends gave additional support to the following special offerings:

Families impacted by the Weaver Fire through Marvin UMC and Love Out Loud  $900

World Relief for Refugee Resettlement $2,000

Memorial Giving $ 20,400.00 

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering of the UCC to support disaster relief and global self-sufficiency $ 953.00 

Neighbors In Need Offering supporting local congregations in justice efforts $618.00

CROP Walk to address hunger locally and globally $3,266.00 

Christmas Fund of the UCC to support church professionals without sufficient health care or retirement support $752.50 

Konnoak Community Freedom School Offering/Concert for field trips $368.00 

Strengthen the Church Offering to support creative new church starts in the UCC $241.50

Discretionary Fund Giving $ 2,044.45 

As part of our outreach commitment, Parkway offset our carbon footprint with a gift to Blessed Tomorrow's project for faith communities. Specifically we supported efforts this past year to work with small farmers in Southeast Asia in regenerative agriculture to avoid destruction of peat bog habitats for palm oil production.

Combining our $10,500 in ministry plan commitments with special gifts (minus giving to the memorial fund), Parkway in 2022 gave almost $22,000 beyond our congregation. 

Below is a chart made by Joni Yoder to share

PUCC Ministry's Finance Plan Outline for 2023

Thank you for your time, your gifts and dedication!

Leaf Removal Concerns

If Members of the congregation are concerned about delayed neighborhood leaf pick up and fear water run-off damage on their property, I would be available to help remove your leaves. But first, I’d need to borrow a pick up. 

If you need help and especially if you can loan me a truck to help others, call me at 336-692-8828. Bill Donohue

YOGA Class at Parkway...

Have you tried it yet?

Come out to stretchhhhh...

It's a great way to help your mind and body relax!

Where?: PUCC

When?: Wednesday Evenings

Time?: 5:30pm

Questions?- contact Margaret Morris at the link below.

Yoga Info- Email Link for Margaret Morris

A special thank you is extended to all of our newest members and friends that were able to attend last Sunday's Inquiry Lunch.

We are thrilled to have you join us through worship and activities. We will continue to look forward to building community with you at Parkway UCC.

A Note With Gratitude

"Thank you to everyone who sent me a birthday card this month.

 It was my 94th birthday and I got more cards than in the past 93 years!"

~ Pat Van Cleve

A thank you note to the church

Dear Parkway UCC,

Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

With your recent gift we are better equipped to welcome and serve even more refugee families this new year. Thanks for investing in our work of rebuilding lives and restoring hope to those in vulnerable situations. We will look forward to facing the challenges and opportunities in the year ahead with your continued support. Blessings to you in this new year!

With Appreciation,

Jon Musser, Mission Services Director, World Relief (Triad)

Be in the know....

Did you know that by just one "like" or one "share" of a Facebook post or Instagram post you can help others learn and see what Parkway UCC is all about?

I urge you to get active! Share those pictures of church group events , it gets your friends and others inspired and inquisitive!

Others in the world want to find your type of joy, acceptance and peace too... you can help them to find it, from the simplest of ways, even on social media.


Ann Miller Owens - PUCC Office Admin./ Social Media Admin.

PS~ A special thank you goes out to the committee chairs that have recently reached out through email with your updated leadership info.~ A.O.

Neat fact for today:


Whether you bake up a storm, or go for a sweet treat at your local cafe or restaurant, today you’ve got a great excuse to indulge your sweet tooth.

Chocolate Cake Day is as sweet as it sounds; just remember to share some cake with your friends!

We look forward to seeing you soon at Parkway!

Parkway United Church of Christ

1465 Irving Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Office Phone. 336-723-1395

Office Email:

Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 AM- 2 PM